the dial tone is all i have — tumbleknot



for the shame of being young, drunk, and alone — boarpaw didn't like being up this early. the sun had only just risen, it was bright, and the heat was practically unbearable. he understood completely that this was to toughen him up, in theory, but he liked to believe he was pretty tough to begin with. he knew that he was a big guy, it showed every time he sat next to someone his own age, practically towered over most of them, not to mention everything else about him. boar grumbled something that wasn't entirely intelligible, but it wasn't important. just complaints about it being too early.

"what are we doing today, anyways?" they'd just been out hunting, and that dog that they'd seen.. that made him a little nervous now, after everyone else freaking out about it, but he put it in the back of his head. "maybe.. we could track down that dog and chase it off. we'd be heroes, huh?"

Tumbleknot was miffed. He'd been set up on one of the very early patrols three days in a row. This was not ideal for a night love like him, but he needed to keep up appearances for the family, keep them out of any suspicion that they weren't loyal to the clan. He found his apprentice pretty quickly once he got back from the dawn patrol.

He side eyed his apprentice as they padded out of camp and his suggestion of heroism. "You'd do well to keep those thoughts out of your head. Hero's die eventually, but it's usually a lot quicker than typical warriors," He paused, "and a lot of the time, they aren't remembered for very long."

The tom stood at one of his favorite places: a grassy expanse of open land that was dropped into the earth to form a type of upside down dome. It wasn't perfect, mainly because of the climb to get in and out of it, but he surmised Boarpaw was cocky enough and large enough to get the job done. "We're gonna do some climbing today, as well as tracking and maybe a bit of fighting if I'm feeling up to it." He chose a careful path to the bottom, then waited for his apprentice to follow suit.