Within the oak tree, a hunter lurked.

Crouched at the very edge of an overhanging branch, the emerald eyes of the ShadowClan she-cat were fixated on the dark earth below, a dead frog hanging from her maw. It had been an impulsive choice, both climbing the largest tree in camp and bringing food up when she wasn't hungry, but logic and the she-cat often mixed like cats and dogs. She'd nibbled on a still-moist leg before realising she wasn't hungry. Offering it to someone else would be the polite thing to do, but the ground was far away and her legs were tired from a too-long border patrol. Perhaps she could just drop it... let her clanmates fight for it like rats in a pit... She hadn't had a target in mind until she saw Salamander stop by the leader's den.

Ferndance observed the she-cat for a moment, went cross-eyed trying to eye the frog in her mouth, then stared back at the smoke. Away from her family, she held little ill-will towards the hothead, but the longer she thought about the other, the more she considered that she'd never seen her crack a smile. She'd been awfully angry since Smogstar's disappearance, besmirching his name and insisting that Mirestar shape up as soon as possible. Ferndance wondered if that was why she was hovering near the leader's den now, to tell her that, in accordance with the Warrior Code, they needed a Deputy yesterday.

The warrior shuffled until half her front was dangling over the branch, claws silently gripping onto the old oak. Maybe... Maybe Salamandersnap could use a snack. She'd often heard cats weren't themselves when they were hungry.

When she was certain Salamander was still, Ferndance aimed to drop the frog right on top of Salamandersnap's head. The moment she threw her catch, she spun around and ducked back into the orange and red leaves, her tawny pelt blending in as she waited to witness the aftermath of her idea.


[ fern rolled an 18 for stealth!! it would be pretty fun but also totally optional if characters only noticed her if they rolled an 18 or above, otherwise, there is a lot of room for speculation! ]

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She'd just returned back to camp, waving her tail and giving a soft nod over her shoulder to dismiss the patrol that followed her, before turning towards Mirestar's den. They'd specifically requested that she report back to them after the patrol, and she was pausing outside the den to ensure she could enter when suddenly something hit her right on her head. Her nose wrinkled as the frog fell from her head, sliding off her nose and landing on the ground. Spinning around, her eyes narrow as she tried to figure out where the frog came from. Someone had to be behind this.

  • ooc. — the comment about cats not being themselves when they're hungry made me think of the snickers commercials lmao​
  • IMG_3773.jpg
    ↪ salamandersnap / cisgender female (she/her)
    ↪ 24 moons / ages realistically on the 19th
    ↪ shadowclan warrior
    ↪ lh black smoke
    ↪ "speech" / thoughts
    ↪ peaceful/healing actions may be powerplayed / attack in underline & @/account
    ↪ note: all thoughts/actions are based off ic opinions only !!
    ↪ penned by halimede
owlmoon | 24 months | demiboy | he/they | physically medium | mentally medium | attack in bold #4a855f
The patrol hadn't been a hard one, but an air had still seemed to hang over them from the last few days, making it seem like it had taken longer than it should have. But now they're back in camp, and even as Salamandersnap nods over her shoulder to dismiss them, Owlmoon lingers.

"Tell them I asked about them?" With everything, it was just as likely that he'd be doing something else for the clan before he even really got a chance to talk to Mirestar. Just as he's about to turn away, something drops from the tree just above Salamandersnap's head. "Watch out-"

The thing- a dead frog- slid from his clanmate's head and left her standing (at least physically) unphazed before she was wheeling around to see who had done it. Easing his way closer- and only partially to save his own, red-tinted hide from being accused- Owlmoon found himself staring into the tree overhead...

...Just to find a lot of nothing. No movement, no clanmates, no anything- just the leaves, like how they'd always been.

OOC: he rolled a 4 :)
A witness is present at the scene of this particular crime, and this time he is not beneath the spotlight of simultaneous suspected perpetrator. Ashenfall watches idly as the patrol meanders into camp, strategizing idly which of their morsels he would like to scoop up for himself whenever he gets around to being hungry today.

Suddenly, a plummeting from the sky, and a gift is bestowed atop the head of one clanmate, and the rest quickly gather to get a look at the thing. A frog. From the sky. He peers upward toward the shadowed branches of the pine overhead for an sign of mischief, but the dancing shadows of windswaying needles cloak… whomever was to blame from his prying eyes

“A frog to the head…” the quirk of Ashenfalls lip is bittersweet, and he collects his paws beneath himself to lean back into the floor, “Quite the blessing, that is. Better thank Starclan for being gracious enough to drop food on you.”"

  • OOC: rolled an 8!
  • 29y3n1.png
  • ashenkit . ashenpaw . ashenfall
    — he/him. 17mo warrior of shadowclan. formerly mentored by smogstar. mated with flintwish.
    — smogstar x halfshade. littermate to applejaw, swansong & garlicheart. older brother of halfsun and laurelgrin
    — a stout, longhaired blue torbie w/ pale blue and amber eyes
    — sarcastic, sharp-eyed, sulky, nostalgic, faithful, impulsive, candid, provocative, remorseful
    — "speech", thoughts

    — penned by eezy
When Salamandersnap returns, she spots her son alongside her apprentice, making a b-line towards him to greet him. "Welcome back, dear-" her warm purr and motherly-fussing is cut short as she watches from the corner of her vision, a frog dropping straight onto Salamandersnaps head. She snickers, the act eliciting a chuckle from her as she looks away, instinvtively towards the treetops where it came from.

Her eyes slide upwards to where Ferndance is expertly hidden within the oranges and browns of the trees. She would not have noticed her if it were not for the barely-visible flash of eyes between the leaf-sways, and only then she notices the rest of the molly. An expert at hiding herself, it seems. A prank... It's not out of the ordinary for Ferndance and quite honestly... the cinnamon she-cat was a well-needed comedic relief sometimes.

Amusement floods her voice when she speaks next. "Falling frogs... Well, it hasn't been too long since the last time it rained frogs... Perhaps this is a sign of the times to come, another frog invasion...?" she plays along, not quite wanting this to be over. Besides, her former apprentice needs to lighten up sometimes and realize that life wasn't always a straight-cut road. She sniffs at the ground, pretending to hunt whomever did this.

  • rolled an 18
  • mapletuft ʚ♡ɞ cider
    cis female ʚ♡ɞ she/her ʚ♡ɞ 52 months
    shadowclan warrior ʚ♡ɞ mentoring n/a
    long-furred chocolate torbie/cinnamon tabby chimera ʚ♡ɞ elegant & flowy
    "speech, F17E23" ʚ♡ɞ thoughts
    widowed ʚ♡ɞ bisexual
    smells like spice & cool night air ʚ♡ɞ warm & crisp
    penned by chuff