the dice of fate ━ willowroot

Troutsnout was furious and anyone who seen the warrior would be confused, she's never shown anger or negative emotions openly before. Her teeth are grit with a tense jaw as she stalks into the camp, her chambray gaze flicking over everyone. She wanted to go see the kits of Robinheart and Brookstorm, but she didn't want to worry Robinheart more with her obvious anger. How could someone just play with a creature protecting its nest, especially when they already had prey? That was no Riverclanner, no warrior or apprentice━ that was the behavior of a monster. Was life such a joke that they laughed at the warrior code they lived by and were kept in order by? Stars! Her ears were hot in anger and she spots Willowroot in the distance, and makes her way over.

" Willowroot, " the warrior would call as she made her way to the former lead warrior as she takes a heavy sigh from her emotional turmoil. " I'm sorry as I know this isn't my place, but Midnightpaw has some very concerning behaviors. " She would start as she rubs a paw to her head, glancing around to see how many ears were near them. This was probably better to be talked in private as she respected Willowroot and didn't want the actions that she just noticed to reflect back on the black smoke more. " May we talk in private? "

If the other she-cat agreed, she would pull her off the side and begin to talk. " Claythorn and I just found Midnightpaw torturing a bird protecting its nest and fiddling with it's life with prey she already had. She maimed the wings and other horrible things for fun, which we know is against the warrior code. " Troutsnout would explain as she hadn't stayed longer after her angry outburst and called the apprentice out for spitting on the warrior code. Her chambray gaze glances at the former lead warrior to read her expression before speaking once more. " I just wanted to let you know, and I'm not going to be letting my siblings near her. I respect you and I know she didn't learn that behavior from you, but I don't want my siblings around her until you can put a knot of sense in her. " The younger she-cat would state after notifying the warrior on her apprentice's feral behavior who didn't mind on openly breaking the warrior code, belittling life and showing horrible qualities that had much call of concern.
