camp THE GLITCH IN THE GAME - "announcement"


Nov 28, 2023
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ Minkkit desperately wanted to be tall.

Stars, she'd settle for even just a little taller. As she stepped out of the nursery, the gaze of every warrior in the clan, and even most of the apprentices, went right over her head. None of them even saw her slip out all on her own. Last time she had managed this, she had been thwarted by older warrior nearly squashing her underpaw! It had been humiliating! She bet the big, important cats like Chilledstar never had to deal with anything like that, it was impossible not to notice them. A single word from them and the eyes of the entire clan was on them.

It wasn't fair. No one paid attention to her like that. No one paid attention to her at all, really. All the other kits had parents to dote over them every hour of the day, meanwhile she just had to watch with barely concealed envy. She didn't even remember her parents, not really. Her memory of them was only the vague recollection of warm comfort back when she had been very young. The most she knew about them came from her clanmates, who said they were great warriors who had died defending the clan from rogues. Secretly, she didn't really think they could have been all that great. If they were really such amazing warriors, then they wouldn't have died.

It was hard to mourn cats she had never known, but she did miss them. She knew what she had lost by seeing what the other kits had. They all had someone to watch them, and through that a connection to the rest of the clan. She didn't.

Part of her was afraid that if she didn't keep reminding them she was there, the whole clan might just forget about her altogether.

As she crossed the camp, she wondered how long it would take for the queens in the nursery to notice she was missing. It had already taken them too long in her mind. If they had been paying her any attention, she wouldn't have been able to get away with this. It served them right, really. She didn't actually know WHAT she was getting away with yet, but she knew it was something. Once she spotted Clanrock though, she figured it out pretty quickly.

Everyone always noticed Chilledstar when they got up there. No one could ignore a cat that stood that high. In a way, if she was up there she would be tall, just like she had wanted. It was perfect.

Sheer, stubborn determination allowed her to scale atop Clanrock, and as soon as she did she knew it was the right choice. Already heads were turning towards her, eyes widening as they realized where she was. Soon they would usher her down and back into the nursery, and the moment they did they would forget about her all over again. Her mind raced and her heart sped up. She needed to say something, anything, that would manage to hold their attention.

"I'M LEADER NOW!!!" Minkkit squeaked out as loud as her little voice had managed. She beamed down at her clanmates. That was the perfect thing to say, everyone would listen to someone saying something like that.

She wasn't going to let anyone ignore her anymore.
  • MINKKIT cisfemale(?); she/her(?), kit of shadowclan, three moons. tiny, shorthaired silver tabby with high white and fiery orange eyes. FOXFANG X BADGERFUR peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here penned by empyrean@empyrean_heaven on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
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( ☁︎ )  Minkkit is such a tragic thing, bearing death like a brand. Both parents taken by rogues; how noble, how cruel. In their wake is left a tiny creature, a small and fragile kit you'd not know was nearly an apprentice by looking at her. Exactly the kind of cat to catch Swanpaw's eye; he's always been drawn to the hopeless types, the weak and the wounded. He watches Minkkit like a vulture pulled by the scent of death.

Perhaps others do not see the same. Perhaps they see the ghost of her parents, or hear nothing but the loud and grating squeak of her voice. Minkkit does not seem small or tragedy-stricken now, drawing the eyes of far more than just the apprentice den's resident ghost. She stands upon the Clanrock with all the confidence of the leader she declares herself as, and Swanpaw cannot help the amused smile that creeps across his face. "A coup!" he declares with a quiet delight. She'll be shooed off soon enough, but for now he's more than willing to indulge the kit's antics. "Ah, I suppose we should call you Minkstar then...."

  • //


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You've wasted your life, but thanks for applying

Snowpaw knew all too well the feeling of losing both parents, hers having been taken away from her due to yellow cough, and how she remembered visiting the medicine den every chance she could get to see them, and hope they recover and yet, they never did which left Snowpaw on her own. So perhaps in some ways... she could sympathize with little Mink-kit, but that would be where it ends. Yellow gaze drifted onto the kit who decided to scramble their way onto the clan-rock and declare herself the new leader.

Swanpaw of course, was quick to follow into this and feed into the kit's delusions, but Snowpaw rolled her eyes. "You're going to get hurt up there if you're not careful" she called in warning. Would not be her problem to attempt to shoo the kit off, but one of the warriors, for now, she will just let the other know that if she wasn't careful she could get hurt. Stumpy tail lashed slightly, this felt like something the fiery little Singekit would do so at least he had another he could annoy in the nursery aside from trying to pester her whenever she returned to camp.
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⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ Perhaps Mistmoon should be that warrior to shoo the young kit from her climb, but instead she turns that owlish-like masked face to the small kit that has announced her coup upon Shadowclan, and slowly made her way over to Snowpaw and Swanpaw, sitting before her new 'leader' as she gave a tilt of her head. "Climbing and playing pretend is good for kits' brains... makes them more assured in who they are," She mused absently in response to Snowpaw's warning. She hadn't much of her own adventures as a kit, most her time spent listening and watching. Once a watcher, always a watcher, that's how she figured it went. It was good, in her opinion, that Minkkit was not a watcher like she was, instead she was one who wanted to be heard.

A screamer then? She hummed thoughtfully at that thought, tilting her head the opposite way. "Perhaps she wishes to be heard... to be noticed?" Mistmoon asked the two cats next to her, as though continuing her own thoughts aloud. There was little point in attempting to raise her voice to be heard by the kit, instead she was satisfied to either wait and see if someone more responsible would end this charade or for a sort of 'command' from Minkkit-perhaps Swanpaw is right and she should be called Minkstar for this little game?-so she can get her little points in being included in something.

  • MISTMOON she/her;they/them;it/its, warrior of shadowclan, 13 moons old
    Small black cat with wispy fur and white mask on face and tips of front toes.
    important relationships on this line / / family, mate, apprentice, kids, whateva!
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Angelkisses@Angelkisses on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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"Doesn't take a genius to work that out," Nettlepaw joked as he sidled up to Mistmoon's side, giving her a flick of his deep cinnamon tail. Because, well- you'd have to have your head buried beneath the swamp mush not to hear Minkstar's call. Of course she wanted to be noticed... in Nettlepaw's head, there was no perhaps about it. Snowpaw was a bit of.a stick in the mud, wasn't she? And a kitten who was leader probably wasn't going to listen to her- he shot his fellow apprentice a look of good humour, but he spoke no more of the danger.

"Hey, Minkstar!" Nettlepaw played easily into the game, his tone a-brim with bravado, the consequences pushed out of his mind. "What's your new addition to the warrior code?" The results should prove themselves entertaining... maybe even Snowpaw would crack a smile at the reality of what little leader-kittens thought was important.
penned by pin ♡
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well that's certainly something you don't see everyday. their head is turned from whatever they were doing at the sound of a particularly squeaky voice, shouting out that she was the leader of shadowclan now. heh. maybe if starclan was truly evil, they would have granted nine lives to a kitten. their tail twitched wifh slight amusement, before they had a few thoughts. one, how adorable. they weren't a fan of kits, really, but how could they not think a kit trying to stage a takeover wasn't adorable? so long as it didn't go past kithood... or if it managed to, then maybe chilledstar would be dead and by the time minkkit had gotten a warrior's name, smogmaw would have been smogstar, dealing with the consequences of that. they would certainly be laughing in starclan at it. two, how in the world did she get up there without anyone noticing? stars, were they that bad at watching kittens? and third... that's very dangerous. they wanted to let her keep playing but maybe not from up there.

"hey, minkstar. maybe you should come down here and talk to your clan. it's slippery up there. and we can't quite here you... with your tiny voice and all of that."

they pad closer, moving to jump up the rock and escort the kitten down. starlingheart would have a heart attack seeing such a tiny body up here, wouldn't she?
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⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ This was the best thing Minkkit had ever decided to do, in her own humble opinion. There were so many eyes on her, more than she could ever remember having before. They were all talking about her too! She should climb up here all the time!

She conveniently decided to ignore the fact that she was very unsure if she could get up here again.

It had been very hard.

Honestly, she hadn't the faintest clue what the word coup meant, but she was all for it. It meant that she got to be leader and got to be called MinkSTAR - which she REALLY liked the sound of - so it was exactly what she wanted. Without a second thought, she exclaimed her agreement with Swanpaw. "YES!!!"

Snowpaw, meanwhile, earned a indignant look for her comment. It made it sound like she was clumsy and careless! Two thing she most certainly was, but still! Her rebuttal was very simple; "Maybe YOU would, but I won't!" With that, she held her head up proudly, as if she had just made an amazing point. Though, she could not help but glance around to see how the crowd she had assembled would react to her retort.

Mistmoon seemed to be talking more to the others in the crowd than to her which was ANNOYING, but Minkkit had too many cats to respond to for her to focus on it for too long. Most importantly, Nettlepaw, who had addressed her with her proper new title. A fact she was so pleased about that she bounced in place in joy (doubtlessly giving all the watching warriors a heart attack, it was a minor miracle she did not slip and crack her head open). He was her favoritest, she decided. Which was why she gave his question as much thought as she could.

"Uhhh..." Her face scrunched in concentration as she considered it. The warrior code was like, really important. She couldn't remember any of it right this moment, but she knew it was BIG stuff. "You have to... be tough." That sounded like a good code to her. That way they could get rid of all the non-tough, sucky warriors. Though, maybe it was TOO good a code. There might already be one like that, she worried.

Even Chilledstar himself came over to hear her little announcement! Using her new name and everything! Suddenly, they were also competing for the esteemed position of her favoritest. It made her feel a little bad that they wouldn't get to be leader anymore, now that she had taken the position. She honestly had not expected to be so successful in replacing them. She would have to make them the backup leader or something latter. A position that was obviously less good than the real leader, but better than deputy. Since they were so respectful, and she was already pretty pleased with how this had all gone, Minkkit did not fight their attempt to get her down. Besides, she liked the idea of coming down to talk with everyone. "Okay!" She agreed, though she gave them a serious look as she added. "My voice is not tiny though!!! You must have just heard it bad."

She began to follow Chilledstar's lead, but then hesitated a moment before she descended. There was something that she still needed to do, or else this wouldn't have been a proper announcement.

What was that thing they had said at the end of the last meeting?

"MEETING DISMISSED!!!" Minkkit screamed out, loud enough to make sure the entire clan would hear, before letting Chilledstar escort her off of Clanrock.
  • MINKKIT cisfemale(?); she/her(?), kit of shadowclan, three moons. tiny, shorthaired silver tabby with high white and fiery orange eyes. FOXFANG X BADGERFUR peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here penned by empyrean@empyrean_heaven on discord, feel free to dm for plots.