camp THE FOUND POEM (meeting 3/8)

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting!"

The last time she stood upon this rock, the stone had felt like ice beneath her paws. The trees were dead, and her clanmates looked cold and scrawny. While the prey situation isn't ideal quite yet, one look around at the gathering warriors and apprentices tells her that newleaf is bringing blessings already. She's noticed Berryheart's den also filling up with more herbs as of late, a sign of the new growth in the forest that comes with the warmer weather.

A contented smile sits upon the aged woman's muzzle as she watches her clanmates find their seats. Two kits in particular sit outside the nursery, where they would normally not be allowed to listen in on a clan meeting. "This morning, we welcome two new cats to the meeting. Today, they become apprentices. Stormkit, Falconkit, please step forward." She waits as they do so, eyes glittering with pride for the growing of the clan. The kits of her deputy and lead warrior...what great things lie ahead of them? She's sure the whole clan expects so much of them in their apprenticeship.

"Stormkit, you have reached the age of four moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Stormpaw. Your mentor will be Owlear. I hope he will pass down all he knows on to you." She then turns to find the senior warrior in the crowd, and when she meets his gaze she offers him a nod. "Owlear, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have shown yourself to be wise and attentive, and I think you will do well as the mentor of Stormpaw. I expect you to pass on all you know to her." She waits for the two to meet at the front and touch noses before her attention shifts to Stormpaw's brother.

"Falconkit, you have reached the age of four moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Falconpaw. Your mentor will be Stormchaser. I hope he will pass down all he knows on to you." Like before, she finds the gray-furred warrior among the faces of clanmates and beams at him. "Stormchaser, you are ready to take on another apprentice. You have shown yourself to be a confident and skilled hunter, and I believe you will be a fitting mentor for Falconpaw. I expect you to pass on all you know to him." As the two touch noses in front of the clan, Howlingstar is one of the first to lift her voice in celebration of the two newest members of the apprentice's den.

"Stormpaw! Falconpaw! Stormpaw! Falconpaw!"

// Apprentice ceremonies! @STORMKIT @FALCONKIT @OWLEAR @Stormchaser

Also, activity shoutouts since last meeting go to @Flycatcher @BERRYHEART @Flamewhisker @LITTLE WOLF @Sunnyday @Cloudypaw @STORMKIT
Thanks so much for your high activity everyone! You really shone these last few weeks!

This is it, the big day! Their big day! The excitement is palpable in him and he finally gets to be an apprentice. He finally gets to go out of camp and explore the territory and get to hunt and patrol and learn how to fight. He has been running back and forth all day, being cleaned by his mother more than once because he just couldn't sit still. But now he is sure of himself, sure of the future that awaits him. A bright smile is on his muzzle as he looks up at Howlingstar and he waits on baited breath, his cream and white dipped tail going back and forth. His back legs are jittering and finally she calls him and his sister. With a bounce he is up and moving forward with such speed that he almost slides. His eyes gleam at being the center of attention. All eyes on him and he puffs his chest out as he waits.

First his sister goes and then it is his turn. Being named Falconpaw and his mentor is Stormchaser. Turning he lifts his head up to touch noses with his mentor. Ears pulled forward as he tries not to race out of camp. "I'll be the best apprentice ever!!!"
Today was the day.

That morning, Howlingstar had pulled her aside and informed her that her kit's ceremony would be today. She had been dreaming and dreading this day for a long time. She couldn't wait to feel the wind ruffle her pelt, but she also worried for her kit's safety. They were still so small...would they be okay? The other clan kits were all apprenticed at four moons, but they seemed so young still.

She had spent most of the morning grooming them, and that was in fact what she was doing when the call for the meeting rang from the high rock. Flamewhisker's eyes widened in panic before attempting to get a few more licks in before they scrambled away. "I have licked and licked and you two still look like a pair of porcupines!" she exclaimed, shaking her head in defeat.

Howlingstar called them forward, and she would follow behind them, before looking to sit beside Sunfreckle. She needed her best friend right now. Glancing up at their leader, her eyes would round with worry as she started the ceremony. Was this how every queen felt when their kits were starting the next steps of their life? She wouldn't be able to live with herself if something happened to either one of them. What if they got their tail ripped off like Wildpaw? Or even worse...She quite literally shook the thought away, ruffling up her pelt in the process. Her kits couldn't see her worried like this on their big day, she needed to put on a brave face.

"Falconpaw! Stormpaw!" she would chant along, raising her voice in an attempt to be the loudest.

Flycatcher sits among the assembled cats, waiting to hear what Howlingstar has to talk about today. Although, in truth, he already knows one - or rather two - of the major announcements today. His kits were becoming apprentices!

It almost doesn't feel real that after today they will be learning to fight, hunt, and defend the clan alongside their fellow apprentices. How strange it was to feel proud and so utterly terrified at the same time. Proud that they were strong and healthy, about to begin the next exciting step in their lives. And terrified because now they were so much more susceptible to danger and injury. Flycatcher did not like to dwindle too long on those latter thoughts, however.

When Howlingstat calls forward his son and daughter, his head swivels to find them. He smirks upon seeing Flamewhisker grooming them until the very last minute, letting out an exasperated comment about them looking like porcupines despite her grooming. They got that from him he supposed. As the two kits move at the sound of Howlingstar's voice, Flycatcher joins his mate and Sunfreckle in watching the ceremony. His children step forward to receive their new names and mentors. Falconpaw and Stormpaw. Stormchaser and Owlear. Two fine pairings in his opinion.

"Falconpaw! Stormpaw! Falconpaw! Stormpaw!" He cheers, adding his voice to the crowd. His and Flamewhisker's calls are among the loudest of them all.

As the chants die down, Howlingstar straightens herself once more, new pride rolling off her in waves as she watches the two newest apprentices join their mentors back in the crowd. It's a wonderful day for them and she's sure they're excited to get the usual tour of the territory as soon as this meeting is done. Giving her head a gentle shake in amusement at their quivering forms, she turns her attention back to the gathered cats.

"Cloudypaw, Pebblepaw, please step forward." She's sure they both know why they are being summoned to the front. Both of them have found themselves without a proper mentor to train them. She recalls Fawncloud asking her personally to find Pebblepaw a new mentor as his joint pain got worse, and she respected the fact that he knew when enough was enough. As for Cloudypaw, her mentor had disappeared without a trace and it was time for someone new to take up her reins to ensure she became a skilled warrior. Two former kittypets, and yet they were going to be made fantastic ThunderClanners if Howlingstar had anything to say about it.

Gazing down at the two of them standing before the Highrock, the tabby clears her through before clearly calling out, "I call upon my warrior ancestors to give these apprentices new mentors, as their previous ones are no longer able to fulfill their training duties. Cloudypaw, your new mentor will be Flamewhisker!" She blinks down at the lead warrior, freshly returning to her duties as of today as her kits have just been apprenticed. She already has Jaypaw, but she knows Flamewhisker is up to the task. Besides, if anyone can turn a kittypet into a prized warrior, it's the ginger she-cat.

After they touch noses, she turns her attention to the young tom. "Pebblepaw, I will be your new mentor. I promise to pass all I know onto you." Giving him a caring smile, she bunches her muscles before leaping down to the ground. White paws carry her towards her new apprentice before she touches her nose to his. Training Sloepaw has shown her she is capable of whipping a soft, plump house-cat into shape. Where she had once been impatient and judgmental of him, he had proven to her that some kittypets were meant to be warriors after all. She'd ensure Pebblepaw was also one of those cats.

She steps back from him and offers him an encouraging nod before the plump she-cat turns and climbs back up the Highrock. Once she is back on her perch, she looks out at her clanmates with one final announcement. "With newleaf here, we are seeing StarClan's blessings in the prey and herbs returning to the forest. However, we've all seen how the part of the forest the fire blazed through is still recovering. I'm afraid prey hasn't become as bountiful as we hoped, so for now we must remain eating sparingly. We must share our meals when possible, only eat more when there is an excess in the day. And remember: the adders have awoken. No patrols will be hunting at Snakerocks. A single bite can kill a cat." She is purposely blunt. She needs them to know how dangerous that spot can be now that leaf-bare has passed.

// New mentor ceremonies: @Cloudypaw @PEBBLEPAW @Flamewhisker

Oh how wonderful, new apprentices! ”Falconpaw, Stormpaw, Falconpaw, Stormpaw.” She rumbles their names rather monotonely, but there is a huge grin on her face. As the meeting departs onto mentor reassignments and other things, Ragwortpaw takes her hind leg and itches behind an ear.

Howlingstar asks that the clan continues to eat sparingly, Ragwortpaw sighs, and will sigh again when snake rocks is asked to be avoided. ”Aw man…” The girl grumbles, shifting her thunderous paws into the earth, snakerocks was her favorite locale in ThunderClan. She was certain she could handle a couple of snakes if it came down to it… she daydreams about adder hunting and killing all the snakes that infested the rocks.


( secondary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· RAGWORTPAW, female — she / her
╰ ‣ named for her health & strength at birth .
╰ ‣ 7 moons . ages on the first
╰ ‣ thunderclan apprentice . loner born . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, oak and maple trees , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue furred . long-hared . a very furry head, chest, and tail

· ESTJ-A ❝​
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Hufflepuff, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Kind-hearted . Honest . Loud .Justice-seeking . People-pleaser . Gullible . Empty-headed . Humorous
╰ ‣ Though she is all brawn and no brain, Ragwort tries her best and carries a bleeding heart to all whom surround her. She takes the role of "big sister" with her siblings and friends, never failing to have their backs, take care of them, and defend them when needed (sometimes even jumping the gun). While she doesn't offer the best emotional support (not due to a lack of trying) she gives the best hugs and is great at giving cats distractions with her shenanigans.
╰ ‣ finds minimal difficulty relating to others . wears a bleeding heart

· GRIME x CINDERFROST, sister to toadpaw, prowlingpaw, hollypaw
╰ ‣ unknown sexuality.
╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
Today was the day and Stormkit could not have been more excited. Some kittens she had grown up with looked toward their apprenticeship with apprehension. Stormkit was incredibly eager. She wanted to see outside the camp and complete responsibilities. Maybe now as a -paw she'd finally start gaining the respect she so desperately craved from her peers and older figures.

The torbico impatiently waited as Flamewhisker licked down her fur. Stormkit was notoriously bad for keeping it intact—as she had long feathery trendrils. She wriggled in excitement when Howlingstar leapt onto the Highrock. This was her moment! She licked her lips in nervous anticipation as she sat tall and proud next to her brother. She exchanged an excited glance with him before turning her head and meeting her new mentor's gaze. Pride gleamed in her eyes as her name was chanted. She could not help but look over at her mother and father with a big smile before prancing over to touch noses with Owlear.

Next, Pebblepaw and Cloudypaw were receiving new mentors. She had heard rumors of Fawncloud not being able to do as much anymore, but she had been out of the loop for awhile. Who knew what rumors were true, and what were gossip by the time they reached the nursery. Pebblepaw's mentor however, she had noticed had gone missing. It was a shame really, they had started teaching Cloudypaw some things, and to just up and least she was getting a new mentor. Someone who would just up and leave did not need to be teaching the clan's youth.

She had noticed Stormpaw glance back and her and Flycatcher. Their kit's eyes were gleaming with pride, and the site made her lean into her mate's side. "They are growing up so fast." she would say quietly, smiling back at their daughter.

Howlingstar began to speak again, once Cloudypaw and Pebblepaw stepped forward. Cloudypaw, your new mentor will be Flamewhisker! Her eyes widened for a moment in shock, before quickly being replaced by excitement. Two apprentices would be a lot after just coming out of the nursery, but at least she would have plenty to do to keep her paws busy from now on. She was excited to mentor Flycatcher's niece, and she would make sure that Cloudypaw learned everything she needed to.

Raising to her paws, she would pad through the gathered cats, until she was up front with her newest apprentice. Leaning down, she would touch her nose to Cloudypaw's like the mentors before her had. "I promise to teach you everything I know." the red tabby would say warmly.
A new life dawned upon ThunderClan today. Be it the warmth that graced them or the new names that they are prepared to call out before StarClan to hear, a bubble of warmth has encased their meeting– Owlear is helpless to it, caught up with bright eyes and a smile on his maw. For a moment he is young again, prepared to prance about the newleaf greenery or sleep warm beneath the dark sky. What he had not expected was for another to join him in his hopeful romping. Stormpaw. He looks to Howling with gently raised brows, curious and cautious, and then to the newly named apprentice with a glowing joy. To be entrusted to train one with such an esteemed heritage...he knows that they will do well together.

When he leaves the crowd to approach his new apprentice, the older tom ducks low to her height and licks the top of her head once their noses part, before guiding her slightly off towards the side. Better for the others to have their moment in the spotlight as their leader continues on, though he is loathe to pull the eager apprentice from her moment. "You will run to them after," he promises quietly, nodding to her parents and smiling at them from this distance. "And then we can begin when you are ready."

  • ooc:
  • owlear_clangen.png
    ──── owlear. senior warrior of thunderclan. cis male.
    ──── approximately 90 moons old, yet still youthful.
    ──── pansexual and single,   though with past flings.

    ──── a chocolate tabby with long, thick fur and a broad-shouldered build. despite his age, he is still a strong, imposing tomcat with clear, attentive eyes. though they are a muted hazel, they seem to twinkle with silent wisdom and a warm, deep-seated joy.
  • "speech"

Her mothers decision is one she can easily agree with, though she’s certain her apprentice would be disappointed. Her eyes cast in the direction of Ragwortpaw and she reads it all over her face. One would think after being nearly attacked by dogs she would deign to stay away but nothing was stopping the blue apprentices fascination with that dangerous place. She quietly bites her lower lip, maybe later she would check in with her mother and see how her training was coming along in her absence…

She turns her attention back to Howlingstar as she continues on with the meeting, excitedly calling out the new names of Stormpaw and Falconpaw. It would be sad to no longer have them in the nursery but they would make fine apprentices, and one day fine warriors, she’s sure of it!