twolegplace the doctor's hiding the charts | momowhisker


May 3, 2023

He'd lost track of time as days gradually bled into weeks. Although life was rather easy as all of his energy went into recovering from surgery. The kind twoleg that'd taken him in pampered him to no end, instantly at his side with every meow that wavered from his maw. While he thoroughly enjoyed the pets and cuddles the woman offered him, his mind often drifted toward Skyclan. Were they worried about him? Did they send out search parties at all? A gentle frown pulled at the corners of his lips as he gave a gentle shake. It didn't matter. Not when he couldn't do anything to visit them. He'd have to wait a little longer and then perhaps the woman would let him roam outside again.

Clearing the last few bites of salmon pate from his lips he turned to stroll down marbled halls until he reached his newly built catio. He inhaled a breath of fresh air slowly before bowing into a low stretch, although he was mindful of his stitches. Gathering himself he eyeballed a perch bathed in sunlight before carefully scaling a multitude of obstacles and ramps to reach it. From his vaulted throne, he witnessed several twolegs exiting their homes, scrambling to their cars in a hurry. His own had left about an hour ago and the neighborhood seemed to be just waking up.

The grizzled tom was preparing to lounge across his perch when he spotted a familiar siamese hide and golden collar. "Momowhisker!" He called aloud, lowering his head to get a better look and confirm within himself it was the eccentric daylight warrior. "Momowhisker! I-I haven't seen you in so long! How are you?!" He spouted off quickly, favoring his sore limb as he jumped to a lower ramp. (@MOMOWHISKER)
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ skyclan apprentice / thirteen moons old / he/him ┈┈┈┈

For Momowhisker, the feelings of a friend who'd asked him to keep quiet mattered more than the feelings of a clan that missed him, but such loyalty to an individual did not come consequence-free. Being the only one in SkyClan who knew of Plaguepaw's plan was a burden that made him grimace whenever he heard a passerby talking about the chausie mix, the guilt enough to make him wonder at times if he should've gotten involved. Walking to SkyClan everyday had made the siamese vaguely aware of a new construction on one particular street, but it wasn't until today that he noticed it was a nest-extender, perfect for cats who weren't allowed outdoors but wanted to feel the fresh air on their skin. He presumed an older cat must've wanted it, then out of no where, a familiar ruffled form appeared within it. They locked eyes and he heard him call his name. The sapphire eyes of the tom widened, not surprised to see Plaguepaw, but surprised to see him so happy. A big change in anyone's life could cause some mixed emotions but, judging by how excited the other seemed, Momo could only guess he had settled into the changes.

"Plaguepaw! Hey buddy," he mewed, a large smile forming on his face. His gaze admired the structure, his long neck making deliberate movements to check the new catio out. "I know! I... didn't know where your nest was sorry, I'd have visited sooner if I knew you were so close," he beamed apologetically, coming to a standstill at the bottom of the catio to swipe a paw along his ears. Plaguepaw looked better fed than he ever had done in SkyClan, and though he smelled different now, there was no doubt that the same little guy was still lurking underneath his fancier life. "I'm doing good! Orangestar's made my Spicepaw's mentor... did you meet Spicepaw? Hazelbeam's little sister?" Hazelbeam seemed to have disappeared back into her Twolegnest, in her place a smaller, but still hat-wearing Daylighter. His paws shuffled nervously at the news regardless; living up to the leader's expectations had been tricky enough under Blazestar, but Orangestar was much more of a mystery to him, her scary face enough to put him off talking to her unless she approached him first. He let out a chuckle to dissipate his nerves, his heavier breaths accentuated with purrs.

"But that's enough about me, look at you! Living the dream, you have your own Twoleg, your own space, free food for days. Congrats on getting everything you wanted." Almost everything, there was still a particularly large elephant in the room - Plaguepaw's status in SkyClan. He'd missed his warrior's assessment, hadn't been to his other home in almost a moon and no one knew where he was or what he was doing. Reality hit him like a kick to the stomach. "Are you... ever gonna come back? To SkyClan? I never told anyone where you went."


Momowhisker is quick to follow up his greeting with an apology, earning a dismissive wave of the grizzled tom's paw. "Ah don't worry about it! Besides, you can visit me all you want now." He voiced, grinning as he settled down on his haunches. Dark ears pivot forward, listening to the news spilling from the daylight warrior's lips. "Uh..yeah," He murmurs with a thoughtful tip of his chin, as if recalling who the apprentice was exactly. Although fuzzy, his memory eventually makes out the silhouette of the hat-wearing feline. "Yeah I remember her. But we've never actually talked. Congrats on being a mentor though, I'm sure you'll do great." He smiled, leveling his gaze again.

The excitement continues as the conversation turns to highlight himself. "Thanks! It's great. My twoleg is so nice too. She reminds me of my old ones, you know, the ones I lost." His smile becomes something bittersweet before pushing on. "I ah, I came across her by accident. She saved me from a raccoon that attacked me on the way home. I must have been in bad shape because she took me to the white coats." Turning his body he carefully stretched his arm, hoping the gleam of the sun would accentuate the stitching woven against his skin.

A sigh leaves his maw when asked about Skyclan however, and his brow creases, illustrating his inner turmoil. "I...I like it here, Momowhisker. I don't want to leave my new twoleg, behind. There are times I think about visiting. But I can't right now. Maybe she thinks I'll get hurt again." It was a possible explanation. The catio was the closest thing he could get to being outside without the woman fretting over him.
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ skyclan apprentice / fourteen moons old / he/him ┈┈┈┈

"Definitely!" He beamed, knowing he would have to try and find the time to do it. Often times it was a mad dash to SkyClan in the morning and a mad dash back to his nest at night, but surely no one would mind if he disappeared for a little bit between that... right? 'They would mind a lot, I think, but I owe it to Plaguepaw to be there for him.' His grin grew nervous once more as mentorship was brought up. "Ah, thank you. I'm... unsure, to be honest. New things are a little stressful to me and this is a very new thing. But I'm sure it'll be fine, it'll probably be fine, Spicepaw is nice enough," Momowhisker did his best to assure himself, almost happy that he'd successfully shifted the conversation back don't Plaguepaw. A nice Twoleg was a benefit to any cat and, after all he had been through, the chausie mix deserved the kindness one StarClan could deliver.

The feelgood atmosphere of the moment did not stop the Daylight Warrior's expression from dropping at the mention of an attack. "A raccoon?" His brows furrowed together, were those chubby things really so dangerous as to mess up a cat? Suddenly, he felt as if he should confront Orangestar for more information on the creatures. "Are you ok? Are you still hurt now?" He winced at the stitching, scars upon scars for someone who didn't exactly know how such things helped.

He listened to Plaguepaw's turmoil, nodding in sorrowful understanding. His own Twolegs, as smothering as they could be, were friends he didn't think he could leave forever, yet, now that he'd found a place in SkyClan, leaving that seemed impossible too. It was the duty of a Daylight Warrior to be caught between two worlds both equally loved, having one's freedom to choose taken away almost seemed enviable - it would be impossible to pick one over the other. "That's ok, it's your choice. But there are cats in SkyClan that miss you. Even if you don't go back, I think they would want to know you're safe and happy. I can tell them if you don't want to, but..." Oversized ears flattened, knowing there was something inherently selfish about the request. The burden of secrecy was one he'd promised to take, going back on it now would be heartless, but had he known the weight of it, he didn't know if he could do it again without help. Lying was as natural as breathing to Momowhisker, who'd learned what to hide from others and what to show, but it did not stop the guilt.

"I won't tell them about you if it's not something you're ready for... or if it's something you want to do yourself." he promised, even if the web of lies he spun in faux ignorance was becoming harder and harder to untangle himself from.