THE DUST AND THE SCREAMING \ driving out the rogues

It was an honour, wasn't it? And terrifying all the same, but he'd grown used to fear as buzzing background noise. Blazestar had picked him and Silversmoke to lead this final patrol together, a final push- for all the preparations they made, it had to be worth it. It couldn't have all been for nothing, could it? And to fight alongside Silversmoke again would be an honour, despite their technical-equal-ranking... he remembered fastening his teeth into a Windclanner's tail, trying to pull them away from the odd-eyed tom, back when he'd been an apprentice.

Their scents were memorised, their battle moves refined, the rogues pushed further and further back. Those stragglers who had remained from the yellowcough days would be extinguished- he could no longer let them threaten his home, he could not bear to see another apprentice- another clanmate- rended by filthy claws.

A rancid stench wound through his nostrils. "Here," he whispered, looking back to those who had followed- and he caught Silversmoke's eye, giving a quick nod of affirmation. Voice full of determination, he spoke softly but sternly. "Let's- let's end this." This time, they would give the ambush.

Twitchbolt scaled a tree, feet feather-light, using his favoured terrain. With the upper hand, with all their preparation, he was for once, maybe, somewhat confident that they might win.

\ Finally, once we're completely prepared, it's time to drive those rogues away from SkyClan once and for all!

@SILVERSMOKE and twitch are leading the patrol together, but no need to wait! remember that the focus is on driving the rogues off, rather than killing them! have fun everyone!!
penned by pin ✧
He had been itching for the moment he could sink claws into those damned rogues. With Silversmoke's encouragement Dogbite had joined eager to put a stop to the pests plaguing their territory. They had hurt so many of the cats he loved and protected. To go unpunished was out of the question and he would strike with fury and vengeance upon any that dared try. Creeping through the frigid terrain he stayed close to the silvery Lead Warrior's side. Noting his friend Twitchbolt's whisper with a silent tail flick he waited patiently to be directed.

They had grown accustomed to leading patrols and calling the attention of clanmates but he performed equally as proficient when called to duty by others. The scrambling of paws sounded next to him as the other lead took to the skies leaving him and the others to plan their next move. He was no good in the tree's with his diminished field of view but he'd never been a poor fighter. Moons of scraping and scathing just to get by coupled with battles previous had turned him into a well seasoned warrior. Keeping his good eye focused ahead the tabby stayed to the ground seeking out any inclination of their intended target.

Nothing seemed too out of place until a flash of pale red streaked by. Got you! Locked on he jetted after the fleeing tabby. Weaving between tree's and jumping over rocks as he snapped at the others ankles. Paws thundered on as a snarl curled on his shaggy face with pointed fangs peering beneath. That's right run you coward! He exhaled and inhaled sharply as his brow furrowed with cool anger. The minute he got his paws on the bastard they'd make sure it would be a moment they won't soon forget.

  • currently pursuing a rogue! lmk if I followed the prompt correctly if not will edit.
  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan warrior ; ex-loner ; mentor to littlepaw
    ✧ 31 moons old ; birthday 07/01 ; ages realistically
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
There's something oddly relieving about not having to lead a patrol, Orangeblossom thinks as she slinks through the sparse and snowy undergrowth. Not even her leg gives her grief today, the pain of her injury far from her mind and allowing her to almost switch it off in a sense. For that she's thankful, brown eyes darting to Twitchbolt as he pushes off the ground to scale a tree. She does the same, claws digging into the tree trunk before her, coming to rest atop a branch just shy of a few fox-lengths above the snow. For a moment there's quiet except for the quiet meowing of the rogues they've been clashing with ever since the patrol was attacked near this very border.

Dogbite surges forward, a snarl snapping into the air, and Orangeblossom takes that as her own cue. She drops down out of the tree, reaching for a grey-and-white stranger. They dodge her claws expertly, but they do not turn on her; instead turning tail to run, just as she'd hoped they would.​
It is her leads who pull them out here with declarations to drive the outsiders away, but it is Dogbite who launches forward first and she falters on her perch on the tree branch looming over where the rogues had begun to move at the tom's sudden presence for only a split second before she springs down and drops. The fall is not long, she had only scaled up enough for a vantage point and to hear Twitchbolt more clearly, but it was just high enough when she landed with a crash onto the small of a blue tom's back he hit the ground hard and rolled with a frantic flail of limbs to get away from her before she could sink her teeth into the nape of his neck. Encouraged by their deputy barreling past her in pursuit of a spotted feline, she does not let her own target get far as she bolts right after him with her tail streaming behind her as though a comet burning through the sky.

Hazelbeam is not the fastest of cats, a kittypet lifestyle left her lacking in some places that her clanmates had been born and molded into fitting but she made up for any of her own failings with her iron will and grit; the molly didn't falter, her limbs strong and pushing her determinely forward until she could almost snap her teeth onto the flash of a blue tail just beyond her reach ahead. Her target stumbled once, his legs bending and his nose hitting the ground and she was on him like a vulture descending upon a lump of roadside carrion; her white teeth shredding blue fur as she threw herself onto him to find purchase.
She wouldn't kill, she didn't think she had it in her to go that far; the taste of blood filling her mouth was enough to make a mark, the shrill shriek of a cat in pain under her paws would suffice in making it known how serious she was in defense of her clan. Purposefully she leaned back enough he could slide out from under her, struggle and claw the ground to escape.


  • dgliaf2-3be19ce0-a52c-4594-9760-2625938b95a4.png
    —⊰⋅ Daylight Warrior of SkyClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ SH Black/Blue Chimera w/blue eyes
    - Does NOT wear her witch hat while hunting or on patrol.


Since the moment her kits had been brought back to camp injured and bloodied, Howlfire had been itching to get rid of the rogues for good. True, she had already killed one, but if the problem needed to truly be resolved then they all needed to go. She follows eagerly behind Twitchbolt and Silversmoke, huddled among the throng of other SkyClan warriors. It is a formidable band of warriors they have here and Howlfire feels assured that they will have better luck today. Their preparations in camp alone made this a journey that was more favourable to SkyClan.

The stink of rogues is familiar to her as they draw near and Howlfire wrinkles her nose. She waited for a signal from Twitchbolt and Silversmoke, before joining the former in scaling a nearby tree. She waits perched on a branch, waiting for someone else to attack, reminded of a time when she had waited in the branches when WindClan had attacked. Dogbite surges ahead, chasing after one of the rogues. Moments later Orangeblossom and Hazelbeam drop out of the trees themselves, chasing after their own rogues. Howlfire herself takes the mobilisation of her clanmates as a sign to attack too, plummeting from her treetop ledge onto a startled rogue. She keeps him trapped beneath her for a moment but does not put too much pressure on him, allowing him to wriggle free with relative ease, albeit suffering a kick to the chin for her troubles. He does give her a snarl in warning but perhaps in seeing several of his companions get overwhelmed and chased away the fire in him dies out. He turns quickly and it takes a moment for Howlfire to engage and chase after him but soon she is barreling after him, quite literally snapping at his tail as she goes.
Naturally the apprentice would be joining them, after all his mentor Silversmoke was leading the patrol alongside Twitchbolt. He was aware of his weaknesses and wouldn't be charging towards these rogues, unless he wanted to end up frightening the other warriors. While he was plenty grown and had some experience, the last thing he wanted was to be the fool that caused a very important mission to fail. When the signal is given, he clambers up a tree much like his clanmates. You will not win today. Memories of Howlfire's kits, his fellow den buddies returning with wounds flash. A nose scrunches in disgust towards the putrid creatures that dared defiled their home, their clanmates.

Sadistic satisfaction is what he feels pulsing through his veins as he watches from above. Howlfire chasing and snapping at a rogue, Orangeblossom instilling fear that a rogue decides to run, Dogbite doing the same, while Hazelbeam stands her ground and successful wards off another rogue. Everything is in their favor. Nothing wrong would happen today. Claws unsheathe, toes flex with the longing to shred fur. The onyx colored tom looks for Silversmoke and waits for his orders. Do I have permission to give chase? He knows his mentor will allow it, but he waits regardless of the silver tom's judgement.
  • — crowpaw / skyclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / 9 moons
    — undecided / single / not looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes with polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
Is he partaking in this patrol to repay SkyClan, or for his own personal benefit? To be frank, the fairly new SkyClanner also loathed rogues just as much as the clan cats. These very rogues overtook the area he and his daughter previously called home. As much as it frustrates the dappled tom, there was no way he or his daughter could've taken those rogues in a fight. There was only two of them compared to the group of rogues that chased them out that fateful morning. He wasn't about to put his, or his daughter's, life on the line to continue claiming a small patch of land in the twolegplace. So, he races after his new clanmates, with ears pinned back to his cranium. As he suspected, the rogues ended up not being just a problem to cats in the twolegplace. The rogues were getting cocky. The twolegplace was easy to push around, so the forest must be no different, right? He wants to scoff at their foolishness— even though he can barely call him a clan cat, he has known of the clans since their formation. He has witnessed how powerful and vast the cats of the forest has become, but not all were perceptive like him.

His green eyes land on a familiar rogue. A she-cat with chestnut tabby fur, with a badly nicked left ear. She was present that morning. He remembers her bold sneer; and those amber eyes that hungered for more power. She'd be surprised to see him here, wouldn't she? His tail flicks as his gaze locks onto her, this would be a perfect opportunity to enact some revenge, isn't it?

His paws begin to move. Unfortunately, he is unable to rely on the trees like most of the others, but he is quick with his paws. He pushes himself off the ground and tackles the rogue, knocking her into the snow covered ground. She squirms under his paws, so the patchwork feline lets out a hiss. "Remember me?" Recognition flashes in her amber eyes, and his eyes narrow as she lets out a hiss. "You're one of the loners from the twolegplace-" She cut off by a swipe at the face, yelping as bits of fur is ripped off her face. Blood trails down her face, and he watches as that persona from days before seemingly melts away. What a coward, He merely thinks as he glares daggers at the she-cat, she must've thought she was untouchable in the twolegplace. The moment she felt pain, and being the one outnumbered now, must've sunk deep into her cowardly bones. She uses her very last ounce of strength to kick the mottled tom off, and she's quick to scramble to her paws. He races after her for a moment, maybe just for the satisfaction of it, but ultimately comes to a stop. He watches as her silhouette disappears from view, wondering too if the rogue realized Zemo was holding himself back.

  • 76565175_FUwzowW2yLWrpPO.png

    artwork by me
  • Zemo
    skyclanner, former loner
    experience: trained
    backstory: tbd
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to nopeita for the pixel <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: black/fawn tabby chimera
    fur length: long
    parents: isidora and vuk (loner npcs)
    40 moons


Though more than ready to get pull their infestation of rogues out of the depths of the pine forest, Greeneyes finds himself glad he’s not the one taking the helm of this patrol. It’s Twitchbolt and Silversmoke that steer them forward instead, his fellow lead warriors, both with seniority over him. They hold more experience, both in the position and with the band of rogues that plague them. It’s better that Blazestar asked them, and not him. He just hopes this works

The snow has chilled his paws by the time they’re able to grab hold of the newly familiar scent, but it doesn’t stop the tom from copying his patrol mates and scrambling upwards into evergreen branches to await a signal. It’s not the patrol’s leads that mark it, though, rather Dogbite instead that drops from the trees first, that bursts into pursuit as others begin to do the same.

With unsheathed claws, Greeneyes dives downward toward an unfamiliar face with swiping paws. It’s an attack that hits, claws slicing into tabby-twisted fur. The tom expects more from the rogue in front of him, expects them to put up a fight, but they do not, opting to run with their peers instead. Viridian eyes blink, before white paws surge forward with a sharp hiss to ensure his brief opponent’s departure from the area.​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    ── Lead Warrior of SkyClan

    ── Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ── "Speech"; Attack
While he would never ask to be put into this position, Drizzlepelt is raring to go at these rogues, ready to run them out once and for all. A plague if he’s ever seen one, he feels like his being stretched thin has finally led him to his breaking point. Even if he will not be doing any killing this day, he’s gonna show them that even SkyClan is not to be messed with.

He levels himself in the cold air of winter, carefully scanning the ground from a branch up high. The best things come to those who wait, after all. When he rains down from the treetops, he lands on the back of one of them, claws sinking deeply. The rogue yowls, the sudden strike successful even if they were expecting it to a degree.

Drizzlepelt leaps off, leaving claw markings as he lands back on the ground. While the enemy is still off guard, he kicks with his back legs, shoving them closer to their peers. Luckily for him, they turn tail and run instead of continuing the fight, and he sighs in relief. Hopefully they continue to be cowards from here on out…either way, he’ll be ready.​


Johnnnyflame had been waiting for this. Ever since the rogues were discovered and the attacks began, he'd been itching for the chance to face them again. Even if Skyclan wasn't there to kill them that didn't mean that he wasn't going to carve a few good reasons for them not to come back into their cowardly rogue hides. And that's exactly what he did. Charging forward when the attack began, Johnny barreled into a rogue and sent them sprawling in the dirt before leaping atop them with a savage yowl. The tussle was quick violent, but when the grapple broke and the rogue went racing off to save itself, it was with a side raked bloody from Johnnys hind claws.

Glimmerpaw is faithfully right alongside their mentor, ready to cause trouble to these rogues before they hurt anyone else. What a pain they’ve been… there’s not much they can do alone, but luckily all that training was not just to be wasted. While Johnnyflame tackles his own, Glimmerpaw looks towards @edenpaw ?! and gives them a knowing smirk. “Hey… you know what’s better than one, right?” They jest, looking for who will be the target of their ire. When they have a rogue picked out, they give their friend a nod, and rush towards the skinny thing that is even smaller than they are, using that to their advantage and striking their head, pushing them down to the ground so Edenpaw can get a clean hit.
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰 Hazelbeam plummets from the tree line like a hawk and Edenpaw cannot help but stare in quiet awe of it... Maybe she just has a better, more innate talent for being a daylight warrior than her wayward apprentice and the bi-color feline frowns to consider it. What were they doing wrong that didn't replicate her perfectly? Was it the fact they didn't have a crush on weirdo, oldies like Duskpool?

A familiar, cheery voice nearby draws a single, grass-blaze sharp gaze towards them and their smirk is infectious. Edenpaw's own smile spreads wide, threatening to split their cheeks as Glimmerpaw offers a mischievous suggestion- What's better than one? "Here comes trouble, make it double!" And the tortie flings themself with paws slamming down onto a dumb, idiot's head. With a wild flutter of excitement in their heart, the bi-color lunges after them, jumping onto an exposed back to dig their claws into flailing shoulders.​

At the order of her lead warriors, Figfeather launches herself forward and collides with a pelt that continuously flooded her mind the last half-moon. Giant and brutish he retains the same cold-blooded look in his eye the day he had pinned Figfeather to the forest floor, his claws digging into her skull.

The red tabby had suspected she'd see him in this final battle, that she'd get a chance to help avenge her injured apprentice, a chance to avenge her own honor. 'You don't scare me, I can take you!' Her inner-voice growls as the tom-cat lunges forward to take a blow. Figfeather swiftly dodges out of the way and visibly startles the tom with her speed, she darts forward to quickly nip at his flesh.

It's now that her mind is clear and calm, she feels as though she can see every move he's about to make before even set into motion. He is slow and heavy, no match for Figfeather's wits and agility. He is quick to tire and among the first of the rogues to be sent sprinting with their tail tucked.

Even if Figfeather still stands battered, as blood trickles from her wounds she grins proudly and basks momentarily in her victory. At the yowl of a clan-mate she sprints back into the fray to aid them.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Tufted ears swiveled in Twitchbolt's direction as his peer acknowledged the acrid stench upon the air, his striped tail thrumming with a mixture of anticipation and excitement. Glory was not the motive, a price needed to be paid for horrors wrought upon his home, but... it was hard to ignore the way his heart sung now that it was healthy enough to drive him into battle uninjured. Fire flashed across his odd eyes at his younger clanmate's sentiments, briefly taken back to a time when they had fought WindClan together. "Right," he affirmed, watching the squirrely creature dart up a tree, a hoard of angry SkyClanners following suit. Very few kept to the ground, those who could not climb or did not want to climb, and the long-furred tom turned to them. Battle cries and words of affirmation caught in his throat before he could say them, Stars, they already knew why they were all here alongside him. It seemed ridiculous to remind them, not that he'd ever got the chance to. He sunk into the snow, becoming a spotted stone amidst the alabaster blanket he was nestled in. Soon after, SkyClanners fell from the trees like lightning-struck birds, and all he could hear was noise - cries of war so loud that it was impossible to ignore them.

He whipped around and barreled from his sedentary spot into the first rogue he saw, an unimpressive thing that relied on the very stealth that Silversmoke had surprised him with. Claws found soft flesh and latched on, back claws leaving long rakes down the stranger's belly as he tried to viciously twist out of the Lead Warrior's grasp. Desperate paws pummeled at an old wound that made Silversmoke see red, the tomcat lurching his head back before ramming it straight into the other's jaw. Stars flickered across his gaze for a second but, feeling the movements beneath him begin to still, Silversmoke let go, allowing the dazed cat to scramble away. He watched the pitiful creature try to slip away when he felt the gaze of another burning unto him; the Lead Warrior's attention shot to his apprentice. Even from such a distance, he could tell the other was searching for permission for something, and too busy seeing red, he could not even begin to decipher what. Do it, Silversmoke mouthed, gesturing for 'yes' with an angry, whipping tail.