but he never really quit, he'd just say he did
Sep 4, 2023
  • BEETLEBACK ; hopes to serve skyclan well
    beetleback, formally known as stormy is a skyclan warrior who was carries rogue blood. he was going to become leader of the group his father led, but due to a revolt he was stripped of his ranking and chased out. from there he hung around the twoleg place and became mates with mottledove only to betray her for another. his new mate, ronnie betrayed him. due to being attacked by her companions, he was forced to join skyclan in order to save his own skin. while his reasons are purely selfish for joining, he wants to prove himself worthy of staying within skyclan.
    ↳ "beetle" for being good-natured and hard-working while adjusting to clan life. "back" for his strength.
    — male; he/him pronouns; pansexual
    — warrior of skyclan, isn't sure if he it's okay for him to stay; rogue descent
    — created 09.04.2023 at 23 moons / ages realistically on the 4th each month / 29 moons
    ↳ penned by velou; HEARTCHART ; PINTEREST ; PLAYLIST (if u have them!!)
    a blue short haired tabby with no white and hooded shaped amber eyes. both ears are torn from previous scuffles, however his left ear is noticeably more torn. his face has many scars, but most of the damage is on the left side of his face. there is only a small claw mark near his right eye, and a small "x" shaped scar above his right eye. a long scar runs across his nose and ends around his right cheek. only his face bears scars, the rest of his body remains untouched. he appears ragged with his unkempt fur.
    a flirt, lets get that out of the way. he does it to mess around with cats in a playful way, but also to see who is interested in him. with cats that aren't interested, but don't make it clear he will push a few more times before stopping entirely with said cat. he will end up teasing everyone else. for cats that are interested it's full steam ahead is quite relentless. the fact of the matter is if stormy sees something he wants he will try everything to get it, even if foul play is used. another thing to note is that he doesn't know where to draw the line with his words because he's used to harsh jokes and mocking. it's normalized for him to point out something a cat is sensitive about and use it as a compliment, unaware of how condescending that actually is. stormy holds his cards close, since he can't trust anyone completely unless they prove themselves to him. he may appear as if he trusts his companions and kind towards them, but it is more so to keep appearances and to wait and see if the cat in question is allowed access to more private parts of himself. those he considers worthy will receive the outmost loyalty and care. he is the type of toms who will die for those he cares about, but again that's after a long process of distance from him. some have left him because he refuses to open up after a long time of knowing each other. he doesn't want to admit in those cases it does sting, but he shoves those feelings down and chases someone or something else that won't make him feel lonely.

    mannerisms here
    quick to make friends, slow to trust; once trust is earned he promises protection
    SOUNDS LIKE: vampire cookie (cookie run:kingdom)
    SMELLS LIKE: brambles, pine, and oak
    speech is #5e6288
    NPC xx NPC brother to npc | mentoring softpaw
    Mate to none | ex-mate to mottledove, ronnie | father to aspenpaw, pipitpaw, pollenpaw, comet
  • ► SONG - song
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
  • ●●●●●●●○○○ HUNTING: above average. is able to hunt prey easily, struggles with birds.
    ●●●○○○○○○○ CLIMBING: mediocre. climbing is difficult doesn't help he is afraid of falling.

    ●●●●●○○○○○ TRACKING: average. able to find prey, not an expert.
    ●●●●●●●●●○ COMBAT: skillful. taught how to take down cats at a young age.
  • posting template
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  • will actually complete this later (maybe), but not every thread will be here. a note to myself, but beetleback was introduced as an adult when joining skyclan. he doesn't have any ic posts when he was kit or apprenticed aged, so maybe just write a summary of what that time period was like for him!
  • write summary here
  • write summary here
  • — thread name / short description of thread
    — thread name / short description of thread
    — thread name / short description of thread
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Haven't properly met yet
Fearful of
Suspicious of
Jealous of
Distrustful of
Annoyed by
Weirded out by
Confused / Unsure of
Complicated Feelings
Wishes to know better
Shy towards
Comfortable with
Finds Entertaining
Friends with
Close friends with
Safe around
Like family
Protective of
Platonic Love
Crushing on
Head-over-heels for
Romantic Love

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this is gonna get messy so fast, but this is where stormy's codes are gonna be for editing and posting purposes.
[box="67%; background: url(; background-size: 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; height: 150px; width: 630px; border: 1px solid #fff; margin-left: 1px;"][color=transparent]x[/color][/box][box=67%][justify][color=#BBBDC1][tabs][tab=general ✧][size=20px][b][color=#5e6288][outline=black]BEETLEBACK ;[/outline][/color][/size] hopes to serve skyclan well[/b]
[quote]beetleback, formally known as stormy is a skyclan warrior who was carries rogue blood. he was going to become leader of the group his father led, but due to a revolt he was stripped of his ranking and chased out. from there he hung around the twoleg place and became mates with mottledove only to betray her for another. his new mate, ronnie betrayed him. due to being attacked by her companions, he was forced to join skyclan in order to save his own skin. while his reasons are purely selfish for joining, he wants to prove himself worthy of staying within skyclan.[/quote]
↳ "beetle" for being good-natured and hard-working while adjusting to clan life. "back" for his strength.
— male; he/him pronouns; pansexual
— warrior of skyclan, isn't sure if he it's okay for him to stay; rogue descent
— created 09.04.2023 at 23 moons / ages realistically on the 4th each month / 29 moons
[fright][img width=50px][/img] [img width=50px][/img][/fright]↳ penned by [url=][color=#5e6288][b]velou[/b][/color][/url]; [b]HEARTCHART[/b] ; [b]PINTEREST[/b] ; [b]PLAYLIST[/b] (if u have them!!)

[tab=appearance ✧][fleft][quote][bimg width=155px][/bimg][/quote][/fleft][b]SCARRED SHORT HAIRED BLUE TABBY WITH AMBER EYES[/b]
a blue short haired tabby with no white and hooded shaped amber eyes. both ears are torn from previous scuffles, however his left ear is noticeably more torn. his face has many scars, but most of the damage is on the left side of his face. there is only a small claw mark near his right eye, and a small "x" shaped scar above his right eye. a long scar runs across his nose and ends around his right cheek. only his face bears scars, the rest of his body remains untouched. he appears ragged with his unkempt fur.[/tab]

[tab=mentality ✧][quote][b][color=#5e6288]EMPATHETIC  / CURIOUS / QUICK-WITTED / WITHDRAWN / SNARKY / DISTUSTFUL / VOLATILE[/color][/b][/quote]
a flirt, lets get that out of the way. he does it to mess around with cats in a playful way, but also to see who is interested in him. with cats that aren't interested, but don't make it clear he will push a few more times before stopping entirely with said cat. he will end up teasing everyone else. for cats that are interested it's full steam ahead is quite relentless. the fact of the matter is if stormy sees something he wants he will try everything to get it, even if foul play is used. another thing to note is that he doesn't know where to draw the line with his words because he's used to harsh jokes and mocking. it's normalized for him to point out something a cat is sensitive about and use it as a compliment, unaware of how condescending that actually is. stormy holds his cards close, since he can't trust anyone completely unless they prove themselves to him. he may appear as if he trusts his companions and kind towards them, but it is more so to keep appearances and to wait and see if the cat in question is allowed access to more private parts of himself. those he considers worthy will receive the outmost loyalty and care. he is the type of toms who will die for those he cares about, but again that's after a long process of distance from him. some have left him because he refuses to open up after a long time of knowing each other. he doesn't want to admit in those cases it does sting, but he shoves those feelings down and chases someone or something else that won't make him feel lonely.

[subquote=#5e6288]mannerisms here[/subquote][/tab]

[tab=relationships + interaction ✧][quote][b]SINGLE; PANSEXUAL; MONOGAMIST[/b]
quick to make friends, slow to trust; once trust is earned he promises protection
[b]SOUNDS LIKE:[/b] [url=]vampire cookie (cookie run:kingdom)[/url]
[b]SMELLS LIKE:[/b] brambles, pine, and oak
speech is [color=#5e6288]#5e6288[/color][/quote]
[b][color=#5e6288]NPC xx NPC[/color][/b] brother to npc | mentoring [abbr=played by halimede]softpaw[/abbr]
Mate to none | ex-mate to [abbr=played by kitty-kat]mottledove[/abbr], [abbr=played by npc]ronnie[/abbr] | father to [abbr=played by tikki]aspenpaw[/abbr], [abbr=played by buzz]pipitpaw[/abbr], [abbr=played by merc]pollenpaw[/abbr], [abbr=played by beatles]comet[/abbr]
[b]NOTABLE ENEMIES:[/b] bobbie[/tab]

[tab=playlist ✧][columns=2][b][color=#5e6288]► SONG[/color][/b] - song
[B]SONG[/b] - artist
[B]SONG[/b] - artist
[B]SONG[/b] - artist
[B]SONG[/b] - artist
[B]SONG[/b] - artist
[B]SONG[/b] - artist
[B]SONG[/b] - artist
[B]SONG[/b] - artist
[B]SONG[/b] - artist[/columns][/tab]

[tab=skills ✧][columns=2][box=100%][quote]●●●●●●●○○○ [color=#5e6288][b]HUNTING[/b][/color]: [i]above average[/i]. is able to hunt prey easily, struggles with birds.[/quote][/box]
[box=100%][quote]●●●○○○○○○○ [color=#5e6288][b]CLIMBING[/b][/color]: [i]mediocre[/i]. climbing is difficult doesn't help he is afraid of falling.[/quote][/box]

[box=100%][quote]●●●●●○○○○○ [color=#5e6288][b]TRACKING[/b][/color]: [i]average[/i]. able to find prey, not an expert. [/quote][/box]
[box=100%][quote]●●●●●●●●●○ [color=#5e6288][b]COMBAT[/b][/color]: [i]skillful[/i]. taught how to take down cats at a young age.[/quote][/box][/columns]

[tab=code]posting template
[box=67%][center][color=#5e6288][outline=black][b][size=6]TIMELINE AND DEVELOPMENT TRACKER[/size][/b][/outline][/color][/center]
[color=#BBBDC1][size=3][justify][tabs][slide=†]will actually complete this later (maybe), but not every thread will be here. a note to myself, but beetleback was introduced as an adult when joining skyclan. he doesn't have any ic posts when he was kit or apprenticed aged, so maybe just write a summary of what that time period was like for him!
[slide=kit]write summary here
[/slide][slide=apprentice]write summary here
[/slide][slide=warrior][url=LINKHERE][color=#5e6288][b]★[/b][/color][/url][b] — thread name[/b] / short description of thread
[url=LINKHERE][color=#5e6288][b]★[/b][/color][/url][b] — thread name[/b] / short description of thread
[url=LINKHERE][color=#5e6288][b]★[/b][/color][/url][b] — thread name[/b] / short description of thread
[box=67%][center][color=#5e6288][b][size=6][outline=black]BEETLEBACK'S RELATIONSHIP TRACKER[/outline][/size][/b][/color][/center]
[color=#BBBDC1][size=3][justify][columns=3][abbr='Haven't met']♡[/abbr] Haven't properly met yet
[color=black][abbr='Loathes']♡[/abbr][/color] Loathes
[color=#222830][abbr='Fearful of']♡[/abbr][/color] Fearful of
[color=#505864][abbr='Dislikes']♡[/abbr][/color] Dislikes
[color=#576B89][abbr='Suspicious']♡[/abbr][/color] Suspicious of
[color=#5C7DAF][abbr='Rival']♡[/abbr][/color] Rivalry
[color=#5C9CAF][abbr='Jealous']♡[/abbr][/color] Jealous of
[color=#53BDB8][abbr='Distrusts']♡[/abbr][/color] Distrustful of
[color=#32D1B9][abbr='Annoyance']♡[/abbr][/color] Annoyed by
[color=#32D187][abbr='Weird']♡[/abbr][/color] Weirded out by
[color=#47E34A][abbr='Confused / Unsure']♡[/abbr][/color] Confused / Unsure of
[color=#83ED85][abbr='Complicated Feelings']♡[/abbr][/color] Complicated Feelings
[color=#AEED83][abbr='Wants to know better']♡[/abbr][/color] Wishes to know better
[color=#DAF09E][abbr='Shy']♡[/abbr][/color] Shy towards
[color=#BBDF5B][abbr='Respects']♡[/abbr][/color] Respects
[color=#C3CD27][abbr='Comfortable']♡[/abbr][/color] Comfortable with
[color=#C4AF14][abbr='Likes']♡[/abbr][/color] Likes
[color=#BB980E][abbr='Finds Entertaining']♡[/abbr][/color] Finds Entertaining
[color=#BC7E0E][abbr='Friend']♡[/abbr][/color] Friends with
[color=#BC660E][abbr='Close friend']♡[/abbr][/color] Close friends with
[color=#BC540E][abbr='Safe']♡[/abbr][/color] Safe around
[color=#BC2F0E][abbr='Like family']♡[/abbr][/color] Like family
[color=#AE1915][abbr='Family']♡[/abbr][/color] Family
[color=#900B1F][abbr='Protective']♡[/abbr][/color] Protective of
[color=#B32548][abbr='Admires']♡[/abbr][/color] Admires
[color=#D13A86][abbr='Platonic Love']♡[/abbr][/color] Platonic Love
[color=#E353C1][abbr='Puppy crush']♡[/abbr][/color] Puppy-crush
[color=#D54AE3][abbr='Crushing on']♡[/abbr][/color] Crushing on
[color=#c24ae3][abbr='Head over heels']♡[/abbr][/color] Head-over-heels for
[color=#994ce0][abbr='Romantic love']♡[/abbr][/color] Romantic Love[/columns]
[tabs][slide=family][color=white][b]MOTTLEDOVE /[/b][/color] hearts
[quote]write your character's opinion on them <3 [/quote]
[color=white][b]ASPENPAW /[/b][/color] hearts
[quote]write your character's opinion on them <3 [/quote]
[color=white][b]PIPITPAW /[/b][/color] hearts
[quote]write your character's opinion on them <3 [/quote]
[color=white][b]POLLENPAW /[/b][/color] hearts
[quote]write your character's opinion on them <3 [/quote]
[color=white][b]RONNIE /[/b][/color] hearts
[quote]write your character's opinion on them <3 [/quote]
[color=white][b]COMET /[/b][/color] hearts
[quote]write your character's opinion on them <3 [/quote]
[slide=clanmates][color=white][b]CHARACTER NAME /[/b][/color] hearts
[quote]write your character's opinion on them <3 [/quote]
[/slide][slide=other clans][color=white][b]CHARACTER NAME /[/b][/color] hearts
[quote]write your character's opinion on them <3 [/quote][/slide]
[slide=loner/rogues][color=white][b]CHARACTER NAME /[/b][/color] hearts
[quote]write your character's opinion on them <3 [/quote][/slide][/tabs][/justify][/box]
[box="margin: auto;max-width: 55%; color: #e5e4ea; padding: 1%; min-height: 10px; font-family: tahoma; text-align: justify; line-height: 16px; padding-bottom: 10px; font-size: 12px; "][color=#5e6288]✧ ─ then there's the simple fact that i was born this way[/color]
─ stormy; is named after his father storm
─ 22 months old / born nov 5 2021 / ages realistically
─ cis male (he/him) / pansexual demiromantic
─ member of skyclan / former rogue

[color=#5e6288]✧ ─ in such a taut assimilation of mistakes[/color]
blue tabby | 100% health physically + 100% health mentally
─ detailed appearance here

[color=#5e6288]✧ ─ don't you misjudge what i'm capable of[/color]
INTJ-T ( the architect ) / chaotic neutral
positive traits : empathetic, curious, bold, quick-witted
negative traits : withdrawn, snarky, distrustful, volatile
─ a flirt, lets get that out of the way. he does it to mess around with cats in a playful way, but also to see who is interested in him. with cats that aren't interested, but don't make it clear he will push a few more times before stopping entirely with said cat. he will end up teasing everyone else. for cats that are interested it's full steam ahead is quite relentless. the fact of the matter is if stormy sees something he wants he will try everything to get it, even if foul play is used. another thing to note is that he doesn't know where to draw the line with his words because he's used to harsh jokes and mocking. it's normalized for him to point out something a cat is sensitive about and use it as a compliment, unaware of how condescending that actually is. stormy holds his cards close, since he can't trust anyone completely unless they prove themselves to him. he may appear as if he trusts his companions and kind towards them, but it is more so to keep appearances and to wait and see if the cat in question is allowed access to more private parts of himself. those he considers worthy will receive the outmost loyalty and care. he is the type of toms who will die for those he cares about, but again that's after a long process of distance from him. some have left him because he refuses to open up after a long time of knowing each other. he doesn't want to admit in those cases it does sting, but he shoves those feelings down and chases someone or something else that won't make him feel lonely.

[color=#5e6288]✧ ─ if i'm heir to a broken will[/color]
[abbr=storm]npc[/abbr] xx [abbr=edith]npc[/abbr], gen 1
― ex-mate to [abbr=penned by kitty-kat]mottledove[/abbr] / parent to aspenpaw, pollenpaw, and pippitpaw
― single / looking
― friends : tbd
― enemies : tbd (maybe anyone close to mottle because he cheated on her dhdvew)

[color=#5e6288]✧ ─ just dust me off and I swear you'd never know[/color]
― physically difficult / mentally moderate
― will start fights / will end fights / will kill
― moderately difficult to befriend / difficult to gain trust
― peaceful powerplay allowed / may not respond well to being touched
─ @STORMY and underline if attacking / penned by @velou [/box]
[box="margin: auto; max-width: 55%; color: #e5e4ea; padding: 1%; font-family: tahoma; text-align: justify;"]

but he never really quit, he'd just say he did




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