Following his not-so-glorious return to the clan, time has passed in an indistinct haze, and grief is no less foreign to the deputy.

He is not a spiritual tom. He aligns himself with a more unfantastic view about the world, in which tragic circumstances are ineludable components to the living condition. They cannot be escaped, and thus must be accepted and endured. Yet, in the shadow of Halfshade's passing, this lens is left cracked and increasingly difficult to look through. Her absence is one physically felt. Silent agony pulsates throughout every fabric in a manner consistent and merciless. A phantom limb of the heart.

Ergo, how could he reduce his mate's death to a mere fact of life when it impacts him so? How dare he entertain this idea that 'alas, everything is temporary', when there cannot be a truth more permanent than how he'll never see her again?

It will not be reconciled. He's fractured, unwhole, and the part of him she'd taken to the grave shall not ever see the sunlight anymore.

All the suffering gets done by the ones left behind, Smogmaw realises, and this poses an equally stark reality for their offspring. His offspring, now. No longer were their futures guided by a clear path, and he stood at a complete and utter loss as to sculpting a new one for them. Perhaps, in the cases of the older four, whom all walked neck-deep on path to warriorhood, this reality wouldn't prove too fatal. They'll require the odd shoulder-brush, maybe a heart-to-heart should the need arise, though their spirits will reforge with the passage of seasons (he thinks).

But for Birdkit, Tanglekit, and Halfkit, three whom may still well be pawing at the insides of their mother's swollen belly, he's appalled. Just how will their prospects fare without a mother's love and influence? Hell, the latter two have been fucking abducted because she wasn't there.

Way back when in the before-times, Smogmaw was what others referred to as an 'unlicked kit'. Had his mother given him any warmth prior to her own death, not a lone memory recalls her. Raised by an aloof father all on his lonesome, there'd been little room for any affection—and it is here where history breaks from its vicious cycle. For he may be lonely, and, at times, rather aloof, but he loves them without restraint, and he'll give the stars a reason to pray before any disease or kit-napping sadist ruins their lives further.

Drizzle collects in his pelt. Not enough to warrant a complaint, but enough for damp irritation to hang from his shoulders. His internal time-telling device informs him that, despite how much the overhead has darkened, nighttime will not show for another hour yet. The environment is at least a companion for his misery.

Head swivels over shoulder when vivid furs catch in his peripheral. "@APPLEPAW, hey," he mews. A pitiful attempt at a smile adds colour to his expression. "Go 'n gather your siblings, and bring them to the medicine den. Birdkit, too. Since your brother's feeling better, I want to talk to you all." His noggin would dip in thanks, and then he makes for the entrance to Starlingheart's cave. Mud and muck squelch beneath his paws until he meets the den's entryway. A gentle call of Swanpaw's name is all the forewarning he's bothered with, and it isn't until the sound of smaller paws sploshing towards him rouses the tom around.

His regard is tender when he views them all. They're the lone source of comfort he has these days. "Hi," he begins pathetically, though the tension in his shoulders seems to wane. "Birdkit, I'm Smogmaw. From what I've heard, you like to keep your kin and clanmates alert on their paws." He finds her mismatched gaze and holds it with firm intent, all the while his heart promptly melts. "Good. Your mother lived the same way, always had to give people a piece of her heart, whether they liked it or not." Though he'd not been present for her birth, he nevertheless feels that paternal connection as one does. Does she look at him similarly, though? If he were to give her a sopping lick across the crown, might she respond with giggles or with complete and utter revulsion?

He scrubs the thought away as his eyes find the rest of them. "I've missed you all, a lot. And I've missed a lot, too. I'll tell you a fun story from the journey, if you give me one from camp."

// @swanpaw, @Garlicpaw, @ASHENPAW, @Birdkit

Garlicpaw was glad to be doing nothing important when she was summoned. Not that it would have mattered, she would have dropped everything she was doing anyways to go be with her family. She gleefully bounds her way over to the medicine den and sits beside Smogmaw, rubbing her head affectionately against his shoulder.

She looks to her siblings as they gather and she gives each of them a nuzzle as well. She loves her siblings, thinks the world of them. Even if Ashenpaw is...Like that. Even if Applepaw is so stoic all the time. Even if she wasn't ready to have her little siblings.

"Hi!" She chirps in response to Smogmaw.

Her heart still hurts. It feels as though a wound has been made that will never heal, and even though she tries to push through the pain, it never gets easier. Even the mention of her mother tests her composure. She looks down to Birdkit with a smile, trying to also hide the pain from her siblings being missing. This isn't fair, they should be here to meet their father.

"Our mother was the most beautiful, bravest, smartest cat in Shadowclan." She adds on to Smogmaw's words.

She knows her siblings relationship with Birdkit and her wayward siblings is precarious... She just hopes that they can put that aside for now.

"We missed you too." She says. She doesn't say how hard it was without him, he must know that already and she doesn't want to test her composure any further. "Don't go anywhere ever again." She adds. She couldnt handle it. Smogmaw left and the worst things possible happened.

She looks at her paws thoughtfully.... What to tell him.... Oh!

"Oh! Oh! When all the clans were stuck at the Burnt Sycamore, Sootstar took a patrol to the carrionplace and she got eaten by rats!!" She says, oddly chipper about Sootstar being mauled by rats. You'd think it was uncharacteristic of her, but Sootstar tried to kill her father and so, became the first person to ever make Garlicpaw's shit list. Even Granitepelt isnt on that list yet.
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˚⊹₊‧ 𖦹 Ashenpaw waltzed into the den with much less enthusiasm than Garlicpaw did, though him having absolutely nothing else to do still led him to be the second one to enter behind her. He sidled up on Smogmaw's other side, between him and Swanpaw's nest, shuffling his paws but attempting to appear like he didn't have as much trepidation as he did being in this wretched place again. It... gave him the creeps.

He accepted Garlicpaw's affectionate nuzzle with one of his own and leaned briefly into their father's side—What? He was feeling cuddly today—as everyone found somewhere to sit. "Hi..." he entertained the awkward greeting with a raised eyebrow. Of course, addressing the newest member of their clan-within-a-clan is Smogmaw's first order of business, and though his feelings regarding the little furballs were... complicated to say the least, Ashenpaw hadn't the heart to ignore Birdkit here, while surrounded by kin in the very sick ward she was born in. The other two wax poetic about Halfshade, and he offers something simpler, "You would've liked her." His eyes flit briefly toward the small kit, but moved away to soon enough after.

"Yeah..." Ashenpaw blurted as his heart seized at Smogmaw telling them he missed them. His pupils shook, and for a moment he simply stared at the reed lining of Swanpaw's nest. Should he tell him that everything was unbearable without him around? That everything got ruined ten times over and they couldn't do anything to stop it? Surely he knew this by now, and surely Ashenpaw saying it out loud would do nothing but bring them down again, "Yeah we uh... missed ya too, Dad. Don't go run off to the mountains again anytime soon, yeah?" He made an awkward attempt at lightheartedness.

Thinking up some gossip to share was much easier to do than lingering upon any of the other subjects they spoke of. Sootstar’s unfortunate stint in the Carrionplace was a fun one, he thought, and he chimed in after Garlicpaw brought it up. "Yeah, and then I heard she made a giant scene about no one coming to save her," he snickered, "As if she wasn't the one with nine lives and as if anyone that wasn't one of her own yuck-bunnies would want to risk their own tails for her..."

"Speaking of dead leaders, I guess Cicadastar’s dead, like actually dead. His deputy dragged over the body all the way from Riverclan territory for everyone to gawk at. Super dramatic, I think rogues got to him or whatever," Ashenpaw delivered this morbid news with the casualness of describing what he ate for breakfast. He scooted the image of Cicadapaw’s odd, haunted eyes—uncannily reflecting a bit of Ashenpaw’s own misery back at him—from his mind. Whatever, his father wasn’t dead, he was sitting right beside him, expecting stories.

  • OOC:
  • designfluffyneck2_by_jrentropy_dg93zrs-pre.png
  • ashenkit . ashenpaw
    — ftm transmasc. he/him. 7mo apprentice of shadowclan
    — longhaired muted blue torbie with heterochromatic pale blue and amber eyes
    — smells like rainsoaked ferns and swamp milkweed
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — fullbody by tropics sticker by saturnid
    — penned by eezy
    — currently in an era of grief and anger, approach with caution. all ic opinions!
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It's become unfamiliar, within the past moon or so. To have a voice calling over her shoulder, and she would not be greeted with the mossy eyes of her mentor, but by her father instead; coat similarly ashen, similarly stone - hewn, but not quite. But Smogmaw held a bulk that Granitepelt did not match, and a presence that seeped some modicum of warmth, despite it all. The look she gives him is one she would never give her mentor, with soft eyes and a soft frown, not the normally - jagged tug of her lip— a look that said she was not happy, and would not be so.

" Okay, " is her light reply. Mismatched eyes blink wearily, as if they could not believe he was real.

She does what she is told, trotting around camp until she finds her siblings, the tortoiseshell pelts they wore all too - similar to hers. Her job done, she is last to dip into the medicine den's maw. She makes herself small, neat. A cream tail wraps itself around gloved paws. She would push away her sister when she nuzzles her, but she does not return it either. She accepts it with a twitch of her whiskers. " Hi... "

I've missed you all a lot, their father says, and Applepaw lowers her head. She sees no need to add onto what her littermates have already said, but her body language speaks agreement, in her softened eyes and loose shoulders. A story from camp... Applepaw could not think of anything that was " fun. " Eaten alive by rats, her siblings deliver the news with a chipperness Applepaw would never share, no matter how awful the cat. Did they forget that they were the ones living with such a threat in their territory? That they were the ones who would have to creep through the same dank dark, come Leaf - bare, " That could be you eaten alive next time, if you aren't careful, " she says, worry creeping its unwelcome way up her spine.

While Garlicpaw was unexpected, she's known that Ashenpaw's disrespect knew no bounds. She would not entertain the trivializing of their deaths. Applepaw sits bleakly, paws rooted in the stone. " ...Tell us about the journey, " she requests, uneasy breath passing betwixt her teeth.

  • 3nWNDUv.png

  • ( CAUSE I FEEL LIKE I'M THE WORST, SO I ALWAYS ACT LIKE I'M THE BEST ) APPLEPAW. apprentice of shadowclan. eldest sister to swanpaw, ashenpaw, and garlicpaw. ( + birdkit, halfkit & tanglekit )
    —— she / her; confused by the use of others.
    —— currently 8 moons old as of 11.17.23. ages every 17th.

    longhaired blue torbie with a white chest, paws, and underbelly. A young cat you would describe as " bossy, " Applekit is quick to take charge of any situation she sees herself as the probable head of. A rule - follower to a T, and thinks herself better than the majority of her clan for this. Not ignorant enough to think herself above a warrior, but seeks to gain that status as quickly as possible. Intensely self - motivated to be the best in a mixture of blind, childish desire, and never wanting to be afraid of anything ever again.
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