The dark side of the moon {Dual Training}

Jun 14, 2022
( ) Deersong said goodbye to her kittens as she and Thistleback prepared to leave. It was the queen's first time away from her kits, but she knew they would be safe in camp with Churrodream and Blazestar around. Whether Skyclan was safe from them, well that was a different story. Deersong had made them swear that the camp would at least still be standing when they came back, and if Blazestar wasn't pulling his fur out from trying to keep them all in control, she would call that a win.

Giving them each a loving nuzzle, the mother would nod to her mate and lead the way to the camp entrance where she spotted Quillpaw and Snowpaw waiting for them. Her gaze would be as kind and patient as ever as she greeted them both with attempts at nose touches before she spoke, "Are you two ready to start? Today is going to be a bit different than your usual training, so be ready." The deputy would smile at the two with a mixture of excitement and something else in her gaze that seemed unreadable.

@ThistleBack @Snowpaw @Quillpaw



Unless Quillpaw was specifically summoned to handle a chore there, he made a point not to go anywhere near the nursery after Deersong kitted. He'd bring fresh moss to change out the nests, would delivery fresh prey to the nursing queens, and then would promptly leave as soon as the opportunity arose. He mentally cursed himself for having the bad timing of his punishment stacking up in time with the Deputys kitting, and more than once he'd considered trying to convince Butterflypaw to go instead. He never did though, knowing it wasn't fair to push his chores off on her.

Today luckily didn't see him tending to anything in the nursery. Instead, he and Snowpaw had been scheduled to go out training together with Deersong and Thistleback, which was only somewhat better. Ever since that first day, where the spiky black and white tomcat had shown up int he apprentices den and flipped Quills nest over with him in it, the chimera had been put to work nonstop. If he wasn't doing his regular chores, plus the extra chores in the nursery and elders den, then he was out in the territory somewhere with Thistleback training or patrolling. It was ten times more brutal than anything he'd had to deal with when Sharpeye had been training him, but somehow Quillpaw hadn't snapped yet. Maybe it was just his classic defiant streak over refusing to admit defeat to Thistlebacks harsh methods, or maybe this was just the youths way of punishing himself, but either way he stubbornly got up each morning before the sun rose and worked throughout the day.

Already seated by the camps entrance with Snowpaw, he found it a little ironic that they were the ones waiting on their mentors. Oh well. At least Thistle couldn't give him shit for being late.

"What are we gonna be doing today?" Quill asked, curiosity snagged by Deersongs clear excitement.

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders
The presence of Deersong was something that lulled Thistleback’s harsher sides into a slumber, his gaze was still sharp and calculative, his claws of duty still sting unto his apprentice but he was noticably more relaxed and would offer ease to a non-stop workhorse he had turned Quillpaw out to be. Not that Sharpeye’s methods were not good, but Thistleback was just a higher caliber. Expectations, discipline, and execution of duty. These were the things he would hammer into that kid’s thick skull. Loyalty, love, and spiritual strength was his wife’s department. A foreign concept to him, so at times he would ask the deputy to take to Quillpaw. To offer that gentle touch Thistleback was incapable of.

" w’ere going to raid Windclan " he jokes but it’s spoken so monotone and deadpan, one could imagine it was spoken without jest. He’d let his mate answer any of their questions, his shoulders were aching as of late. Muscle tremor and twinge at random, it was enough to tighten his jaws around his teeth.

" Good morning, Snowpaw. Sleep good? " he enjoyed being nicer to other apprentices in front of Quillpaw. It was another strategy in making the boy tougher, whether it took to the skin or not? was up to the stony faced kid and his secretive past.

  • MqZ0nzd.png
    ✧ T H I S T L E B A C K
    thirty-three moons
    — warrior of Skyclan
    taken by
    Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring quillpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes. ・゚✧
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