camp The first little angel 🎕 O, intro


Feb 21, 2023

Duckkit lingered at the nursery's entrance, his oversized paws slowly shifting as he tried to work out some of the grime under his claws. He'd been having a good morning so far, burying his face deep into his mother's soft fur and breathing in the familiar and comforting scent of his family. Duckkit spent most of his days lounging around and staying close to mom. On this particular morning, however, he was decidedly restless. Duckkit slunk off early to stand at the nursery's entrance, not wanting to interrupt anyone's sleep. Perhaps he should have been concerned that his only activities involved cuddling Wrenflutter, but at the moment Duckkit was staring directly at the sun as it peaked over the ravine of Thunderclan's camp.

Fortunately for his eyes, the senior ranks of Thunderclan appeared to be awakening around him. Warrior patrols began soon after, as apprentices hopped around the clearing with their boundless energy. He wasn't a particularly nervous kit, but he still felt awkward approaching anyone other than his family. Still, the morning bustle seemed appealing, and Duckkit felt compelled to participate. His clanmates worked so hard, shouldn't he should also pitch in?

Duckkit attempted to exude authority as he hobbled over to the fresh-kill piles on legs that were far too short. The tom inhaled deeply and examined the pile intently, circling it a few times to ensure he checked every angle. Sitting back on his hunches (and almost falling over) Duckkit made sure at least a few cats were nearby before announcing "All good here." What did that entail? Not even Duckkit knew, he thought it sounded very professional though. After the ordeal, he was positively exhausted, after all, he had just conducted a thorough investigation. Duckkit would have liked to get up and return to his nest at this point, but the thought of all that movement made him yawn. He decided that the best course of action would be to remain seated, just a pace away from the pile, and keep an eye out for any funny business.
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OOC: creeak creak... get it? thats the sound of RUST!!! I AM RUSTY!!! anyways have this silly boy
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As a kit, Berryheart too had been fond of investigating. That urge often overtook him even now, when some oddity or curiosity struck him. Such as, could one notice how quickly rain-puddles disappeared? What was the best way to extract honey from a beehive? Was there rhyme or reason to the patterns of some herb-growth? Even in childhood he had been quite the eavesdropper, eager to gain every ounce of knowledge that he could wrap his snow-dipped paws around. Old habits died hard, he supposed...

Reclined outside the medicine den, soaked in the bathing light of the morning sun, Berryheart's olivine eyes creaked open at the sound of an expedition. A discovery, apparently. Partially obscured by the hood of his eyelids, the tortoiseshell tom observed a tangled kit announce that the fresh kill pile, diminished as it was, looked all good. A humoured spark lit copper-borne flame, burning green. Shifting to rest his chin on his paws, a sleepy blink overtook Berryheart's eyes for a moment.

A crooked jaw shifted, eyes remaining closed. "And you're judging...?" Lids fluttered back, pupils now comfortable settled upon Tousles. Was he checking for his favourite prey, for general quality of good meals to bad, or for the freshness of the kill?

She wanted to say she liked kits, but perhaps she held a small bias towards only the ones she was related to or were present at their birth due to a fondness to their parents. Falconkit and Stormkit were fine thought the latter was a little loud at times, but she respect Flamewhisker and Flycatcher enough that their kittens were tolerable, cute even. Her own younger siblings were, of course, perfect in every way and above any judgement on her paw but Duckkit was not.
Duckkit was an unknown kitten to her, she did not even know who his parents were, when he was born, none of it; only that he was here now. Whether that was a sign she didn't pay attention or something else, Moonpaw did not bother to dwell on so when she came to trot over and paused alongside her uncle she could only give the child a look through narrowed and uncertain eyes to his little declaration. All good.
Had he...done something to the freshkill pile? Was he looking for something in particular? The tortie point's tail went up as she wandered over to circle it herself, carefully inspecting for another that might be out of sort only to find it seemed...fine. Normal prey, nothing looked tampered with or chewed upon.
She hadn't the faintest what the kitten was getting at unless he was merely playing. Perhaps? Straightening her posture she faced him, head up and tone curt and authoritative, "What is your report?"

☼ Hunger gnawed at Shiningpaw's stomach as he began to cycle through his various morning stretches. A budding future warrior needed to keep himself limber after all! Duties were soon due to be upon him, though fortunately he knew that his mentor wasn't a morning sorta guy so he reckoned that he had plenty of time to have some breakfast. However it seemed that he would have to deal with the current inspector by the pile. The golden tom wore a cheery smile as he made his approach. "All good to eat?" He queried with a playful glint in his eye as he looked at Duckkit.
She had been louder and more lively before, but the dog's attack on the camp and nursery remained freeh in her little head. Stormkit did not have many memories, because she was so young. This one was big enough to leave an impact. She could feel it in every step she took.

She was getting better now. With her mother and father's guidance, she was venturing out into camp again. The tricolor's wide blue eyes peeped out at Duckkit circling the fresh kill pile. He ought to be careful! She thought, nervously looking side to side. However, when the older cats gathered around him, most amicable and friendly, Stormkit slowly slid out of the nursery.

"Be careful. It's dangerous." She mewed, still keeping close to the bramble den.



Duckkit's attention was diverted from his mission of keeping an eye on the pile by Berryheart, a tom he recognized as having some sort of clan authority. He stared at the med-cat, completely ignoring the question and desperately trying to recall his rank. He'd been told before, many times. So why was the answer eluding him now? "Judging?" Duckkit trailed off, for a moment the tom sat motionless, complete silence weighing them down like an uncomfortably heavy blanket. Fortunately for the kit, Moonpaw appeared, a speckled molly with long white fur that reminded Duckkit of his feathery nest. Moonpaw wasn't a cat he knew well, but she seemed to understand his method, leading Duckkit to believe that his improvised investigation was actually a task. He felt slightly embarrassed in the presence of a cat who had clearly done a fresh-kill check before "Well, there aren't any...uh..." Duckkit paused, trying to recall all the certified boogeymen he had been warned about. "There were no dogs or loners in there, and there were a couple of mice," he finished with a puff of his chest, feeling that with a report like that, he was sure to get praise.

Duckkit's ego reached an all time high when Shiningpaw approached. To think, he had accidentally done what was appearing be a very important job for his clan. Duckkit found himself subconsciously mirroring the sunny apprentice's bubbly smile. "Yes, all good!" he said, returning his gaze to the pile, "What do you want? I can get it for you," He added, deciding that if he was going to be appointed prey checker, he might as well fetch it.

Stormkits quiet mewl was almost lost on Duckkit, as it might as well have bounced right off his currently huge head. He knew Stormkit in the vaguest sense, as they were around the same age and spent lots of time in the nursery. However, he had yet to really talk to the smaller she-cat, though she reminded him a bit of his brother Dovekit in her anxious nature. He was fortunate in a way. Whereas the recent attacks were at the forefront of his clanmate's mind, Duckkit had barely processed it. It was as if the event existed as a black hole in his mind, unable to process or recall any of what happened. "I didn't see any bad things! Come look!" Duckkit yelled, overestimating the distance between the two cats.
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sorry the format changes besties im strugglin out here

Becoming a light sleeper has become a rather recent occurrence in regards to Wrenflutter, granted she was never a heavy sleeper either. Yet since the recent distressing event, Wren almost found herself waking up even easier compared to before. She had remained curled up, drowsy for a moment in the somewhat vacant nursery, listening to the paw steps of the other queens and small kits before stretching out with a soft yawn. Licking her lips, she rose to her paws and ducked out of the nursery, amber hues scanning the camp for a moment before landing on one of her sons, who had seemed to gather himself a bit of an audience.
Purring softly, the sylphlike femme approached her child who was joined by the young medicine cat, two apprentices, and Flamewhisker's daughter, Stormkit. Out of habit, she leaned down, licking her son's messy fur on his head. While it seemed most of her kits inherited her longer fur, Duckkit's always ended up the messiest, not for her lack of attempts at bathing him. Though she complains about it very little, given she enjoyed bonding with her children, even if Duckkit anguished bathtimes. "Nursery-level volume, my love. Stormkit isn't standing that far away from you." She purred softly, giving a polite nod and smile to the three older cats joining them.
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Stormkit folded her ears back against her head at Duckkit's loud call. She licked her lips nervously and stayed still in her original position. It was not until Wrenflutter admonished her son that Stormkit felt a little better. She wondered briefly, if she had been imagining the pitch and strength of Duckkit's voice, which would mean her ears had become sensitized.

Her curiosity won over, and she eventually gave in, tottering over to sniff at the pile. "It seems the same to me." She blinked.


☼ Shiningpaw beamed a grin at Duckkit as he was told that it was good to eat. What a relief! "I would love a mouse or vole, if there's one." He replied with a nod of his head as he sat himself down so he could wait patiently for the kit to find him one. As he did so his attention slowly drifted to that of Stormkit with a hint of worry. The change in behaviour hadn't gone unnoticed and he was beginning to realise that the effect of the dog attack had been greater than first thought. "If it's the same as it's always been then that's a relief. Always good to check though, we don't want anything crawling in there." He didn't want to bring up the subject of maggots but he knew once greenleaf came it would become an issue because of the flies. "Once we've had something to eat how about we play a game, I've got some spare time before my duties start. What do you say, Duckkit, Stormkit?"