THE ELECTRIC EXPERIENCE ☾✩ twoleg encounter

the riddance of the dogs was sweet. she had felt a hostage in her own home, with large and toothy sentry's waiting for her to think about escape. finally, the warrior could leave camp without the fear of becoming some flea-ridden hound's dinner. and while the threat of shadowclan still loomed, she wasn't too nervous. the sun was high in the sky, it's rays warming her back. those rats seemed to feel shelter under the moonlight.

this meant that it was the perfect time to do some solo hunting, she could go out and come back when she pleased. nightbird left camp swiftly, not wanting to risk being held back by chatter. she moved through the undergrowth expertly on quiet paws. the start of new-leaf would bring prosperity, but certainly anything was better than the former season.

it had gone well so far, both a mouse and a thrush were found and stashed away. her hopes were on the rise as the soft scurry of a vole was caught in her ears. low to the ground and downwind, it stood little chance. ready to make a deadly pounce, suddenly heavier footsteps were rapidly approaching. were the dogs back? her muscles froze, fur spiking up along her spine. the warrior threw herself into a bush, hueless eyes wide as she looked for an attacker, only to find none.

not a canine, but rather a twoleg had found themselves in thunderclan's forest. nightbird blinked hard, trying to slow her heart's rapid rate. they seemed to be looking for something, bringing their furless paws up around their face. yelling, shouting. puzzled, she followed to make sure the clumsy creature did not stray too close to the heart of the territory. it kept walking though, peering around branches and under bushes.

it was getting too close for her comfort though, that was enough searching for the large thing. she finally let herself show, fur spiked and teeth bared she let out an angry hiss. the thing spun around, but rather than fear in it's eyes, it's expression lit up. it's shouting shifted into soft coos, nightbird furrowed a brow but had little time to think of her next move. it began towards her slowly, arms outstretched. the warrior held her ground, hoping it would scare the thing away, but it seemed determined to scoop her up. the twoleg bent down, fingertips dusted her fur, and she was off, scaling the tree behind her. the smoke stood on a thick branch, hissing and spitting at the furless heathen below, but it still reached it's arms out to her, beckoning her to come down. it was a strange creature, but she bet her patience could outwill it's, so began an odd standoff between the two. she could only hope no other cats were around to witness such an odd interaction.
[ ☾✩ ]


He knew two-legs, unfortunately. It made him a mockery of some as a result, but there was no controlling ones birth and heritage as much as you liked so he had adjusted in his own way. Well enough anyways. The spitting and hissing sounds drew him from his hunt over to the area and he crouched along in his best attempts at stealth to see what exactly was going on.
Sunfreckle peered around the foliage, staring hard at the two-legged creature attempting to coax Nightbird from her lofty perch; they did that sometimes to seem softer, make those cooing sounds and click their tongues. This body language was easy to recognize, he had been approached similarly before in his two-leg prison, picked up and coddled and carried from place to place before being restored back into his cage at the end of the day. Some days he never even left it, it was a strange affair with no rhyme or reason. But two-legs we predictable enough. This one had no long sticks or anything of the sort. It seemed harmless but you could never tell, still...he couldn't just leave his clanmate here...

The gears began to turn and considered his options, only one of which stuck out as practical enough for him and it was a little silly but perhaps it would work. The red tabby stepped forward from hiding, shook his pelt out and gave a loud 'mrp' of a sound that drew the upwalker's attention toward him. The moment it turned and spotted him he fell over with an almost comical flop, tail flicking and tapping against the ground in one great sweeping gesture and he waited for a moment. Eventually it drew away from the dark smoke's tree and began to approach, he waited until it was only a tail-length away to dart to his three paws and spring back into the bush nearby. Hopefully pulling it far enough away from the other warrior so she could scale down and make her escape unbothered.
Tawny had been a forest cat for as long as anyone cared to remember. That was what she told herself, anyway. Whatever she knew of Twolegs was happenstance, curiosity, a bit of life experience perhaps– but nothing so worthy of note that anyone would question her deeply. She was a warrior of ThunderClan, after all, and her clanmates cared as little for the two-pawed walkers as she did. Even those who had come from a time before made a new life here, so she doesn't bother herself with anyone who had proved themselves both loyal and capable. Like Sunfreckle, of course. She has only a deep respect for the lead warrior. Even when he breaks off to squirm against the ground, inviting play and pet both, and her own eyes widen dramatically, she cannot question the path he put himself on. Right? She couldn't. She wouldn't. But oh, StarClan, she kind of wanted to. What in StarClan's name are you doing? her panicked eyes ask.

As he bolts away, the answer becomes clear: he was saving Nightbird.


Of course he was.

"Come on!" she calls to the trapped feline, though her voice is still low from the perceived threat of that thing coming back. "This way. Sunfreckle can find his own way back." An uncertain lie, and one that felt cruel to even speak. To even think of leaving a clanmate alone to those hairless paws seems damning, or at the very least rude. But what else could she do? He had made the choice. She could help follow through with it. Everything would be...fine. She's said that before, hasn't she?

  • ooc:

  • ──── tawnymask. warrior of thunderclan. she - her.
    ──── adult, approximate age four to five years old.
    ──── attracted most to other mollies, but bisexual.

    ──── a cream and chocolate molly with odd white markings and deep yellow-green eyes. her short fur shows off a powerful build and the occasional scar, and her pelt is often adorned with flowers or grass, fresh or dry.
  • "speech"

ginger flashed along the corner of her eye, and soon enough the twoleg had found an easier target. nightbird was thankful that it turned away, providing a window for her escape. still, her skin burned under her fur as embarrassment washed over her.

someone else calls out for her and she is reminded of her situation. a few blinks, and another gaze cast to the twoleg peering around for the lead warrior in the bushes, nightbird made her escape. the smoke began to follow the older warrior, but the molly's words had her forcing her legs to halt. find his own way back? she sent a surprised look to tawnymask, only a hair away from a glare. "no," she protested firmly, her tail flicking behind her. it wasn't that she had any doubts sunfreckle would find his way back, but nobody could leave until they knew that creature was gone and out of their forest.

nightbird left tawnymask's side to position herself behind a tree. glancing out, the twoleg seemed to be getting bored searching for cats. it also seemed to have forgotten what it was here for entirely. dejected, the twoleg turns to retreat to wherever it's home may lay. she waits for it to get a sizeable distance away, before stalking over to the bush the ginger warrior found safety in. "it left, thank you," she said quietly, the expression of her gratitude was uttered quickly yet coolly. her pride was already damaged enough, anything else and she might just die. "should we make sure it finds it's way outside of the borders?" she added, glancing back to the twoleg's retreating figure. it seemed more lost than anything, but it was best not to let curious minds wander, especially when they did so on two feet and into thunderclan's territory.

[ ☾✩ ]


The concerns of leaving him behind were warming, he would expect no less really and understood. Sunfreckle wouldn't begrudge cats seeking their own safety but Nightbird, who he respect but was not as close with, was a cat he felt would one day make some kind of a great folkhero. Despite her prickliness at times she seemed sincere in her feelings and he admired the truth of self that came so easily to some cats.
The two-leg must be young or foolish, a mix of the two perhaps, because elluding them had not been terribly difficult for him even on three-legs and looking like a bright red target roaming through the woods. Perhaps it was how use he was to two-legs that they didn't scare him, not the most wise of ways to feel but something he couldn't shake so easily. To Sunfreckle they were only dangerous when the long claws were out and this one had nothing worth being worried over, just a strange temperament to them. He was almost very certain they were a kit now, but that was not a concern for him as he weaved around the bush, tail held high to make sure he was still visible and it couldn't be lost in the thick undergrowth surrounding them. Once assurred they were far enough from Nightbird's tree he was much more deft in his movements, quicker and more guarded; he'd never been the stealthiest of cats but thankfully this was no dangerous predator with keen senses. It wandered off as he crouched, waiting for a sign it was safe to crawl out of hiding when Nighbird's head poked through the shrub down to him and he offered her a white-fanged grin in return.
"Don't mention it, hey can....can we not tell Howlingstar I did that..." He had no intentions of letting some two-leg touch him but he could only imagine how moritified their leader would be to hear he had cooed at one and baited it over to him by rolling around like a fool. Creeping from the bush he leaned around the two she-cats to examine their lost trespasser.
"I wonder if its a kit. It's hard to tell, but yeah I'd prefer we make sure its out of the territory too..."