Sep 4, 2023
// small cw for mentions of major depression & the effects of it

Stars, it's been a rough couple of moons. First goes Little Wolf, his last remaining big sister. Then goes two of his baby brothers, Jackdawflight and Berryheart. And then... A nephew, someone he never truly bonded with, but it was Little Wolf's child and it stung all the same. Never close, the uncle and nephew were, but Cobweb knew how much she loved her baby. And thus, after that, Cobweb felt as if he had lost his way, his very place within his clan. Four down, what made him deserving to be one of the ones left? What made him so special? Why him, out of all of them? Should he have been brave as Jackdawflight and Duskbird had during the wolf situation? He shifts in his nest, feeling the all too familiar sting of tears. He'd give anything to have them back, truly...

In his misery, his stomach growls. Ears swivel backwards and like clockwork, he decides hes hungry, and he decides he'll get something to eat.

Thus the silvery-blue tom emerges from the warrior den. He's only been seen on strict duties lately, nothing more than doing his patrols, hunting and coming back home to rot within his nest, grief weighing him down as if a very tree of it grew roots within his heart; but as he steps out in to the sunlight, warmth beating down unto his coat, he begins to feel a little more alive, a little more at home than he had before. He picks his way through the camp on delicate paw steps, sniffing at the fresh-kill pile and eventually picking out a squirrel. Had he caught this earlier this morning? Stars, he can't remember. It all blends together, maybe it was last night? He could've sworn he caught a squirrel...

It doesn't bother him, much, anyways and he quickly goes to pick a spot where the sun shines down. He's quick to take a bite and his appetite sours even quicker, eyes flick up for an escape. Theres a cat returning from patrol thats making his way by him, and in a second he's quick to call out. "You! Would you mind sharing this with me? It's terribly much for me," he throws a dramatic paw on his forehead, finding that the act wasn't as hard as it would have been... yesterday, the day before, the week before, the moon before. Maybe time in the sunlight is doing him good.

  • 70465135_T7AXRhwAl3U4ZQt.png
    cobweb ,, cobwebtail
    cis male ,, he/him ,, 44 moons
    thunderclan warrior ,, former marsh-grouper
    spindly blue & white tabby tom with blue eyes
    "speech, 827aab" ,, thoughts
    bisexual ,, single
    smells like oak trees & an odd mixture of smoke
    art by inkcap ,, penned by chuff

Though aloof and cold, there were little times Bigfang would turn down the comradery of a clan-mate. Until invited he had not realized how hungry he was and as if on que he feels the churning of his belly. With a nod to show his acceptance he pads over before making himself comfortable in a laying position, paws tucked underneath his chest, next to Cobwebtail.

Teeth dig into the flesh of the squirrel, he chews, swallows and repeats a couple times before finally attempting to make conversation. ”We have not spoken in quite sometime.” Nothing more than maybe a quick greeting or typical on-business communication during a patrol. Bigfang was a quieter tom, it didn’t necessarily bother him, but even he felt the need to properly share tongues with his clan-mates from time to time before the feeling of loneliness crept up.

”’pose it doesn’t help there hasn’t been much for good to talk about.” ThunderClan the last couple moons seemed to be struck with nothing but misfortune after misfortune.
  • » HankBigfang
    » ThunderClan Warrior
    » Former Kittypet
    » He/him
    » A large, beaten-up ginger tabby tom with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A heavy-hitting foe who makes his hits count
    » Excels in heavy, powerful moves.
    » Fights to protect and make opponents flee.
    » Though strong, he is a slow mover. A fleet-footed cat would both easily frustrate and land hits on him.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Though she was where she was always meant to be, Thundergleam still sometomes found herself wandering in the in-between, a spider silk spectre. Yes, her destiny was here- StarClan had lead her here, but she was still enchroaching on the tightly-knit community... assimilating to one day be accepted, truly, as one of them. As one who would lift suffering away, who would ease the pain of the losses that ThunderClan had endured so heavily over the past few moons. Cobwebtail was a cat who had struck her as a little run-down; to see him among them, making smiling conversation with Bigfang, warmed Thundergleam's heart to see.

Her approach was a little tentative, though she gave a gracious smile as she drifted over, eyes thoughtful and searching. Bigfang's gruff, sorrowful reflection made her heart lurch with sadness. She supposed this was why, at last she had been given her thunderstorm dream... she had been lead here. ThunderClan had endured much suffering over the last few months... Thundergleam was relieved to know she was here at last to remove all of the pain. However she was meant to... Father had always refused to give her direct answers. "It is high time for your fortunes to turn," she said softly, voice embrued with gentle optimism. "I know it."
penned by pin ☾

sleekserpent & 15 moons & genderfluid & he/she/they & thunderclan warrior

Sleekserpent has taken comfort in the fact he's far from the only cat to withdraw from their clanmates over the past moons - even if their reasons are certainly different, the silent companionship of others focused only on their duties had been a relief. Less questions for her to answer, less conversations for her to stumble her way through. so its a bit surprising, really, when one of said cats - cobwebtail they recall absently - offers to share prey with another of their many denmates. The boy himself makes no move to join them - he's far younger than the crowd who has gathered, and the thought of socializing with adults is unsettling. (yes, she might be a warrior now but she still very much feels like a kit.) They do however, watch them with keen blue eyes, tail coming to wrap around their limbs when thundergleam speaks - snorting to themselves. 'good fortune' - as if. If there is one thing sleekserpent has learned in this life, it's that tragedy is a near constant. If it's not one thing, it'll be another.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

B O Y S D O N ' T C R Y A N D I W O N ' T T O O