pafp THE FACE OF MY ENEMY ✧ windclan mentor/apprentice

He would be remiss if he did not quickly ensure Hollypaw had a chance to see RiverClan from across the gorge. Their border, according to Sootstar’s instruction, has been marked once this day already, despite how early it still is. The tabby rubs his cheek and tail against every bit of foliage he comes across, eyes steely as he does so. “This,” he says, turning to Hollypaw, “is our border with RiverClan. This is the gorge.” They are three foxlengths from the edge, and he brushes his tail against her shoulder and adds in a stern voice, “Remember what I said about getting too close. If you slip and fall here, you will die. There is no saving a cat who goes over.

He turns to look at Hollypaw, then begins to edge just a little closer, so the two of them can peer over the edge and see RiverClan’s territory. “This is our only border with RiverClan, but you maybe familiar with the Twoleg Bridge. That is neutral territory, but RiverClan likes to think they own it because it touches water.” He snorts. “They are the greediest Clan in this forest. Never go over that bridge unless I instruct you to do it. Understood?” He grits his teeth, thinking of Cottonpaw’s incident, of Smokethroat scarring her beautiful blue eye. After a moment, he adds, “Surely you know why we do not cross that bridge?” Surely Spiderbloom has told her kits about Juniperfrost’s death—and if she has not, he decides, he will tell her today.

Keep an eye out, and remember to mark everything. We’re still sending a message.

// please wait for @HOLLYPAW.

  • weasel . weaselclaw
    — he/him ; lead warrior of windclan
    — heterosexual ; taken by Sootstar
    — short-haired chocolate tabby with white and blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Oliver

hollypaw's neck cranes to peer into the gorge as weaselclaw speaks. it seems alive, water writhing as the growth along the sides dances with each touch of the wind. only the jagged rocks are still, grounded amongst so much movement. she nods at the promise of certain death if she were to fall, but her morbid curiosity has her wondering if it would be as brutal as she imagined.

it is fitting to be the riverclan border, as violent an unforgiving as the cats that resided there. hollypaw had yet to meet a riverclanner, she didn't have to. her mind was already fixed, she knows what they did. bright green eyes lock on the twoleg bridge, a landmark she had only heard of so far.

she is instructed never to cross it without prompt, slowly she nods. hollypaw knows why, knows of riverclan's treachery. spiderbloom hadn't dived to deep in the retelling, but gossip spread like wildfire over windclan's dry grasses. "yes," she utters, the agitated twitch of her ears would only be slightly masked by a push of wind. "they killed him here." her gaze is blazing across the border. riverclan had stolen from her, she would never know her father thanks to their bloodthirsty claws. she intended to return the favor as soon as she was granted the chance.

"they'll get what they deserve." ominous, her tone was almost far away as she urged her fur to stop bristling at the scent of fish. starclan would allow her an opportunity to be repaid, hollypaw was sure of it. dutifully, she moved away to brush her scent along the border. although it was still strong from the patrols earlier today, she understood the show they were to put on. the apprentice did as told, a fiery look examining every hint of movement on the other side.
it was mere coincidence that he happens upon them first ; a steady stride along their rippling shore, paws damp and fur glossed against the midday sun. the way towards the twoleg bridge was hot, bleary sun beating down heady, heavy along the ivory expanse of his back, ” you remember where to mark here, ja? “ the leader rumbles, glancing back towards @Hazepaw where they ever - wander at his heels. they crest the small incline towards windclan and — by some miracle, some misfortune, windclanners settle just past the war - ridden plats of their walkway.

weaselclaw, and a small, dark molly. it never ceases to surprise him, the size of their apprentices — nothing more than a rat, fitting as destined they are to scavenge and hoard together, power only born of a swarm of scrappy mongrels. an ear swivels towards his apprentice, and for once, he is appreciative of their smart mouth, " ah, weaselclaw! “ the mottled tom crows, rubbing the hollow expanse of his cheek against the bridges post — his tone, his smile sings faux - friendly, ” im thrilled to see windclanners finally training their young on the importance of a borderline. " he does not care for the apprentice, does not so much as glance her way — his gaze, in fact, does not linger on them at all. the leader glances away, closes his eyes against the warmth of the sun, and the ire windclan holds for them, ” .. but only time will tell if it prevents any other incidents. “ he mutters, quieter, towards whichever of his warriors linger at their side of the bridge.

  • i.
    he / him. tall, elegantly curled smoke tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt blue eyes. his structure sings a feral sort of hymnal, presenting an almost dangerous sort of beauty veiling what monstrosities lie beneath the ivory of his skull. jutting jawline and a squared chin, sunken cheeks drawing a shadow beneath high, sharp cheekbones with tall, angular ears settling high atop the flatter slope of his cranium. he is beautiful ; lucifer in the eyes of an envious god. for all his looks, his expression is lax, void — corpse - eyed and hollow until spoken to, sparking the undead to life. he is tall, lean, cut - glass pretty ; he smiles with too - many teeth, blackened frostbite pulling back his maw to bear canines setn beneath curling whiskers, pantomime skeletal. a predatory gracefulness from the lines that press the image of exhaustion beneath ice water hues to the slow, sure gait in which he walks, nameless strength poorly concealed within the hard lines of his physique. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unnaturally tall amongst his peers, always holding himself with a tragic sort of grace ; poised, prim, and uncannily aware of how he appears.

    ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── smells like wet moss and meadowland thunderstorms.
    ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── notoriously paranoid and closed off, cicadastar will tend to lie, assume, and jump to conclusions whenever it suits him. any 'suspicious' ic actions he witnesses or hears about will have a strong effect, and will have ic consequences! if you're unsure of an interactions outcome, please feel free to send a dm! no character opinions represent my own.
    penned by antlers

  • " speech "

( ) lovely. just lovely. maybe patrols with cicadastar are cursed. twoleg traps, foxes, now this windclan foxheart and whatever little rat clings to his teachings. sometimes willowroot surprises herself with her own vocabulary, but it's about fitting for how little she thinks of the two moor-dwellers as they mark their territory. the warrior curls her tail up over her back, beckoning to wagtailpaw to begin marking. "watch your step." she murmurs to him, before allowing the apprentice to begin. across the stoney expanse of the twoleg bridge, weaselclaw spews propaganda onto his trainee, and the black smoke raises an eyebrow, eyes of emerald gleaming with a curious, cold light. she'll huff a short laugh at her leader's words, shooting him a glance. "doubtful, still, could be worth it." she replies, before turning back towards her apprentice.

the sun beams down onto her dark fur with what she can only imagine the gaze of a thousand angry windclanners would feel like. fitting- a nasty day for a nasty run in. padding to the other post of the bridge, she firmly marks it. allowing her eyes to drift across the form of the young apprentice, willowroot observes.
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She stands just behind the adults, a safe distance away, and she looks out across the bridge and into WindClan territory. The moors. Sometimes she can't help but to wonder 'what if I had been born in another clan?' would she still be Dipperpaw? No. Probably not. Did dipper birds even grace WindClan's lands? What kind of prey did they eat? All these questions swirl in her head as she looks past the dusty tom and his apprentice. The cats she is supposed to hate. WindClan is there enemy. They are no good, bad. They want to hurt her, her clan, her sister and Dipperpaw does not like that therefor she does not like them. It is an easy decision for the young girl to make.

She wants to ask the WindClanners her torrent of questions, natural curiosity overriding her knowledge that she should detest these two. But something in the way Cicadastar speaks makes her think better of it and she keeps her mouth firmly shut, lips pressed into a deep line as she worries them with her teeth, a contemplative look in her eyes. Finally, she gives in to the questions that rain down on her brain, drowning out all other thoughts, but instead of directing it at the WindClanners she turns to Willowroot instead "Did cats build this bridge?" she asks quietly, almost under her breath. She had seen the bridge before, of course, but she was never quite certain of its origins.
Weaselclaw is pleased to find Hollypaw does know what RiverClan did to her father. The tabby blinks at her fierce words, pride lapping at his belly like the waves of the surging river beneath them. “They will,” he promises his apprentice. “One day, StarClan willing, you will be one of the cats who gets to bring them justice.” His tail flicks. “I will make sure you’re prepared for that day.

He had expected river rats to begin slinking into their periphery, but he hadn’t expected to meet the king of waterlogged foxhearts today. Cicadastar is insolent, his own pathetic fox cub dragging behind him. “RiverClan mocks your father’s murder, Hollypaw,” he says, lifting his voice above the noise and the wind. “One day Cicadastar will learn the price these incidents will cost him.” He smiles, tight-lipped, and adds, “Again.” He longed to feel the RiverClan’s leader fur and flesh part beneath his claws again, only this time—he will not rest until every life has been wrenched from his wretched body.

He vaguely recognizes the smoke-pelted warrior beside him, but they are of little significance to him. Once they’d worn Smokethroat’s former rank—now that are as inconsequential as the rest of the swimming murderers and thieves, just as the apprentice beside them is. “Memorize their faces,” he tells Hollypaw, voice lowering now. “When you meet in battle, you will want to know who it is you’re sending to StarClan.Or whatever hell is reserved for creatures like you, Cicadastar.Let’s go before the stench of fish upsets our breakfast.

Weaselclaw nudges Hollypaw and leads her away from the ledge of the gorge.

// out

  • weasel . weaselclaw
    — he/him ; lead warrior of windclan
    — heterosexual ; taken by Sootstar
    — short-haired chocolate tabby with white and blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Oliver

weaselclaw's promise was a sweet song in her ears. retribution would come, the justice that hollypaw's claws deserved to take. starclan would understand, they knew of riverclan's misdeeds, knew that this revenge would be righteous. not today, her time would come, but preparation would be taken seriously. hollypaw knew her purpose, knew that patience was required to fulfill it.

soon enough, riverclanners showed face along the other side of the border. the mottled creature at the head of the group of snakes called out to her mentor, patronizing them in a tone that made her ears twitch. 'riverclan mocks your father's murder, hollypaw,' weaselclaw declares, a rush of anger rolls down her spine. they were insolent. deepening their grave with every ridiculous word, but the child would not give into the goading, choosing to fix them with a cold stare. "they're very annoying," she notes distastefully, tail flicking in the same motion she would use to swat a fly away.

her eyes moved to sweep across the gathered cats, doing just as told. every one of them would feel the burn of her claws if starclan permitted it, all would suffer for the crimes of the clan they absurdly called home. two apprentices were amongst the group, one parted white jaws to say something too quietly for her ears. there was the tall one, legs longer than a few windclanners combined, the unique look about that one wouldn't be hard to remember. lastly, a smoky warrior stood, gaze observant as she watched. hollypaw's eyes narrowed slightly in turn.

by the time she felt as though she could pick them all from a crowd, weaselclaw nudged her away from the gorge. dark paws felt no restraint as they followed her mentor, now that he had mentioned it she was feeling rather ill from the scent.