The forces that our eyes can’t see / Lichenpaw

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
When Lichenpaw had been announced as Berryhearts chosen apprentice, Roeflame had been happy for him, genuinely. Despite their last interaction, she still only wanted the tom to find his peace after the tornado Sunnyday had conjured.
Yet, now that it is just the two of them in this suddenly cramped den, she silently curses that the path Lichenpaw had taken was herb woven.
Flycatcher and Raccoonstripe must be somewhere nearby, perhaps outside or burrowed in a nest somewhere, but the den is silent.
Striped ears swivel to and fro aimlessly from where the cinnamon warrior rests, head on top of her forepaws.
She can hear the apprentice rustling about behind her, so she keeps her gaze steady facing outwards.
She isn’t really angry- or even mad at him, it is her own embarrassment that keeps her quietly rigid. She shouldn’t have let her own story spill, liquid thoughts so heated they had boiled over into actual words.
That was even before the death of Ragwortpaw and Snowpath, and after burdening Burnstorm with her turmoil, she finds herself terrified of letting anyone else in to her brewing mind, her emotions so big it creeps up her throat every time she opens her maw.
Still, she glances a quick side-eye over her shoulder towards Lichenpaw, trying to get a glance at what he is doing.
She can’t get a good look though, so she quickly turns back around.
