pafp THE DAWN OF THE NIGHT [playing]

Feb 28, 2024
π– °π– ° Now that he’s free to toddle around camp without fear of getting lost, it seems to Branchkit that the entire world has begun to open around himβ€”a blooming flower, and he is at its center. The petals gradually lower, and more and more becomes apparent to the little tom. The marshland around them is gloomy at first glance, but it is wonderful to see how the sunlight reflects off the needle-laden pine trees surrounding camp. Branchkit is glad for the barrier that keeps them safe from the outside world, but at the same time he wishes he could just see past it all and into the wide world of ShadowClan’s territory.

But for now, Branchkit and his littermates are confined to the boundaries of camp. He may not be able to explore the territory, but he can still have fun with his sister. Bounding over to the other lilac-furred kit, he drops into a bow, a bright grin crossing his muzzle. "C’mon, play!" He chirps out the invitation with a tiny flicker of his tail, paws bouncing up and down against the ground. The eagerness is clear upon the little tom’s expression, excited to pounce at his sister the moment she agrees to itβ€”and perhaps even if she doesn’t agree.

// @Gigglekit

Playing was, in Gigglekit's opinion, quite possibly the best way to spend one's time. That, or taking naps - she wasn't sure between the two which was the best, now that she was thinking about it. They both had their pros and cons, and she was trying to straighten those out in her mind when she was invited to play by her brother, Branchkit. For now, this solidified in Gigglekit's mind that playing was the best way to spend one's time. She loved playing with her brothers, and she wasn't going to pass up this opportunity.

"Yeah!" Gigglekit replied with a small laugh, mimicking Branchkit's stance for a moment before she started to bounce back and forth on her paws, evidently too excited to stand still in the face of playtime. Calming herself down enough to get her thoughts straight, Gigglekit aimed to bat a paw at Branchkit's ear, careful to keep her tiny claws sheathed lest she do damage to her dear brother. "You're it!"
  • !
  • GIGGLEKIT ✩ kit of shadowclan, one moon
    blinks incessantly & uncontrollably.
    β†’ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    β†’ penned by Archivist β†’ .archivist on discord.


Lounging close to the middle of the camp, all four of Ferndance's limbs were splayed out as she did her best to catch as much of the sun as possible before her night patrol. Familiar, squeaky voices caused the crescent-shaped cat to suddenly tilt her head back, eyes fluttering open into a squint to watch the two figures enjoy the day in a different way. Kittens always had so much energy; she was almost envious of it. Rolling onto her belly, the cinnamon tabby began to purr at the sight. Her heart often found itself warmed by the way that her family played with each other, with how young Gigglekit and Branchkit were, it was safe to say that the fuzzy feeling was often permanent whenever she was in camp. "Go get her Branchkit." A wild smile appeared on Ferndance's maw as she encouraged her son, tail lashing as if encouraged to jump into the game herself.

π– °π– ° His littermate agrees to play with him rather quickly, and the lopsided smile on Branchkit’s face grows even brighter. Gigglekit is a fun sister, and as she drops into a stance similar to his, his little striped tail flickers back and forth with excitement. Then, to his surprise, the other lilac kit sways at his ear, nearly knocking him off balance. "Hey!" He makes to take off after her, hearing his cinnamon-striped mother’s encouragement. Clumsy paws don’t carry him very quickly at first, but once he manages to steady himself, he pounces at the other kit…

And trips. His eyes fly wide open as he strikes out with a soft paw in an attempt to tag Gigglekit back, and then the little tom tumbles onto his stomach in the dirt. He’s quick to pick himself back up, his lower lip wobbling as tears prickle at kitten-blue eyes. But then he gives a little hop, standing up straight once more. "’m okay!" He cries out, the smile returning to his face just as quickly as it had disappeared.

Gigglekit just feels the tip of Branchkit's paw against her as he tags her back, but before she can protest or turn to start trying to get him back in the never-ending cycle that the game was, she stopped when she saw that brief moment of crisis on her brother's face. The tears that threatened to fall from Branchkit's eyes might have been held back, but at the sight of it, Gigglekit's own eyes start to water and she wrinkles her nose, sniffling.

"Did'ya get hurt?" Gigglekit whimpers as she all but abandons the game to rush over to her brother's side, tears starting to roll down her cheeks as she brushes up against Branchkit despite his reassurances that he was fine. Gigglekit would never call herself a crybaby, and maybe had never even heard of such a thing, but she did know that her eyes were quick to wet when the slightest things went wrong.

*+:q.q Bonepaw had never been the playful type when he was his half-siblings' age. He preferred to keep to the back of every activity, drinking in the sight before him from his shadowy vantage point. He liked watching the way cats moved and talked, their expressions and mannerisms - how some cats twitched this way before pouncing, and other cats made that kind of face before telling a lie. He most enjoyed how different cats responded to stimuli about their playmates, whether they told a cat to cheer up out of fear of retribution or the integrity behind an empathetic embrace when no one was watching. His siblings were always the most fun to watch, but he did find appreciation when they dragged him into their imaginative games and pranks.

Bonepaw missed the days when he and his littermates had endless time on their paws. He wished he'd spent less time watching and more time participating. Maybe their absence wouldn't feel so painful if he had...though the family boy doubted he'd ever stop feeling that ache.

Approaching quietly, eyes never leaving the fun game his two lilac siblings danced to, he sat beside his mother. A smile graced his features as the cold ache in his stomach eased ever so slightly. As of late, that ache in his chest gnawed harsher for every day Bloodpaw was stuck healing in the medicine den. Thus, it was nice to have this moment of levity, watching his littlest siblings play - safe and sound.

But oh so quickly the peace broke with the awful sound of his little brother's whimper. Bonepaw rose to his feet immediately, mind flashing to Bloodpaw - how she must've whimpered when she'd received that wound - had she cried for her family, or held it all in? She'd always been one of the toughest. Damn it, Bloodpaw. His frantic thoughts didn't quite quell by the time he padded over to the smallest NettleDance members, despite the two seeming okay, save for both of them crying.
Nothing hurt more than to see them crying.

"I think he's alright, Gigglekit" Bonepaw would mew, relieved to see his brother confidently bouncing on his leg. But poor Gigglekit still seemed emotionally affected. After a quick scan of his brother's paw and shoulder and how he carried himself, Bonepaw was satisfied he was honestly okay before considering what he could do to help Gigglekit's woes.

Reaching out, he takes Branchkit's paw in his own, before moving his wrist so his little lilac paw presses against Bonepaw's pale chest "Um. I have been...tagged?" he offers, hoping to encourage the kids to resume their play.

    ☠ Shadowclan β€” apprentice
    ☠ DMABβ€” He/Him β€” Unsure
    ☠ 6 moons β€” Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    ☠ Son to Ferndance x Needledrift
    ☠ Littermates with Bloodpaw, Shadepaw, Snowypaw
    ☠ Half-brother to Gigglekit, Morelkit, Branchkit
    ☠ Apprenticed to Nightwhisper

    ☠Physically easy | mentally hard
    ☠ Attack in bold #738171
    injuries: None currently
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Needledrift’s kits are bigger now. They toddle around the nursery, their tiny tails sticking straight up, their kit-fluff poofing from their little frames. Marblekit marvels as they pad out of the nursery and into ShadowClan’s campβ€”Branchkit isn’t afraid to be out there, and neither is Gigglekit. The two of them frolic without a care while Ferndance and Bonepaw watch and encourage them gently in their play. Marblekit’s heart stings; she can remember when she was that little, when she and Sycamorekit would play on cool asphalt, pads scraped by the harsh earth.

Can she even play like that anymore? She feels a heaviness now in her chest, a sense that she does not belong, a sense of outrageous loneliness that she cannot shake. Part of her itches to join the smaller kits in their game, but another part whispers in her hear, its voice edged with venom: They don’t want you to play. They don’t want you here.

Marblekit exhales through her nose, watching from a few foxlengths away. They are of the mire, born to ShadowClan, and they have two non-treacherous parents, no traitor’s mark on their pelts. It would be wrong to try and join their game, she thinks.

  • ooc: β€”
  • pcAn1D5.jpeg
  • Marblekit, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    β€” β€œspeech”, thoughts, attack
    β€” 3 moons old, ages realistically on the 1st.
    β€” mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    β€” shadowclan kit, formerly a rogue. siltcloud x lilacfur, gen 3.
    β€” currently mated to n/a.
    β€” penned by Marquette.

    sh fawn tabby with dull green eyes. bossy, brazen, outgoing, conniving, mischievous, skeptical, spiteful.

π– °π– ° Branchkit shakes himself off, sniffing only once as he positions his paws sturdily beneath him. He’s alright, but Gigglekit seems more worried about him than he is. He didn’t get hurt that badβ€”he didn’t even cry, and that’s a good thing! "’m okay, Bibs," he repeats in an attempt to reassure his sister. But concern quickly lights his expression as tears well up in Gigglekit’s eyes and begin to spill over. She’s crying because of him… "Don’ cry!" His protest is soft, uncertain of what he should say or do to get his sister to stop crying.

Lucky for the little tom, his big brother makes his way over, offering Gigglekit his own assurances that Branchkit is alright. Then the older tom takes Branchkit’s paw in his own, shifting so it taps against his chest, and declares that he’s been tagged. Branchkit isn’t it anymore! "You’re it! RUN!" With a bright grin and a flick of his tail in Gigglekit’s direction, the tabby-striped kit darts off across the camp. His path away from Bonepaw carries him past where Marblekit sits, off to the side by herself, and the lilac tabby dives behind her, fully intent on using the she-kit as a shield against his older sibling. "Don’ let ’im get you," he whispersβ€”if he’s quiet, maybe Bonepaw won’t be able to find him at all to tag him.

Quick to cry, Gigglekit is also quick to stop when Bonepaw and Branchkit both reassure her that Branchkit is alright. Really, that's all she needed to know, and she sniffles, drying the last of her tears with a paw before she's getting herself back into the game at paw. Now, Bonepaw is playing, and is it, so she has to avoid him or there would be consequences!

Squealing, Gigglekit takes off as fast as her little legs can carry her, as far from Bonepaw as she can manage to avoid being tagged and becoming it. In her peripheral she can see Branchkit hiding behind Marblekit, and she smiles - now Marblekit is playing with them, too!

"You don't wanna be it!" Gigglekit calls over her shoulder to Marblekit, just in case she didn't know the rules too well.

Marblekit’s green eyes round with surprise as Branchkit pelts toward her, giggles streaming from the corners of his mouth. He dives unceremoniously behind her, using her as a sort of shield from his sister’s paws. β€œDon’t let β€˜im get you,” he whispers from her backside, and she turns to look at him with a startled expression. β€œUh… okay, but what if—” She has no time to hear an answer or finish her inquiry; Gigglekit rushes their direction, telling her, You don’t wanna be it!

Marblekit gazes at Bonepaw, then nods, understanding. He’s β€œit” right now, and if he gets someone, they have to be β€œit.” It’s simple enough! She feels a little thrill flutter in her tummy at being included, and she leaps to her paws, giving Branchkit and urgent look. β€œWe gotta run, too!” With that, she hares off as fast as she’s able to, hoping Bonepaw will elect to chase one of his younger siblings.

  • ooc: β€”
  • pcAn1D5.jpeg
  • Marblekit, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    β€” β€œspeech”, thoughts, attack
    β€” 3 moons old, ages realistically on the 1st.
    β€” mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    β€” shadowclan kit, formerly a rogue. siltcloud x lilacfur, gen 3.
    β€” currently mated to n/a.
    β€” penned by Marquette.

    sh fawn tabby with dull green eyes. bossy, brazen, outgoing, conniving, mischievous, skeptical, spiteful.