camp THE GOOD ONES ALWAYS DIE ❎ hunting patrol return


Mar 18, 2024

Thorns tug against his pelt as he barrels through the entrance of camp, @Sproutpaw brought at his tail. The sound of loud and thunderous pawsteps gravitate eyes onto him swiftly. The absence of his patrol instantly raises question, though it was hard to read why the tom had come home empty-pawed as he bore his typical stoic look. The only giveaway was the way his claws flexed from their sheathes and the anxious lashing of his tail.

Sage eyes search the camp for the pelt of his swirly-striped leader, he finds her just as she emerges out of the shadows in her den. "Howlingstar!" He yowls urgently, bracing his tongue for the words he was about to speak. The sorrowful yowls he was about to hear. "Rogues attacked the hunting patrol. They've ran off... for now." He reveals, fur bristling against the light of the morning sun. He looks into her eyes and hesitates. The tabby and the rest of ThunderClan has endured so much loss already... These words would put them through even more pain, but he couldn't protect them from this.

"They killed Flycatcher."
  • @HOWLINGSTAR > @COPPERFANG. @BLUESTRIDE to eventually show up with Flycatcher's body in a few posts </3
  • » HankBigfang
    » ThunderClan Warrior
    » Former Kittypet
    » He/him
    » A large, beaten-up ginger tabby tom with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A heavy-hitting foe who makes his hits count
    » Excels in heavy, powerful move.
    » Fights to protect and maintain honor
    » Though strong, he is a slow mover. A fleet-footed cat would both easily frustrate and land hits on him.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
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After visiting Flamewhisker in the nursery, Howlingstar had settled down near the base of the Highrock to enjoy a bit of sunshine before returning to her nest. She basks in the warmth, leaning against the stone when she is alerted by the rustling of brambles and the stomp of large paws. Her ears prick, eyes blinking open to see Bigfang and Sproutpaw hurrying into camp, her name loud on the warrior's lips. His tone is enough to cause the fur along her spine to stand on end and her eyes grow round with concern. She leaves the shade as quickly as she's able with her healing wounds, which notably is not very fast. She doesn't have to wait long for an explanation.

Rogues? Howlingstar's eyes narrow with anger, her tail lashing. "No..." She growls, already thinking to speak with Raccoonstripe about more patrols along the eastern border, but...

They killed Flycatcher.

Her scowl drops, replaced with a look of disbelief. She staggers, only to be balanced by the shoulder of a warrior who stands next to her. ", that can't be," She murmurs, searching Bigfang's expression for any hint of doubt, but the stoic tom's face is sure and somber. Flycatcher is dead. Her friend, her first deputy, the tom she'd served alongside under Emberstar since the clan's first days. Horror strikes her as she then looks to the nursery. Flamewhisker had just given birth and is expecting him...

Suddenly, she knows she cannot let her find out about the news any other way, and not a heartbeater later than she has to. It would be cruel to leave her waiting, hoping for her mate's swift return. With tears gathering in her eyes, she lets out a shaky sigh and begins the long, slow walk to the nursery.

"Flamewhisker," She mews softly, slipping into the den. She looks at her deputy miserably, unsure how to say what she needs to say. "There was...a rogue attack," She starts, maw left ajar but nothing else will come out. She pauses a moment longer before she can finally force the words out. "Flycatcher...was killed. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry, Flamewhisker." She can't keep her own tears from flowing now, silent as they stream down her cheeks, but she does not take her eyes off of her deputy.

// telling @Flamewhisker the news :((

oh, i'm sorry

Lynxroar had told Flamewhisker her goodbyes and had gotten to her paws to leave the nursery and go scold her apprentice-kits for their nosiness whenever Howlingstar's form had re-entered the gloominess of the den. Dark blue eyes widened and mismatched ears flattened at the news of Flycatcher's murder. She glanced at Flamewhisker through eyes pooling with grief and sorrow. ''Oh, Flamewhisker....'' She whispered, her tail dropping to the ground. The thick-furred molly wouldn't be able to imagine life without Breezepool. ''I'm so sorry...''

Lynxroar turned back to Howlingstar. ''Should I take a patrol to see if I can find the rogues?'' The ThunderClanner suggested calmly, her tail brushing along the earth beneath her. She glanced at Flamewhisker's four kits. They'd never get to meet their father. The warrior then turned her attention back to the ThunderClan Leader. ''If my patrol finds them, we'll shred them. I promise. Anything to make them pay for what they've done.'' ThunderClan didn't need more trauma pressing down onto its shoulders, but this had to be done. For Flamewhisker. For Flamewhisker's kits. They had to avenge Flycatcher's death.

——————————————————————————————————— sorry that you love me

⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ A thick blanket of fur draped safely around the four sleeping bundles at her belly. The queen had unintentionally drifted off shortly after kitting. She had stayed awake to see a pawful of her clanmates pop their heads in to see the new Thunderclanners, but delivering four kittens was not an easy task. Flamewhisker. A soft voice slowly pulled the deputy from her slumber, but she did not open her eyes yet. "Howlingstar?" she responded, lifting her head slowly. "Has Flycatcher returned yet?" How long have I been out? Surely he's back by now.. Green eyes blink a few times, trying to push away the exhausted glaze that covered them. She settled her attention on her leader, confusion slowly starting to overcome the tiredness. "What's going on?" Howlingstar looked as if she had seen a ghost...were the wolves back? Starclan don't let it be that...

There was...a rogue attack.



Flycatcher... was killed. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry, Flamewhisker.

"Wh-What?" The words fell from her lips before she could finish processing what Howlingstar had just told her. She opened her jaws again, but her mouth felt dry. The fiery tabby studied her leader for several long moments, her eyes darting back and forth...desperately looking for any sign of a lie, or a joke. "No...No, he's out on a patrol. He's fine, he's coming. He-He always comes home." Tears streamed from the brown tabby's face, and Flamewhisker's gaze began to glimmer with horror. "He's just running late, patrols run late sometimes, Howlingstar you know that." Her words were becoming less certain, and more frantic. Which of the two cats was she trying to convince? Herself, or her leader?

Howlingstar did not lie. The molly was one of the most motherly, noble cats she knew. Her lip quivered as her grip began to slip away. Blood roared in her ears as panic began to take over. "He-He can't...he promised" They were supposed to grow old together. To watch their kits have kits of their own, and so on. "I can't wait to show them the Great Sycamore and show them the basics of how to climb." The den felt as though it were crashing in around her.

"Nothing will happen because you will come back. Both of you. I won't entertain any other possibility. You will be in my thoughts every night. Even though we'll be apart I will send you all my love and all my luck. Praying to StarClan for you to come back..."

He had once sent her off to the mountains. It seemed like so many moons ago now...a distant memory, a time when she had been certain to stare death in the face. She had returned from her journey...but this time, he would not.

There were too many chips in her wall now...she could not contain it any longer. Tears began to stream wildly from her eyes, and she gazed down at their newborn kittens. "We're expecting kits? Oh, Flamewhisker that's wonderful news!" Kits that he had been so excited to meet...would never get to meet their father.

"If anything ever happened to you or our kits I would surely lose myself."

It was too much. She couldn't take it any more.

"Get out." Her voice was trembling, weak. "Get out." She couldn't breathe. The world around her was violently spinning, crashing, tearing apart everything she had ever known during her time in Thunderclan.

Her mate was gone.

Her rock.

Her soulmate.

  • 79527857_EHpqE5qIBF95tOn.png
  • FLAMEWHISKER she/her, deputy of thunderclan, 31 moons, ages on the 20th
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    formerly mated to flycatcher / / mother to: falconheart, stormfeather, sparrowkit, sunkit, mothkit, scorchedkit, and squirrelkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    link to toyhouse
    penned by Icey !@icefang65 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

  • Crying
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Wavemoon finds himself halted in his tracks, maw drawing agape at the sight of Bigfang bursting through the camp entrance with an alarming urgency glistening in his eyes. It was mere moments later that the other warrior broke the news — the former deputy was dead, killed at the claws of rogues. Word spread like wildfire, coming through in the form of hushed murmurings and even frantic cries.

Sun above... This was unbelievably cruel. Flamewhisker had just given birth to their children. Flycatcher had been expected to return from patrol and greet his newborn babies. He had been robbed of the chance to ever do so. Flamewhisker would be raising them by herself. "No..." Wavemoon's ears droop slightly, sorrow dimming his golden gaze.

While many cats are clambering to emotionally brace themselves for the return of Flycatcher's body, Lynxroar appears to want to jump straight into action. Wavemoon looks from the mottled she-cat to Howlingstar to see if the leader would command an immediate course of action. He was ready to embark on a patrol if needed, or do anything else to help in this tragic situation.

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A small smile had graced Rabbitnose's face when Flamewhisker's kits were born. Tired eyes regained their shine and he felt a bubbling joy in his heart when he saw his friends newborn kits. It gave his heart much needed relief from the pain of grief. He thought perhaps.... He was on the way to recovery. Healing.

He was looking forward to Flycatcher coming home. He was excited to hear the names of his and Flamewhisker's new kits. He was excited to see the love and joy in Flycatcher and Flamewhisker's eyes, to see the kits grow up happy and loved.

Thunderclan was healing. He thought.... He was healing too.

But tragedy always strikes when it shouldn't.

Bigfang emerges into camp calling for Howlingstar and Rabbitnose's eyes light up. The patrol is back! But Bigfang mentions they were attacked by rogues....

And that Flycatcher was killed.

"No......." His voice was hushed as his expression turned to shock and despair. "No......That's not fair...." He continues, tears welling in his eyes. Flamewhisker just gave birth.....

Flycatcher was his friend, and a loving father. And now he's gone, just like all the others. Anger bubbles up and threatens to spill in his heart. He can't handle this anymore. This grief is too much. He couldn't maul the wolves, but he can maul a rogue.

"I'll go. I'll rip them apart for what they did. They'll never see dawns light." He growled coldly when Lynxroar suggests a patrol.

He hears Howlingstar deliver the news to Flamewhisker, and his heart plummets when he hears her response. Flamewhisker's words, the weight of grief and misery in her voice breaks him. His tears fall freely and he lowers his head as if it can no longer hold it's own weight.

"I'll kill them. I'll kill them all for this." He managed through his tears. And he would. He'll mangle those rogues for this. Who's next? Who was going to die next? The thought haunts him, and he's afraid to think about it.
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The walk back to camp is slow and steady, as it must be when carrying the body of a clanmate. When he had woken this morning and gone through the camp entrance out into the forest with the rest of the patrol, the world had seemed so pleasant, returning to color after many days of gray, after many days of pain. But they could not be allowed to rest, and once again the grass was streaked with crimson.

He could not tell whether he would've rathered the return be slower or faster; even at a distance, before it was even possible to have actually heard anything, howls of grief and horror echoed in his mind, terribly familiar as of late. The tears and anguish of children, partners, and friends - tears that should only have to be shed at the end of a long, joyous life, one that has been thoroughly lived, not one wrenched away suddenly by murder, by cats with unknown motivations, by cats who could not have possibly even had any motivation to do so, who killed for no reason at all.

As they come nearer, he hears the pain of his clanmates in earnest, now, in reality as opposed to the echoes in his mind that he could not forget.

Another day at the crest of the new season had become a day of tragedy. Carefully, along with Bluestride, he helps carry the body of Flycatcher into camp, delicately laying him down. Lingering nearby, the chocolate tabby can't help but keep his eyes fixed on the limp form of the former deputy, the lead warrior. His shoulders are still tense, and his body feels particularly numb, but he would be wherever he was needed, whether that was trying to comfort his clanmates or elsewhere.

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Softpaw had expected Flycatcher to come home safe, full of love and light at the chance to meet his new kits, to start another chapter of his life with Flamewhisker. Instead, he'd come back cold and carried by the warriors that had been on patrol with him, Bigfang passing on the news of a rogue attack that had unfairly taken Flycatcher's life too soon.

"Rogues..." The fur along Softpaw's spine bristled as a shiver ran through her. There seemed to be no end to the terrors that ThunderClan had suffered as of late, and that frightened her. But rogues - the very cats who had once driven the Clans from their own homes moons ago - were something that scared her beyond anything else. She flattened her ears to her head, frowning. StarClan, please protect us from more strife, she thought.

𓍊𓋼 He hasn’t left his mother’s side since the kits were born, awaiting Flycatcher’s return to camp. Flamewhisker has yet to name the four bundles of multicolored fur, and she likely won’t until her mate returns, but Falconheart is okay with that. Maybe his father will return to camp with amazing ideas for their names—he’d been the one to give Falconheart his name, and the young warrior can only imagine what he’ll suggest for these kits. Maybe Hawkkit, to match Falconheart, for the little ginger tabby. Or Mothkit, after Flycatcher’s sister, for one of the she-kits. Maybe the little ember-flecked she-kit would be named Flamekit, after her mother. Bicolored eyes watch as his mother sleeps, kits tucked up against her belly, and he nearly doesn’t catch the sound that draws his attention away.

Movement from outside filters into his ears, and the cream tabby perks up. But it’s only Howlingstar—she calls out for Flamewhisker, and the tone of her words tells him immediately what he needs to know. It’s the same tone she’d used to confirm to Skyclaw that the tortoiseshell’s brother was dead.

Flycatcher won’t be coming home. He won’t be coming to push his way into the nursery, to lay eyes on his second litter of kits for the first time. He won’t have any names to give them like he’d given Falconheart his. He won’t be here to offer Falconheart more reassurance that he’s a good big brother, and won’t be here to pick him up after every failure he’s bound to experience. He won’t be there to tell Flamewhisker how beautiful their kits are, and support her as they grow larger and larger to eventually become apprentices.

"Flycatcher… was killed," the tabby-striped leader says, and the world around him fades to black. Noises collide and mesh together into an unintelligible cacophony of static. The dirt that he’s standing upon may as well crumble into a pit of quicksand beneath him, for how fast the young warrior collapses weakly onto his haunches beside his mother. His ears are flattened, as far backward as they will turn; if he can block out everything around him, then maybe it will be easier to deal with. If he can just pretend, for a moment, that this is all some stupid joke made in poor—terrible—taste, then he doesn’t have to… have to…

He can’t. He can’t be dead. He can’t be gone.

Flycatcher can’t be gone, because if he’s gone, then how is he going to meet his next litter of kits? How will he help Flamewhisker raise them, and watch them grow up in the same nursery that Falconheart and Stormfeather had stumbled around in for the first months of their lives? How is he going to watch as his second litter remains sheltered, safer for longer, within the confines of the nursery until they’re fully prepared to become apprentices? How will he see another litter of his kits become warriors, and carry on his legacy as Falconheart has been unable to? How will… how will anything be okay without him?

No noise escapes him, not even when he lifts his head at last, his own devastation interrupted by his mother’s denial. He looks up-

And suddenly he’s a kit again, little cream paws stamping against the ground and begging his father to play a game with him. It was only him and Stormfeather as kits, along with a much smaller Skyclaw and Duskbird, but he’d still looked up to his father more than anything in his earliest months. His heart squeezes in his chest, the constricting feeling not letting up for a moment. It’s only getting worse as he stands here, silent as the grave, trying to make sense of what’s been laid bare before him. He can’t accept it, can he? It can’t be true. This isn’t a random warrior, one whose life is not intertwined with his own. This isn’t Batwing or Duskbird, who he has lived without before. This isn’t his mother or sister, who volunteered for a journey into the mountains and were gone for two months, but still came back. This is his dad, the one constant in his life. This is the one cat who he has never been apart from.

Flamewhisker refuses to believe that it’s true, and the cream tabby’s heart sinks to his paws. His mother demands for everyone to get out, and her pain is clear to see as he looks at her. "Mom," is the single quiet word he manages to force out past the lump in his throat. A soft protest, attempting to get her to see reason. But he has to… he has to see if it’s true. He knows, he understands that it must be true. But he needs to see his father’s face, to know for sure. Pale paws scrabble at the ground as he rises, his movements weighted by emotion as he haphazardly makes his way out of the nursery. "Where is he…" his voice fades to a whisper as his eyes fall upon his father.

It’s true, then. His father lies still, lifeless, on the ground. The sight is hard to take in—it burns itself into the backs of his eyelids nearly instantly, and everything is suddenly too real. Suddenly, the prickling of eyes upon his pelt is overwhelming. The weight of multiple gazes on him is too much to bear. Without any other idea of what to do, Falconheart once again does what he has done best since the first days of his apprenticeship. He runs. He hides. He does not face the situation head-on.

He finds not his own nest in the warriors’ den, but the one that smells most strongly of his father—and there he curls into a ball, a perfect approximation of a miserable, pathetic warrior. How does he live without Flycatcher? How does his mom live without her mate? How does ThunderClan live without its lead warrior, its former deputy, friend to so many?

…How is anything going to be okay again?
  • Sad
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Soul-sucking words crashed through camp like an unwanted thunderstorm, leaving Adderpaw cowering in a corner when the reality of the words hit the apprentice as though he had been struck by a monster. Rogues in the forest -- he could feel the bile slowly rising into his throat. He always knew the forest was unsafe; even if there truly were no more wolves, you can never trust what you don't see hidden in the brush around you. There's always something waiting to pounce, pin you and devour you as their easy pick for the day. It's why he still remained in camp unless forced out of the forest, the few times he had gone out on his own ending in the beginning of hyperventilating, feeling as though his heart was skipping too many beats. So, he kept himself busy at camp with any tasks he could in order to skip out on the forest. He was even the first to jump at pulling ticks off the elders -- which no one ever volunteered for, unless you were a teacher's pet.

"They killed Flycatcher."

Breath caught in his throat, the tomcat felt as though he couldn't open his windpipe enough to let the shock escape him. How could anyone be so vile, so ruthless that they would kill a group that was unprovoked? It sickened him to the core, and he had to focus on his breath to keep from hurling, squeezing his eyes shut as the feeling eased away. They'd never be able to rest, to recover from what they were already broken from. Adderpaw felt as though this was too much for any of them to bare -- so much though that he was even thinking of how his clanmates felt during all of these events.

Flamewhisker's demands were heard from where he was, sparing glances to Lynxroar and Rabbitnose as they prepared for their vengeance. But what could they do? They were too vulnerable, easy to pick off with how weak they were from their obvious stresses. Adderpaw's eyes flickered to the ground in defeat as he remain with paws tucked under his chest, trying to remain as small as possible to avoid the tensions and despair in the air. Falconheart's voice causes him to look up, a look of pure pity lacing his angular features as he observed the young warrior curl up in his own defeat. The apprentice in turn swallowed his the lump that had formed in his throat, and turned his head away from the scene unfolding before him. He couldn't bear to look at the wallowing pain, and tucked his paws over his ears as he lay flat against the ground, trying to shut out the world around him. Why couldn't things just be back to normal?​