Though he felt solidarity with all of the other Riverclanners, Fernpaw found himself glad that SkyClan and RiverClan were not enemies- for it meant he had a bit more of an excuse to talk to Figfeather. He'd felt similarities between them when they had time to speak- they'd both been injured as apprentices, having to move past the effects to triumph- but the pale ginger she-cat was impressive in that she'd managed to gain her warrior name despite that. He was past the point of being jealous of more successful cats, especially when they were as kind to him as she was. And, feuding with his sister... he wanted to talk to someone who didn't see him as an underwhelming failure.

Did Figfeather pity him? He didn't know why he cared. That... talk he had with Iciclefang had made him a bit more aware of it. "Figfeather!" he called, picking his pace up to catch up to her. His eye flicked around her face, attempting to read her expression. "I... how are you feeling?" They'd just been trapped for days. Maybe they'd be able to find a little bit more of that similarity again- for Fernpaw did not think he ever wanted to be in the dark again.

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♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Figfeather is pleased to see Fernpaw as he comes padding towards her. It was a relief to see anyone at all since they made it out of the caves, she had been so convinced if any cats had been living they would’ve made it on without them… Turns out… they had all been trapped!

But she is especially relieved to see him, StarClan knows it was good to have a friend or two on this journey… Her heart most certainly would’ve sunk if she had heard Fernpaw had been injured; or worse.

”Fernpaw!” She greets, equally as relieved and eager. She slows down her pace, which didn’t take much, to allow him to catch up and walk at her side. She aims to brush her nose against his shoulder in a friendly manner and to show her gratefulness he was okay.

”Well- better than I have the last few days prior… I’m- I’m shocked to be alive.” She confesses to him. The fact she was still trudging forward and she got to see the days go by was strange… in the end she had just about come to terms with the end being near.

Only for light to break through once more.

”I’m just glad everyone is safe- even if rough for wear.” That was the truth of it ultimately, she looks at him with a vague smile. ”…What about you? I mean- are you okay?”
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

In truth, Fernpaw figured it was some miracle he hadn't been injured or worse. It was difficult not to keep piling doubt on himself when apparently everyone else was seeing it too... and though freshly-hurt feelings still broiled deep within Fernpaw's chest, he didn't want to spit them all out in front of Figfeather. The last thing he wanted was for her to shrug, say, aren't they right though? No part of him truly thought she would, but... no part of him had thought Iciclefang really thought so little of him, either.

His grin was easy, and he leant slightly into her touch, a wordless greeting back. Her next words surprised him, a little- how easily she'd admitted to him that she was shocked to be alive. Fernpaw had hardly admitted it to himself, let alone another cat, that death as a possibility hadn't crossed his mind. Not because of idiocy, though... but because he wouldn't let it. "I'm... I'm glad too," the said, nodding. Grin shrinking to a closed-mouth smile, Fernpaw's aquamarine eye slipped forward in thought. Was he okay?

"I'm... yeah, shocked to be alive too." It felt odd to admit it. The words were thick, as if they'd sprung out unready. "I was the one who kept... kept telling everyone, we'd get out, we'd get out. Y'know? But..." The ginger tom was doing an awful job of hiding his sentimentality as his pupils wobbled upon a faraway trail of cloud. "I didn't think I'd ever see the sky again."
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♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Figfeather leans in, offering a shoulder of comfort to the red tom as he shares with her. Her stomach turns and twists up- she wish she could’ve been as strong as Fernpaw had. She hadn’t been that cat- the last few days in the cave she had been a shell of who she usually was.

”That takes a lot of strength.” She verbalizes her admiration, ”I- uh, I could’ve used that type of encouragement when I had been trapped.” She doesn’t say it, but it’s clear in the way her eyes cloud things had not been good.

”But we made it out… and cats seem to think we’re close to our goal!” Figfeather tries to smoothly change the subject, StarClan knows neither of them needed to ponder on recent events. ”I’m so excited to find the lungwort and get back. I love the mountains and the sights, but I miss the familiar trees above my head and clan-mates back home.”
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Often, cats had told Fernpaw that he was strong, though everything about him contradicted it. He bore a large scar that slightly spoiled the handsomeness of his features, a slight and runtish frame that betrayed no muscle-mass, and meticulously-kept fur blighted not by battle. In the reflection of the river, he was no strong cat. Though before he had refuted the claim, Figfeathers words touched that familiar place and settled oddly, but not unpleasantly, in his chest. "Thanks." It was an earnest admittance. I- uh, I could’ve used that type of encouragement when I had been trapped. The fire-pelted tom sighed. "I wish I could have been there."

On to happier topics, though- Fernpaw was glad for the shift. They didn't need to sit on the bad things that had happened when she was right, they'd made it out. They faced the light, and therefore hope, once again. Relating to her sentiment, Fernpaw nodded, still watching the slow crawl of the clouds across the sea of blue above them. "Is there anyone you're looking forward to seeing?" There had to be something Figfeather wanted to go back to- why else would she have come? "Back home, I mean."
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Figfeather hesitates at the question. Who was she looking forward to seeing when she returned home? Well, she misses Butterflytuft and Violetnose, of course. Friends such as Sparrowsong, Twitchbolt, and even Fantastream. The clan in general too, Silversmoke, Blazestar… she even can’t help but miss Dawnglare and all the oddities that came with him.

Her heart feels empty though as her stomach gives a dreadful twitch.

This journey will not bring back Tallulahwing. Good StarClan… sometimes she forgets that this cure will not rewind time and bring the dead back from their graves.

She does not have it in her to trouble her RiverClan friend with these turmoils. ”My sisters most of all. Butterflytuft and Violetnose, have you met them?” She resigns to saying, wondering if he’s ever chatted with them on border patrols. ”What about you?”

  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Regrettably, he shook his head- he would have liked to have told her he had met her sisters, but he was sure he would have remembered names that unique. "Sorry." He wasn't sure what exactly had compelled him to apologise to her. "There's no way they won't be just as glad to see you, though,' he encouraged, even if she didn't need encouraging. It was second nature to look to the end of their turmoils and convince himself it was going to be alright. No longer was he blinded by the final goal, his judgement obscured by imagined heroic glory- but he couldn't really imagine why someone wouldn't be pleased to see Figfeather.

Drawing in a deep breath, he looked back to her. "My father, my mentor. Um- not my father and my mentor, my- my father is my mentor." He flushed a little, ears pinning to his head briefly as he let out a small burst of laughter. Hadn't that been a word-scramble to say something very, very simple... "My sister Steepsnout. They have yellowcough, both of them..." To steady his rapidly-wobbling voice, emotion threatening to take him over, he cleared his throat.

"Ravensong, I'll be happy to see. My other siblings, and- and my friend Sablepaw. I miss..." He snorted, realising how much he'd been talking. "I think I miss everyone, really. I can't wait to see them again."
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Her whiskers twitch with intrigue, ”Really?” She meows, perplexed by the idea of her mother mentoring her. StarClan… it would’ve been an honor but on the other paw incredibly odd. She wouldn’t trade the expirence she got with Tallulahwing for nothing. ”Whats that like? Does it ever… cause issues…?” She tries to inquire as politely as possible. Sometimes with her kin she found it difficult to treat them as fellow warriors and not just her brother and sister. Surely a father and son, mentor and apprentice pair would find some difficulty? Perhaps not? She wonders…

Figfeather nods and lets a playful chuckle out, ”I get it. Me too. I can’t imagine how loners do… this all the time.” It was unbelievable to her… and to think some loners turned clan cat missed living like this, always on the go. ”This mission has given me enough adventure to last for a life time.”

Yet there’s a strang pain in her heart. ”But once it ends, I guess I- uh. It’s going to be weird that we’ll just be apart of different clans again…” Truly it is a dreadful realization, she’s allowed herself to get far too use to this… Her lips tighten.​

  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

The idea that a father-and-son team of mentor and apprentice would cause issues was quite lost on Fernpaw until Figfeather brought it up- she was quite good at making him think about things. Because maybe if Mudpelt had been a less patient father, he would have been a less patient mentor- he would have felt disappointed, like Fernpaw was a blight upon his bloodline and reflected awfully upon his teaching. And though Fernpaw had very much considered that Mudpelt was embarrassed of him, he had never shown it- and that was the important thing. "Not really...?" he admitted. "I think it's... better, honestly. At least, for me. I think a mentor who didn't love me right off the bat would have..."

He winced, and then laughed. It was a bit of a mirthless laugh, because the sentiment reminded him so strongly of what Iciclefang had said to him- Thank the stars I’m not your mentor. If I fail Cicadapaw this badly... "...would have lost their patience with me a long time ago."

The memory didn't hurt for a very long time. Figfeather was quite easy company- she spoke of displacement, but her chuckling made it a little more comfortable a topic, and Fernpaw found himself nodding in agreement. "Yeah, you know- not having a camp really does just..." He hesitated, grasping the word. "Disorientate you."

His jaw tightened, though. Would he miss this, in some way? The camaraderie, the... dying admittances? The violet flowers, the snow-swollen sunset? Or would it be Stormywing's odd way of making him forget they had fought at Sunningrocks? Figfeather being so easy to open up to? Bobbie and her curious enthusiasm? He'd never have known them like this. "It will be weird," he agreed, and he earnestly thought so. "Do you think... cats'll act like it never happened...?"

Maybe it would be easier to just forget. To get home, and have that be it.
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’Do you think… cats’ll act like it never happened…?’

Perhaps one, would have defiantely determined no, or at least swear that they would never forget what happened. But Figfeather…? She is certain she knows which category she falls in. ”Well… I won’t pretend it didn’t happen but-” Figfeather trails off, searching for the right string of words. ”I… I’m going to put this behind me. My loyalty can’t belong to all the clans.” And if it continued to lay with all the cats of the journey, it would.

Figfeather does not find her response to be cold or cruel, it is what SkyClan would want, what StarClan would expect. They may have united for this journey, but like the old prophecy instructed, they would have to seperate like the tendrils of a creeper vine once more.

Though her gaze lightens up on Fernpaw, ”But… our friendship runs deeper than this journey. That I will never forget.” She would assure with a soft smile. ​

  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Slowly, Fernpaw nodded. At first her words were a difficult thing for him to parse- putting it behind you, but not forgetting. Though subtle, there was a difference. And she was right- was she always right? Loyalty couldn't belong to all five Clans- it was the Warrior Code. The first law, a law that had been made when Fernpaw was still blue-bug-eyed, patchy and smaller than he was now.

Our friendship goes deeper than this journey. With a glint of dewy happiness in his single eye, he met Figfeather's bright tangerine, his grin obviously genuine. "I'll never forget it, too," and the affirmation left him with ease. Really, it was very easy to say. It'd be easy for anyone to say. How could he lie to Figfeather's face, though? Honest and true, he would not forget these moments they had shared.

"RiverClan is where I belong." His tone was equally as level and sure of itself, cheerful as ever. In any other Clan, he'd be even worse of a failure. "But- there's so many cats I wouldn't ever have known like... like this," and a fiery paw gestured to the both of them. "A moon ago I'd never have spoken to a Skyclanner about how scared I was in those caves, given the chance. But I'm glad I did, and I wouldn't trade it for anything." It was a complicated feeling to describe, but Figfeather seemed to be one of the few cats who would earnestly understand.
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