camp THE DANGER OF ROSES // intro


walk the shadows
Nov 13, 2023

The cool crisp air of the morning stung his lungs as he took in his first deep breath of the day after leaving the warmth of his nest. It was enough of a jolt to wake him and it reminded him that there was work to be done. The black and white furred tom gave a slow roll of his shoulders before he made his advance into the heart of the camp so he could begin the process of brushing away the fallen pine needles from the ground. It would be a pity if any of the young kits pricked their paws.

The job hardly kept him busy for long and soon enough his gaze was scouring for more jobs that needed done within the confines of the camp. "Hrm... perhaps the walls could be reinforced, or fresh bedding retrieved?" He murmured to himself as he pondered over his options.
✦ ★ ✦
Coyotetooth had been up a while when Longthorn emerged from the warriors den. The crisp air harsh against his fur, the reminder that leafbare was descending upon them. There was plenty to do before the frost hit the ground. Darkness had been his companion for a few moments in time, but now the sun had emerged from the horizon and was beginning its journey through the graying skies. The typically quiet tom had found himself a perch for only a few moments after his hunting trip to the sycamore grove. Plenty of large snipes had been added to the pile now that Chilledstar, Smogmaw, and Coyotetooth had completed their patrol the day before. The felidae now needed something else to do.

The chocolate tabby watched with careful amber eyes before deciding to approach the other. Hearing the other speak of reinforcing the walls, the tabbied tom agreed. “Reinforcing is always a good idea, especially the nursery considering Ferndance is now expectin. I have a feelin that leafbare is going to be harsh this year. Maybe we should gather supplies outside of the camp and have a few more warriors get off their laurels to help.” Coyotetooth hoped the other would agree to this, but he couldn’t be sure.


The reason behind Leaf-fall's etymology is worn on his pelt for all to see. Pine needles by the dozens, bestrewn throughout greyish strands like stars glistering veiled skies. They'd collected when the deputy crossed through the hollow's entrance, greeted by an abrupt draught that brought down an entire cascade. The ones to have landed in his mouth were promptly spat out, the bitter taste still tart on his tongue, and it's for this reason that he has yet to clean his coat. Soured lips peel over off-yellow fangs, and Smogmaw returns from his lonely pre-dawn patrol with a grudge.

A scratchy hum rises in his throat upon taking stock of Longthorn and Coyotetooth's presence. The former appears neck-deep in some piddling task, sweeping his paws along camp's muddy floor, whilst the latter lets loose a verbal barrage on other duties demanding completion. There's a beautiful sincerity in seeing folks put on altruistic performances; it's a quite the step up from the outright apathy he's become acclimatised to. "Good morning," the tom offers once towards Longthorn, whereas the younger warrior is given a brief nod. "Anyone fancy a dawn patrol? I haven't been out in the swamp in... a few minutes." Just then, a shiver seizes him fully—shoulders, spine, hips, dignity, all succumb to a shaking fit, and a billow of needles fall to the mud underfoot.


The tom flicked a single ear as he granted Coyotetooth some acknowledgement as he considered the other's input. "When isn't it a harsh leafbare? I have no idea why folks bother havin' kits at this time of year." It was a poor choice in his opinion, but he supposed that was life. He'd do what he could for the clan, especially for the sake of the little ones.

Before he could begin the process of mustering up some more warriors or apprentices for the reinforcing duty, Smogmaw made an appearance. He offered a nod of his head in greeting before taking heed of the offered patrol. "Ya know what, sure. I'll tag along, might find some useful stuff to take back for-..." The tom's words died on his tongue upon bearing witness to the renewed scattering of pine needles upon the ground, shed from Smogmaw's unruly pelt. Longthorn let his focus drift between that of the ground and of Smogmaw with clear irritation on his features. "Really?" If the other hadn't held the rank of deputy then Longthorn would have forced the other tom's nose down into the mud and pine needles as punishment.

Steadying his anger, the tom stepped off towards the camp's entrance. "Come on, lets just get this o'er with."
✦ ★ ✦
He nodded. Leafbare had always been a struggle for survival. He, himself, had been just a kit when leafbare was in full swing. The struggle to survive, the memories of his one littermate passing due to malnutrition. The tabbied feline was quiet in thought, his green gaze traveled from the tuxedo tom to the gray tabby. Coyotetooth looked to the deputy, listening as he spoke. "I would be. As always." The warrior started his trek next to Longthorn, but then he looked to Smogmaw. With a flick of his tail, the tom brushed some of the needles that had fallen on him and then motioned to the deputy with his paw when the pine needles rested on his steel colored fur.

With a small jaunt, the tom noticed the anger coming from the tuxedo tom. Curious. His eyes narrowed slightly at the intrigue, deep in thought, studying the features of the two. Was it something that Smogmaw had said? Or was it something had come between the two? It was interesting to him, but he remained quiet and did not get involved. "Who would like to lead the way?"