pafp the dove of hope ♕ CLOSE CALL

. ° ✦ Bellies brushed low to the ground while the sun peaked through in dappled beams between the leaves. Wide, thick branches loomed overhead with bountiful harvest of bright green foliage, swaying ever so gently in the passing of each breeze. For all of greenleafs unbearably hot days, todays climate was far merciful than the last.

"Here, you should rub this on your pelt." A hushed whisper made to his counterpart, a kind suggestion as the breeze took a turn against them. Bravepaw had already proven luck was in his favor, the scent of preyblood still fresh between his claws. A pair of mice had been his proud prize, and now it was Doepaw's turn. The sweet scented perfumes of oak and raspberry leaves did well to coat the toms scent before when odds began to stack against them, hopefully it would preserve Doepaw's chances in return.

They stalk through the brush with little resistance and joyfully, his friend seemed to come upon a promising lead!

"I'll be right up here, since the wind's against us" He promised her, holding back as she prowled forward and he took his mice and climbed upwards, watching carefully in case he needed to chase and herd any prey back toward his denmates paws. For now it appeared to be going as planned, though all he could see was Doepaws tail through all the green until- whoosh! She leapt forward and reemerged with a vole!

The boy opened his maw to cheer her success until he spotted the bumbling gait of something else approaching. Muted grey fur pushed through with ease, headed right toward the scent of fresh prey. "Doepaw!" Bravepaw hissed in warning. "Don't. Move." The creature began to creep closer, and Bravepaw wasted no time to take the mice he caught and leap from one branch to another. He tactfully dropped the first mouse behind the badger, luring it in the opposite direction before hopping between the trees to drop the second.

A more fruitful scavenge was taken by the badger, ambling onward and Bravepaw sighed in relief as he rushed back to where he told Doepaw to stay. Hopefully her mentor has taken her further away once he created distance between them.

"Doepaw! Are you okay?" He nudged her cheek with his nose. "That was crazy! And my mice..." No matter, he would recooperate the loss tenfold if he must! "Well, congratulation on your catch, anyhow!"
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:@doepaw ࿔
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby with a white locket and deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to grow into long, wispy curls. Developing into an awkward stage of kitten uglies as the rest of his body grows and changes. Severe scars from owl talons stretch across his shoulders and another that starts from his back down his left thigh.
Bravepaw was much smarter about his hunting than she'd ever thought to be... using the scents of the leaves and berries of the forest as a shield to hide them with. The undergrowth was dense so it did much for the visual but... scent always carried on the wind and a lack of care for that would send prey running long before hiding could be useful. It seemed to be working, she couldn't deny he had better odds at hunting than she did (Cobwebtail, your patience is unworldly).

When it's finally her time to shine and try out this new technique, she relishes in the sweet smell that clings to her coat... watching with squinted slivers of gold for the tell-tale sign of prey... It doesn't take long until a greyish, tiny body appears against the backdrop of browns and greens. With a sudden rush, she leaps forward and gives a small, girlish squeal of delight as she hoists her head up above the ferns to look for Bravepaw above- she'd caught it and-

"Doepaw!" Fluffy ears sit forward, stunned by the urgency of his hissing voice. What was so wrong that he had to hiss at her like that? It is followed by another snake-like demand for her stillness and with a small inhale, the stinking scent of something unfriendly overwhelms the nice smell of the vole she'd just caught. The fur on her spine stands on end, panic shooting through her limbs in a numbing sort of fear. What was she supposed to do? Sitting here would... would make her a sitting duck! The ruddy pelt that had been above her before is gone when she blinks next, the sound of rustling overhead and nearby proving a terrifying cacophony of noise in the wind.

The ambling shifts like it is getting more distant and in her nervousness, the pale furred molly scurries towards a nearby tree in an effort to put something sturdy between her and the badger should worse come to worse. Climbing was not her absolute best skill either but... if she was made to, StarClan would probably make sure she got up there out of harm's way right? That was their job? To protect or watch or something?

Noise presses through the foliage again and with a paw raised, she is more than prepared to swipe at a big, ugly face should it round the corner- but the breeze smells of raspberry leaves and she barely thinks not to slap Bravepaw upside the head as he rounds the side of the tree to join her. "You scared me!" She practically deflates into a puddle as her den-mates presses his nose against her cheek, the adrenaline of the moment melting into jitters. "Thank you Bravepaw," and though he compliments the vole she's caught, she's far more hung up on the fact he veritably saved her hide from being a badger snack. "You saved me! How'd you know to do that?!"
Their patrol had been split up for some time, each off on their own hunting in the area. After catching a squirrel herself, she had found @antlerpaw again and was working on getting back to the rest of the patrol to see how the rest of them did. That is when she'd caught scent of Bravepaw and Doepaw. They must have gone off together this way. Flicking her tail for her apprentice to follow, she tracks the two from a distance. It would do her some good to observe their progress anyway, with their prospective warrior ceremonies on the horizon. She follows swiftly, silently, her tabby fur blending with the shadows of the forest. And that's when she hears it, feels the fear. She'd only caught the tail-end of the incident - a badger encounter narrowly avoided thanks to a quick-thinking Bravepaw, and a shaking Doepaw as she thanks him.

With pride, the leader approaches from the undergrowth, cautious eyes scanning the area to make sure the beast doesn't return. "What happened here? Doepaw, are you alright?" She looks her over, moving closer to inspect for any signs of injury. "Bravepaw acted quickly to protect you. It was well done," The old she-cat mews gently, glowing eyes flicking towards the tom. But they can't rest yet. "We need to make sure that badger leaves our territory. I want it followed." She turns her head towards the warriors that soon arrive. Of course, she wants Doepaw to go back to camp. The poor thing is shaken up!

The stink of badger wormed its way into Thundergleam's nose- but like Howlingstar, she approached only as the creature ambled away, with Doepaw rushing toward Bravepaw, lip trembling with relief. Fear-smell burned in the air, obscuring her senses like smog. Tufted ears angled to the rhythmic pawsteps of the beast- it was far away, ambling with its meal procured. Relief swelled noticeably in Thundergleam's chest, rising as a sweetened flower-scent did against the walls of her throat.

Rosy eyes glittered with petal-soft approval, and a prideful purr chorushed with Howlingstar. A unison of congratulation, yes! "Bravepaw- as if I was not sure before that you suited your name so fantastically." It was true- to outsmart a badger, it took a bravery many did not possess, and that Thundergleam let sing upon her porcelain face.

The verdant eyes of her leader turned to find her- resolution took root in Thundergleam's gaze, bloomed as cherry-blossom did. A giddiness wobbled within her that she could do such things now- a true, able and loyal warrior, at last. "Of course, Howlingstar." Head bowed in acceptance, Thundergleam's smile grew determined.
penned by pin ☾

Antlerpaw's muzzle is wrapped tight around a mouse of her own as she rejoined with her mentor. Step-in-step with her, like there was never any time apart. She had learned Howlingstar's gait, and mirrored it often enough that it felt more then natural. Her ears perked as she caught scent of her sibling, she nodded at Howlingstar's instruction and started after her again. The scent of predator was flung into the air just as suddenly as she saw the other two apprentices.

Her heart thundered in her ears, but the way Howlingstar moves indicates the threat was gone, so she takes that as a balm to her nerves as she followed closely. Mouse was dropped nearby as she padded past her mentor, moving to press her shoulder to Doepaw's own. Just as Howlingstar inspected her sister, Antlerpaw did the same, concern coating her thoughts.

Vision lifted towards Bravepaw, ears perking before she spoke- "Thank you, Bravepaw. For keeping her safe." She murmured thoughtfully. Even though he was showered with praise as it was, he needed to know that Antlerpaw thought the same. Yellow eyes lifted towards her leader once more. An unspoken question- would she remain to track the beast, or would she be helping Doepaw home? Ears twitched as if punctuation to the question that went unsaid.
  • "speech"
  • ANTLERPAW she/her, apprentice of thunderclan, ten moons.
    LH cinnamon lynx sepia with low white. smaller body, agile and slippery, fits really well in small gaps in the underbrush. soft spoken but strong and determined.
    mentored by howlingstar / / mentoring no one
    padding after no one / / sibling to fallowpaw and doepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

. ° ✦ Bravepaw is practically shaking with how strong his purr rumbled in his chest, watching the shock and tension from Doepaw dissipate. Her legs were akin to leaves in a leafbare breeze, jittering as the adrenaline keeping her tense and ready flushed into the rest of her muscles. "Scared? But I saved you!" His laugh is not unkind as he pressed to her side in reassurance.

"Uh.. Well..." Bravepaw flattened his ears bashfully as the rest of their Clanmates returned, no doubt startled by the scent just as they were. Howlingstar's praise was welcome, however it felt strange. Once she had been admonishing for an act of stupidity, putting himself in worthless danger. Today he kept not just himself safe in his acts, but prevented the harm of another. He hoped his parents had seen it, proud in what he had learned since that day.

"I figured it might be less likely to want a fight, since we're not competing for food. And two mice is better than just a vole." A vole and claws to the face.

The tom gasped as Thundergleam added her own acclaim, feeling heat pool to his cheeks as he ducked his head shyly. "O-of course! It is my sworn duty to always protect and defend my Clan." He bowed formally to the older mollies, his forehead nearly meeting the earth in his gratitude for their words.

Bravepaw lifted his head to smile at Antlerpaw. "She's always safe with me! You and Fallowpaw, too."
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby with a white locket and deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to grow into long, wispy curls. Developing into an awkward stage of kitten uglies as the rest of his body grows and changes. Severe scars from owl talons stretch across his shoulders and another that starts from his back down his left thigh.
She nods affirmatively to Thundergleam, who immediately accepts the orders. "Gather a few more warriors to track the badger and make sure it has left our territory." Her green gaze then softens as she watches the apprentices. Their camarederie brings joy to her heart - one day, they'll all be warriors together, the future of her clan. To see them now, caring for one another and sharing relief in each other's safety...something about it warms her. With the tense moment passed, she can now see it for what it was: a valuable lesson thanks to the swift actions of the young tom. "Your bravery and quick-thinking today were exemplary," Howlingstar mews proudly, nodding to Bravepaw with her ears pressing forward. Not only did he save Doepaw from a potentially dangerous situation, but he showed an understanding of how to outmaneuver a threat. "Your actions reflect the qualities of a true warrior." It gets her thinking...

Blinking, she turns to Antlerpaw and nods. "I want you and Bravepaw to get Doepaw home." She looks back to Doepaw then and tilts her head, her expression betraying her concern. "You did well to stay calm under pressure. It was a scary situation - if you need anything, go to Gentlestorm, okay?" She murmurs lowly. With that, she dismisses the group to follow their orders with a final nod of approval - she herself needs to go back and gather her catch anyhow before it gets dark.