pafp THE EARTH LAUGHED FLOWERS — "hunting practice"


Jun 20, 2023

☼—— emberkit is bored, bored, bored—his apprentice ceremony is "only a couple moons away", according to all the adults in his life, but it feels like an eternity. he wants to learn how to fight now, and hunt now! especially hunting, so he can bring back the biggest prey in the forest for sunfreckle. he shuffles his little paws in the dirt, imagining that he's chasing a huge rabbit to bring home to his papa. baby blue eyes flick towards a passing apprentice, and instantly the best idea in the history of ideas pops into his head like starclan themselves put it there. the apprentice can teach him how to hunt! the apprentices are big, and strong, and get to leave camp with their mentors to travel the whole forest and catch prey.

"skypaw! skypaw!" he yells, remembering the apprentice's name as he hurls himself over so quickly he nearly trips over his kitten-large forepaws to ask his question. his fluffy tail drags in the dirt behind him, swishing with excitement as he paws at skypaw's foreleg, eyes bright and joyful as he squeaks, "can you teach me how to hunt?"

  • ooc: please wait for @skypaw . !!
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  • ☼ emberkit — for his bright pelt & in honor of emberstar
    he/him ; amab, will come out as genderfluid ICly — thunderclan — kit — 2 ☾s
    —— emberkit is a young kit with a radiant white-splashed cream pelt and soft blue eyes. the adopted son of thunderclan's lead warrior sunfreckle and his mate rabbitnose, he is sweet, honest, and as bright as his namesake, if somewhat lacking in an attention span.
    —— smells like winter air & sweet smoke ; sounds like young bran stark ; speech in #A7CAEB, thoughts in #e98b27
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim (kitten)
    —— too young for romance ; open to friendships, casual interactions, plotting ; not open to romance, battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)

The false tortoiseshell doesn't mingle with the kits. It goes without saying that he feels he has better things to do - such as boring, menial apprentice chores. In fact, he was on his way to one just then, when Emberkit launches into distracting him. Skypaw can't help his initial grimace, taking a pawstep back just for a little space from the over excited kitten. The request is recieved, though not too well at first. "Emberkit," he addresses the kitten with a firm tone. His warm toned gaze flits up, however, and he thinks briefly of the path he had been previously taking - before deciding that he can take a break. A short one, and with a caveat, of course.

"I'll teach you," he decides, his gaze softening though only slightly. "But, if this runs me out of time for today, then you have to help me with my chores for tomorrow. Deal?" In truth, he doubts Emberkit will gain even a morsel of responsibility from a lesson such as that. The kitten wants to learn how to pounce and tackle, after all! Not how to detick elders or sort rotting moss from nests. Regardless of if Emberkit agrees, Skypaw motions his paw to the open space before him.

"To start, show me what you think a hunting crouch is," most kittens have a vague idea. Some are naturals, even - Skypaw simply needs to know where to start this one.​