pafp THE GIVING TREE / sharing prey


FIGHT SO DIRTY BUT YOU LOVE SO SWEET — She silently thanks Starclan for not freezing over the pool it had been some time since she had laid near it with a fish and had taken off its scales, Beepaw had offered for Nettlepaw to join her this time deciding to share what Cicadstar had with her. He may not be able to see the beauty or gleam of the scales within the pool but perhaps someone else would for now though she will muse this fond memory to the younger apprentice, Beepaw starts by taking a scale off carefully with a claw and immediately watched a bead of blood form within seconds. Something about it being beautiful yet turns her attention to the blind tom with a curt nod "My father once, Cicadastar, had brought me to this pool to have my first fish. I didn't have the strong teeth I do now to bite through the scales so he had picked a few off and left them to the side." She begins to retell the fond memory that she holds closest to her heart of the mottled tom and plucks off another scale as she continues to speak "You cannot see it but fish scales glisten beautifully in the sunlight. Instead you will hear how they slip into the water and sound like heavy downpour during a rainstorm. I think it's a pleasant sound,"

With that she pushes her pile of scales into the pool and listens to each little plip, plip, plip as they fall in, her mix matched gaze focused on the way that all the scales shined of every color possible and it's enough to bring a smile onto her maw. "I can bite through the scales now without any issues but... I still do it in memory of him and it's comforting." She admits to him more quietly as she takes a bite from the fish only to push it over to Nettlepaw so he could take a bite, Beepaw knows that it's an experience that she would share with the new kittens when they arrived or try to considering that was a bigger step for the parents of the brood than herself. For now, she simply waits for the reaction of the boy watching his blind gaze for a moment or two, she hadn't opened up about her late father to anyone in a while. Maybe she's healing yet... Very slowly but she's fine with that.

/ please wait for @Nettlepaw- to reply

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and mismatched eyes
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ 5 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ sexuality unknown/too young
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ currently being mentored by smokestar
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ peaceful powerplay allowed


This was something strange to the boy. Foreign. And in a way, intimate. It was a family tradition, something so important that it was kept close to the heart, something which honored memories, and a ritual that Nettlepaw could never truly feel the significance of. Beepaw choosing to share such a thing with him was a gesture of trust, perhaps. He can hear the rippling of the water across the pool, as the young tom stirs a paw through it's depths. The apprentice can only wonder what it must look like, glistening with fish-scales as if were a puddle of stars. He listens as the other apprentice explains, as she goes on to detail the sounds he would hear. She's right, he realizes. As the pile of scales slip from earth and into water, each crashes through the reflective surface to mimic the sound of a rain storm.

"It sounds beautiful." Nettlepaw admits softly. The small expanse of water was a memory pool, of sorts, where fish scales mimicked starlight, and each one that descends into the shining depths was akin to an ancestor, life gone but memory unforgotten. As Beepaw presses the fish over to him, he takes a moment to peel away any scales that remain, before he pushes them off into the water. "For Reedflower." Nettlepaw offers, quiet vocals welling with grief as he recalls his mother. Hopefully, the other apprentice wouldn't mind. It seemed that by sharing such a precious tradition, the memories of both their loved ones would continue to live on as shimmering reflections within the pool. Leaning down, Nettlepaw takes a bite of the fish, before passing it back to Beepaw with a small smile, a warm expression.
Sharing prey was one of the more peaceful moments of Feathergaze’s life. There were no orders or risks, only the comfort and warmth of a clan at rest. It was a time for thought and reflection - at least Feathergaze found it so. A bird lay at her paws, black headed with a pale rufous body. She’d been part of a pair that caught this; too clumsy to go for the kill, she’d had the idea to show herself to the bird from a distance. Satisfied that it had its hunter in sights, the bird had failed to notice her partner in crime creeping ever closer, until it was too late. When they’d returned to camp prey sharing had begun, and so share they did. Her ears flicked this way and that, catching snippets of Beepaw and Nettlepaw nearby. The sound of fish scales returning home truly was beautiful, and a gentle purr rumbled in the silver molly’s throat as she took her bite of prey before nudging it over to her fellow.​
Family traditions were not something that ever occurred or even started with Otterpaws. He was not a sentimental cat by any means and, even if Pikesplash had tried to conduct some sort of habit Otterpaw might not have caught on as he normally hadn't latched to many of his fathers lessons. The apprentice had been incredibly independent from the start and unorthodox in nearly every way a RiverClanner could be outside of being a capable swimmer.

He watched from a distance, accidentally falling into the quiet the allowed him to hear Beepaw and Nettlepaws conversation. A grimace tugged down his expression as they talked about the family they had lost. Carrying on these special acts in their memory. What was the point in that? It wasn't like it would bring Cicadastar back from the dead, or Reedflower. They were still in StarClan, kept behind the stars and no longer having to deal with hunger or the cold.

Why does it comfort you?" His tone lacks his usual bitterness but it's still spoken like a challenge. It's hard to tell if its because thats simply how Otterpaw always spoke, or if its genuine. "I don't think of the past like that. I leave it there." He said more as a statement as his gaze lowered to the descaled fish. His attack on Edenpaw, the rogue he nearly drowned to death with Pikesplash, almost drowning in the river when he jumped straight in- he rarely looked back on those moments though they may have shaped him more into who he was today.​