no angst The Fractured Fortress {Box}


Autumn Sunlight
Dec 1, 2022
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What was this thing? And why did she want to sit in it? Mapleshine was crouched, staring at this strange thing before her with dilated pupils as she tried to figure out what to do. It didn't seem dangerous, she had swatted at it a few times to make sure of that, but now it was as if the thing was calling to her. Beckoning her to leap inside it to see what it was.

Her rump would give a few wiggles before she leaped, landing within the strange structure but finding that she rather liked sitting inside the thing. Her silly cat brain couldn't have known that it was what humans called a 'cardboard box' when she had found it at the carrionplace. She giggled at the ridiculousness of it all, and decided that she just had to share her strange discovery with the rest of her clanmates, maybe the kits of the clan would even get a kick out of it.

She would jump out once more, grabbing one of the flaps with her teeth, and begin the hard work of dragging the thing all the way back home. Once she reached camp, she realized her first problem. How the hell was she going to fit this thing through the camp entrance? The box was only a little bit taller than her, and just as wide, would it fit if she tugged really hard?

Mapleshine sat before the box with a huff just outside of camp, as she weighed her options of what to do now.

As Valerianstag had heard something, he made his way over. Seeing Mapleshine, his eyebrow tilted up as he was curious and concerned. This cardboard box seemed to have twolegs written all over it and with that came danger. Perhaps that frightened him or perhaps he just had no time to deal with those furless beasts. All the same, he had no real wish to see that brought into camp nor did like others investigating this. “Seems more twolegs have dumped trash our way.” He stated as a joke, or rather an attempt. “Come now, Mapleshine. You must have more sense than a common pet!”

He looked at the box and saw her calculating what she needed to do with this box. The heavy-set warrior charged at it like a bull would a fighter. He managed to get it further from their entrance as he body checked it. “Twolegs may come back for this box. We don’t need ‘em snooping ‘round here. We got to get this out of here.” Valerianstag looked back to Mapleshine once again, beckoning the cat to help.
✦ ★ ✦
sure, the warriors of shadowclan probably needed a break. but... a... piece of two leg trash? had it really come down to this? ugh. bitterness sits on their tongue as they think about twolegs having been around here but they push it away. if they wanted to all play with that thing... then surely they could. only for a little bit. they'd have to stop soon, but right now they'd be allowed their break. they'd be allowed to feel like kits before the doom and gloom of life hit them right in their asses, once more. chilledgaze wasn't gonna take them from them. not now. but they also weren't gonna join in, either. someone had to be the responsible adult around here.
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Flickerfire pokes her head through the bramble barrier after Valerianstag and Chilledgaze, eyes like smoldering embers in the darkness. Mapleshine has brought them a gift, though Valerianstag headbutts it away and declares it dangerous.

The tortoiseshell snorts. "You see these all over the Carrionplace. Twolegs don't want this. That's why they dumped it where all their crowfood goes." She creeps forward and gives the wet cardboard flaps a poke with her forepaw extended. "Why'd'ja bring it to camp, though? Is it. Fun?"

She blinks, bunches her muscles, and neatly leaps inside of it. It's surprisingly roomy, and she likes the way it envelops her. She blinks at her Clanmates from over the top. "Mine now," she declares, baring white teeth in a wicked grin.

- ,,
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As Valerianstag and Chilledgaze appeared, the warrior couldn't help the eye roll of annoyance as they both brought their own personal rainclouds to her fun time. "It's called having fun. I know that's a foreign concept to you both but trying won't make your fur fall out."

She begins to wonder if this was a bad idea after all until Flickerfire comes to save the day. Hazel eyes would light up in glee as the pretty tortoiseshell bunched her muscles before jumping inside the box. She would smirk as Flickerfire smiles from inside the thing and she meows playfully, "Oh no you don't! SHARE!" She would leap into the box herself and effectively almost flatten Flickerfire in the process, only to snuggle down in determination and purr obnoxiously.

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Oh, more garbage! Delightful! She had watched perched nearby as Mapleshine dragged this sogging and cumbersome contraption all the way into camp and did not raise a paw to assist, more interested in seeing what was doing on with it all and what purpose it had. Once the warrior had settled and the other cats had gathered around to observe the item she realized what it was. A box! They'd had several at her old two-leg place colony and they made excellent makeshift cover from the weather although they tended to not last very long in the rain. It was very odd, they sometimes melted afterwards.
Halfshade trotted over after Flickerfire had leapt upward into it and broke into a smile when Mapleshine swiftly joined her, the box shifted and gave from the sudden weight of having occupants and she circled it with vested curiousity as it wiggled in place from all the motion inside it now.

The immediate impulse to leap up into it as well despite the fact it already had occupants was very strong and she made only the most minimal attempts to resist it before springing upward over the edge of the cardboard to go dropping down on top of Mapleshine who was wedging herself against and partially on Flickerfire; the tortie would be buried in seconds. "Ah, a throne befitting a queen! How thoughtful of you to drag this in~"