fata viam invenient.
Jun 27, 2024

LH black smoke / lilac sepia chimera w. high white

notes for my own reference
- A tiny, wispy - furred cat with a sleek build that falls somewhere between cervine and leonine. His long fur carries a ghostly curled texture, but its thickness is enough to lend it some density, with masses of curls gathering in a faux - mane over her thin chest and neck. Some especially long waves spill in rows of ruffles over her upper back and shoulders, giving her half the appearance of faux wings, finished off with a long tufted tail bearing somewhat of a resemblance to a unicorn. His face is generously feathered by lush fur, spilling over into his distinctive heavy mane . . . but put a paw to it and it can feel as insubstantial as cotton, giving way underpaw to reveal the smallness of her frame.
- Long - bodied and long - legged despite the compactness of his body, she's as tiny as her work demands of her, tufted ears and masses of curls both concealing lean muscle and lending her silhouette some extra padding while still allowing her to fit into the tunnels handily. Loose curls spill over her forehead, framing a heart - shaped face and lending a little extra softness to her oft - unreadable expression. Wearer of a black, silvered tawny, and white chimeric pelt; his darkest pigment only touches her fluffy mane and tail, barely creeping down into her face (I need to block out exact markings and get him cleared for realism). Her body is marbled by winding scars reminiscent of cracked porcelain or veined stone, drawn painstakingly precise, their origin unspoken. Desaturated golden eyes.
- A polite and respectful cat who is defined by his rigid principles, unwavering faith, and strict black - and - white morality. Once her devoutness was directed at some unspoken deity, but as of recent moons, it has been firmly directed towards StarClan. Strong of character and unmoving in his values, she flatly refuses to waver from them to please others; unwilling to stray from her unbending principles for the sake of friend or enemy, she can easily butt heads with those who diagree. While polite and respectful ( there's almost something chivalrous about his rigid adherence to hierarchy and custom ), she is not the most socially adept; as direct with his words as he is with his actions, she spares nobody's feelings. You'll be informed that you've fucked up with the same simple candor with which she delivers admiration or compliments.
- His role has eternally been that of an older sibling, a protector, a guardian, but also a punisher. She wields her morality like a bladed weapon, and whether it meets the yield of an easily influenced mind or the well - galvanized rigidity of a guarded one matters little to Shiverspirit. Though her intentions are honest and pure, if warped by things unspoken, he's easy to dismiss as a proselytizer or a maddened cat; further conversation will lead to an eager expounding, one that can reveal their genuine and honorable intentions. For one who will easily assume the role of a physical caretaker, she tends to lack as an emotional one; if you need food or water or your pelt washed ( or extra paws on deck for dawn patrol ), he's your cat . . . but if you want comfort, consolation, or empathy, you're better off looking elsewhere.
- Her tongue is as sharp as her principles, and she's not one to decline some debate or banter; gallant knight errant that she is, for all her preaching, he's still a friendly soul at heart, if rather disconnected from his Clanmates. Behavior she finds condemnable or amusing but unworthy of true punishment will be met with smart remarks.
- Briefly a barn cat, her past before that undisclosed, she feels a great debt to WindClan ( although it was she who helped them during the rebellion ) and a fascination with its well - organized customs and rules. A creature of habit and obedience, Shiverspirit has taken to the Clans like a fish to water, her half - blackened heart firmly pleged to Sunstar. A devotedly hard worker quick to adapt to the dark world of the tunnels, she is as punishing ( if not more so ) in her standards for herself as she is with her Clanmates. Protection is her aim, in whatever form it takes . . . and if that means cruelty to protect her Clanmates from themselves, so be it.
- Unwilling or unable to speak of the sprawling path of her short life which has suffused her with such vigorous devotion, the only hint is the last wisps of salt - scent on her pelt when she first met WindClan during the rebellion, a fact easily overlooked in the chaos. Inquiries into her life prior will bring little answer, a quick dismissal; repeated efforts will only invite something near to aggression. Also a hint is her difficult adjustment to the relative lack of violence in her new home . . . used to punishing her " siblings ", as she's apt to call Clanmates, with raised claw as much as sharp tongue, it has taken training to dissuade her from striking those she perceives as having sinned.
- Actually takes a great, if well - hidden, pleasure in the affections of others. Always the caretaker, he is tacitly unused to being the cared - for; his longing for protection, affection, the ability to drop his ever - present guard is one so well - masked she herself has long forgotten it even exists. Enjoys being taken care of, having his fur cared for, bathing in warm water, sharing fresh - kill, games and spars, physical touch, and other such gestures of simple affection; in a similar vein, he has long hidden it and treated it as sinful to the point that she outright rejects such activities ( for the most part, anyways ).
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