The gold and the rust š–§§ Weedpaw

Feb 20, 2024

It was exciting to see that Sorrelsong was making strides as a warrior, Florabreeze was so excited to see the molly be assigned an apprentice. After the foxes she wasnā€™t sure how her friend was going to cope going forward. She hoped that having someone to guide as a proper mentor would help guide her as well. The maine coon canā€™t say that she had really seen Weedpaw around, she had seen him enough times to remember him before she had to face the searing memory of grief that such a young and tiny body could carry for a loved one. She hoped that he didnā€™t associate her too much with the death of his father, though she wouldnā€™t blame him if he did.

This gave her more motivation to try and get to know the apprentice better, the maine coon still planned on spending time with Sorrelsong after graduating from shadowing her- in all reality it was more than that, the two had more of a mentor and apprentice dynamic than a shadow and a warrior. She was going to be seeing a lot more of him around and in turn he was going to be seeing a lot more of her. It only made sense for her to try and get to know him, build up a rapport. Who knows, maybe they could even bond over both having the chocolate point as a mentor. That seemed like a good place to start anyways, the sun was high today, casting plenty of cool shadows across the territory. It was pleasant weather, hopefully a good sign of a pleasant conversation.

The daylight warrior walked towards the apprentice, a beaming smile to hide any concerns she had surrounding his view of her behind. ā€œHi Weedpaw!ā€ She stopped in front of him, tail lazily swaying like it was being carried by an invisible Newleaf breeze. ā€œI thought we should talk, since your Sorrelsongā€™s new apprentice I thought it would be good to know if sheā€™s in safe paws!ā€ there was a playful lilt to her tone, like she was telling a story rather than striking up a conversation. ā€œTell me, sheā€™s not slacking on teaching you anything cool is she?ā€ Reasonably she knew that the molly has only had a short amount of time with her new apprentice since she had been recovering but that didnā€™t stop her from sounding scandalised anyways.

  • @weedpaw
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  • SkyClan Daylight Warriorā She / Her ā Info

    ā„ A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    ā„ 32 moons old { Ages realistically on the 12th per month }
    ā„ Mentored by Sorrelsong
    ā„ ā€œSpeechā€, thoughts, attacking
    ā„ Penned by Juice āouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}

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š“† . Ā° āœ¦ Weedpaw is caught a little off guard when Florabreeze approaches him directly. He takes a step to the side at first, thinking that he's just standing in the warrior's way- that she surely is headed somewhere else with her attention on someone else. But when she stands squarely in front of him and greets him directly, Weedpaw just stares dumbly at her for a moment. He gives her a quiet once-over. The familiar general smell of daylight warrior washes over him, and he wavers as he considers how much older she is than him. Does Sorrelsong really want to train such a young, immature, and inexperienced cat?

"Oh, um," he stutters just as dumbly as he'd stared at Florabreeze just moments before. He glances at the ground before glancing back at Florabreeze "Sure, that's alright." It isn't lost on Weedpaw how stiff and awkward he is. He just isn't sure how to speak with those that are outside of his family. For the past 6 moons it's all he's done: talk to his parents, siblings, relatives... Sure, he had built friendships out of the sheer proximity with his denmates, but there was some difference between talking to kits and warriors that he couldn't quite put his paw on. Weedpaw is surely reclusive with apprentices as well.

He pulls his gaze back away from his paws, and looks back up to Florabreeze. By all means, this is their first real interaction. Florabreeze has been nothing but kind to him so far. Weedpaw kicks himself for his discomfort. He nods: "Um... We haven't been able to train yet because... Sorrelsong is still healing, but soon, I think." He realizes that- despite his stuttering- Florabreeze is incredibly easy to talk to. "I don't know if I've learned anything cool yet," he admits "But I like to hear about the other clans... I didn't realize how big the world is."

Weedpaw smiles a little, finally feeling the tension begin to ease from his neck and shoulders. "Did you get to learn anything cool...?" Weedpaw pries. He knows that Florabreeze is a daylight warrior, but he isn't sure how their shadowing experience differs from a traditional apprenticeship.

  • ooc: ā€”

    longhaired black tomcat with low white spotting. born 11/9/23 and ages realistically 1 week every Thursday. Follow along with his growth here!

She takes note of Weedpaws stiff stance and his more awkward mannerisms as he speaks with her. It hadn't dawned on her that the apprentice may find this conversation awkward. Florabreeze found conversation easy, it didn't matter the age of the clan-mate, she was happy to chatter. That's why she takes his initial stilted answers in stride, a lazy but pleasant grin on her maw. She takes the approval for them to talk happily, sitting herself down in front of him. She took care to slouch more than usual, feeling a little bad when the smaller cats of the clan had to look up at her so much, doesnā€™t it hurt their necks?

The maine coon takes great care to not frown at the realisation that Weedpaw hasnā€™t been able to train yet. She wasnā€™t sure if Sorrelsong was kept from training yet, it had slipped her mind when she last spoke to the molly. Focusing too much on their shared celebration, a drawback of not thinking about the negatives she supposed. She hoped that her friend was healing fine, so she made a note to call in again later to check in on her. Stars know that the daylight warrior would be bouncing around the camp territory by now in anticipation of being able to get out and do something if that was her.

ā€œIā€™m sure sheā€™s just as eager as you if not more to get out there and train with youā€ she offered with a chuckle. She nods as he explains that he likes to hear about the other clans, sheā€™s reminded of when she had to get a run down from Silversmoke about the other clans and about the world around them. It was good to hear that Weedpaw was not only able to get a head start on that compared to her own journey but that he was actively enjoying hearing about the other clans. As he spoke she decided to tuck her tail under her to avoid it from sweeping at the ground near the apprentice, not wanting to distract either of them because she struggled to keep still.

ā€œIā€™m sure if you asked more questions about the clans around us then she would be more than happy to answer them. I swear she holds more wisdom and knowledge than the elders around hereā€ she beamed with pride thinking about how much her friend had taught her. Bright green eyes glanced around their surrounding area, making sure that no one had been in ear shot as she boasted about the chocolate point. ā€œKeep that a secret between us though, Iā€™m sure the elders wouldnā€™t like to hear thatā€ she added quickly with a light chuckle. There was always training that could be done in a non physical sense, one of the aspects of the assessment was on knowledge after all.

The daylight warrior hums in thought, did she learn anything cool? To Florabreeze everything was pretty cool, she wasnā€™t sure what Weedpaw would consider cool compared to her. ā€œSure did! Thereā€™s this really neat trick that Sorrelsong knows with climbing and hunting. She kindaā€¦ā€ Florabreeze trails off, how is someone supposed to explain the moves she was taught? The molly wasnā€™t sure what was overstepping regarding apprentice and mentor etiquette so she didnā€™t want to properly show him, that honour should be saved for Sorrelsong.

Instead she stands up, trying to mimic the move. Jumping up in the air and twisting her body, she knew that the visual looked really funny and it didnā€™t match how impressive it was in the actual context but she thought that the apprentice may get a laugh out of the display. ā€œKind of like that but also not! Anyways, make sure you hound her to teach you that or at least show you once sheā€™s healedā€ she explains as she sits down. Leaning in and keeping her voice low as she says ā€œthen youā€™ll be in a super cool club, only the three of us will know that move, itā€™s super secret.ā€

  • Ā 

  • SkyClan Daylight Warriorā She / Her ā Info
    ā„ A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    ā„ 32 moons old { Ages realistically on the 12th per month }
    ā„ Mentored by Sorrelsong
    ā„ ā€œSpeechā€, thoughts, attacking
    ā„ Penned by Juice āouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}