THE GREAT HIGHWAY [šŸŒ²] TC Sunning Rocks Patrol


Mar 18, 2024

Powerful haunches propel him atop the rocks. His paw pads are kissed by the warmth the stones still held as the sun retreats into the earth. Ears prick for signs of prey scuffling between the crevices of the rocks, he longs to hear the heartbeat of a mouse. After a few seconds he resigns, their true mission to Sunning Rocks were to remark them and to mark them strong. Now that Green-leaf was among them RiverClan would grow fat with fish, who knows if theyā€™d take advantage of green-leaf prosperities to try and steal Sunning Rocks from them.

He turns to look at @FALCONHEART and @SAFFRONPOUNCE , giving the two a supportive nod to get to work. They must recall what Raccoonstripe had said, mark it well and ensure there were no suspicious scents.

ā€ @Sproutpaw , mark around these stones here.ā€ He instructs his apprentice with the point of his tail. Bigfang heads for the opposite end of the stones to spray his scent, occasional glances are swept towards the reeds on the other side of the bank. Did RiverClan lurk on the other side? His fur prickles as he spots the glowing of eyes through the tall stems.
  • Ā» Hank ā€¤ Bigfang
    Ā» ThunderClan Warrior
    Ā» Former Kittypet
    Ā» He/him
    Ā» A large, beaten-up ginger tabby tom with green eyes.
    Ā» "Speech" ā€¤ thoughts ā€¤ attack
  • Ā» A heavy-hitting foe who makes his hits count
    Ā» Excels in heavy, powerful moves.
    Ā» Fights to protect and make opponents flee.
    Ā» Though strong, he is a slow mover. A fleet-footed cat would both easily frustrate and land hits on him.
    Ā» May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
š“Šš“‹¼ The battle for these rocks had happened so long ago, he can hardly even remember it. He and Stormfeather had been so young, barely even apprentices when the battle had occured. But heā€™s heard enough about it to know that Howlingstar died here, that his father had led the final charge to fend off the greedy claws of RiverClanā€™s warriors. Itā€™s a place that the cream tabby doesnā€™t visit often, because when he looks across the rocks he canā€™t help but imagine that thereā€™s still blood pooling in every crack and crevice. Howlingstarā€™s blood. His motherā€™s blood. His fatherā€™s blood. His entire clanā€™s blood, slowly draining away into the river.

He snaps out of it with a grimace when Bigfang turns to him, and nods in return before getting to work. Thereā€™s not much here to mark, but he doesnā€™t hesitate to rub his scent on anything that will hold it. The reeds that stand at the waterā€™s edge, however, are typically something he avoids getting too close toā€”who knows when a RiverClanner could burst from them, leaping out of the water and at his throat. He could be dragged in so easily, his fighting skills still leaving much to be desiredā€¦

But heā€™s got to face his fears someday, and today is just as good as any other. Besides, heā€™s just grateful he wasnā€™t sent to the SkyClan border, or to steal prey from any other clanā€™s territory. Heā€™s glad to be here instead of somewhere worse. To Bigfang, he casts a glance back and calls out, "We might as well take back some prey while weā€™re here, right?"

  • ooc: ā€”
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    FALCONHEART āÆāÆ he/him, thunderclan warrior
    ā­ƒ shorter than average cream tabby with white spotting. seems gloomy and has few friends, but is a hard worker and never neglects his duties.
    ā­ƒ son of flamewhisker and flycatcher ; brother to stormfeather, scorchedkit, mothkit, sunkit, squirrelkit, sparrowpaw
    ā­ƒ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    ā­ƒ penned by foxlore

Sunningrocks; the part of Riverclan territory that she currently is unable to back upon anymore, for some of her clanmates even looking over and seeing the Thunderclanners pad around it and spray their scents on what was rightfully there's got a rise out of them. For Tigersplash it's amusing watching them be so comfortable it's like they thought they'd have hunting right their for the rest of their lives - but nah they wouldn't they'd fight for it again eventually - but before that she didn't hold much hard feelings towards them. Just a tiny little bit, a healthy amount she'd argue! She watches them from the riverside, one paw rising to her muzzle as she grooms herself as they meander around like a bunch of fidgety squirrels, but she is watching them intently and looking for one of the faces she'd seen last time throwing insults across the river. That tom had been funny, Raccoon-something she can't remember.

A good bit of banter and harmless trashtalk always perked her up, but she wouldn't be the one to start it not when she's unsure how these specific Thunderclanners would react... She shouldn't worry though, they'd have to swim over to get her to shut up and that would be a sight to see! "Nice day out ain't it?" she calls over at them, she paws past the reeds to dip herself into the water and she wonders if their muscles with tense seeing her get closer - though she's not a frogbrain she's keeping herself on her own territory. In her river, and they can't scorn her from resting her eyes at what used to be theirs.

She just doesn't feel like yowling as loud. She's like a otter in the water, a muscular otter with long fur fanning out on either side and her tail swaying behind her as she pads pasts the shallows. She lets herself float there only kicking occasionally, her head stays out of the water and if one really perked their ears they could hear her purring. "Shame you all can't swim, you're really missing out" she muses. She still has to crane her head slightly up to see them on the rocks "Hows Thunderclan fairing?" she'd ask genuinely curious, if she's lucky one of the younger members will let something tasty slip and she'd have some fun gossip to bring back to camp. She knows better then to tell them anything about what was going on in their borders - well the tragedies that had been going on even if they were hopefully behind them.

ąŖœāž¶ For her it is too nice and too friendly. Especially having to watch them as they paraded about a piece of territory they stole from Riverclan and unfairly too. She hopes that when she is a warrior or even during her apprenticeship now that she will meet them in battle and take back what is rightfully their's. But of course that day is not today and so as Tigersplash so calmly greets them she, herself, seethes within the reeds. There is nothing nice that she wants to say to a Thunderclanner
not one thing and it boggles her mind really to even ask how they are fairing. Who cares? Her muzzle scrunches up just slightly as she smells their scent. The marking upon their rocks reeking of them and she shakes her head before pushing through the reeds and looking down at the river. A rough sigh leaves the older apprentice as she looks at the water before she dashes a paw into the waves and jerks up a fish.

At least she hasn't found any twoleg trash again. Anything she finds she normally buries anyway but the idea to toss it in Thunderclan's forest is exceedingly funny. "Why bother asking? They look busy as is." Busy stinking up the place but not like they can stop them and she lifts her head to examine the Thunderclanners from where she sits on the bank with her paw keeping her fish in place.
怔āœ¦ć€•The scent of Thunderclan tickled her nose along with two of her other clanmates, bounding over as she peeped through the reeds. There was about four Thunderclanners in her view currently and she slips out the reeds, offering a big smile towards the clan patrolling and marking Sunning Rocks. ā€œOh! It really is a nice day out.ā€ Mothpaw would chirp gleefully at Tigersplash's statement as she glances at her fellow warrior in the water enjoying herself. The sound of the chocolate and cinnamon chimera's purring are faint against her ears as she idly splashes at the water with a partly colored paw. A soft humming leaves her lips as she tests the temperature and messing with the baby minnows hiding in the shallows of the reeds.

ā€œHi y'all! I hope everyone's day is going good.ā€ The old apprentice would coo towards clanmates and opposing clan alike, tall ears flicking as she glances at Midnightpaw. The other girl seemed to be faring well despite the loss of her mother which was good, she didn't know what it was like losing a parent but... it had to be really sad! Just the thought of seeing the sad Midnightpaw made her heart ache as she sits up and brushes across the opposite colored female, offering a comforting smile. ā€œOoh! You catch a nice fish, Midnight!ā€ Mothpaw would compliment as she shoots a proud smile at the other apprentice, her long tail swishing behind her. Riverclan was full of talented characters, for sure! Just wait until she got back and got to tell Halfpaw about her day, ahh! She misses her best friend.

  • ooc.

  • MOTHPAW ā€”ā€” a riverclan apprentice , mentored by NPC . NPC x NPC . littermate to none āœ¦ penned by yeomna
    āœ¦ cisfemale / she ; her / 8 moons & ages every Ź³įµˆ/įµ—Ź°
    āœ¦ single / bisexual & monogamous / open to romance
    āœ¦ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    ā€”ā€” will not attack, will not kill, will have mercy
    āœ¦ ā€œspeechā€, 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    āœ¦ biography ā€” msg on discord for plots ā€” toyhouse
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    a shorthaired chocolate mackerel tabby with high white and hazel eyes. a short girl with a coat reflecting nature's earthen essence. her coat is mostly white with a faint cream hue with bare interruption of cedar & espresso toned browns across her coat namely her tail, her front two left toe-beans, a small patch on her shoulder and her back. the markings on her face represent a moth or a winged insect in manner with faint brown freckles with bright hazel eyes.

Sproutpaw wanted to try and avoid Bigfang as much as possible, glad for the days where they were separated even if it was due to reasons the tom found boring like being stuck doing chores in camp. Silently he had walked with the patrol to the RiverClan border, ears swiveling as he tried to listen to what was going on around him while keeping up with the small group of ThunderClanners. When instructed to mark around the stone he'd do so, glad that Bigfang had decided to go the opposite direction from him to do the same.

When RiverClanners began to show their faces, asking about how the clan was fairing the apprentice couldn't help but roll his eyes and let out a small snort as he continued marking the border. There was no reason to talk to them, no reason to tell them that their clan was doing well. He didn't understand the cordial words that border patrols often threw towards each other, for even if a toe were to step across those borders even by accident formalities and cordial words would end and hostility would rise and a fight would break out. Why pretend to be nice when no one actually was?

  • --
  • ą¹‘ SH chocolate tabby/lilac chimera w/low white, heterochromia, folded ears
    ą¹‘ rarely talks, listens to conversations
    ą¹‘ 6 moons old; ages the 20th every month
    ą¹‘ bisexual biromantic ; interested in no one
    ą¹‘ currently being mentored by Bigfang
    ą¹‘ not easy to befriend/interact with; slow to anger, slow to calm
    ą¹‘ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ą¹‘ easy in combat due to age
    ą¹‘ peaceful powerplay allowed
Foxtail remembers a time when the sunningrocks belonged to RiverClan. He remembers his mentor showing him the territory, and introducing the young apprentice to the small patch of land that used to belong to RiverClan. It had been Leafbare back thenā€” snow mostly covered all of the sunningrocks, so Foxtail never got the experience of sunbathing beneath the warm sun on the patch of land that now belongs to ThunderClan. ...But he remembers his mentor talking fondly about the patch of land, and how the little area benefited RiverClan in more ways than just sunbathing.

Foxtail feels.... conflicted as his olive green eyes fall upon the sunningrocks now. With the weather being far warmer out, those rocks look so tempting to lay on. Especially with the way the way the sun shines on them..... Sure, he can lay in a patch of grass that is cloaked by the sun; but he feels that the sunningrocks would be a different experience. and this is where the tom feels.... conflicted. This patch of land can benefit RiverClan. They can have more land prey to bring back to camp if the sunningrocks belongs to them. ...They can rest underneath the sun if time allows it. But in order for RiverClan to own the sunningrocks again.... they must take it by force. Why must everything involve bloodshed? The lead warrior thinks, as his olive green eyes fall upon a ThunderClan patrol on the other side. It's in their blood as warriors, isn't it? The clans will never get along with each other; there will never be the day where RiverClan and ThunderClan share this patch of land. And he hates that he understands that claws must dig into flesh to reclaim it....

He steps into the water after his littermate, and the lead warrior looks back to see if his apprentice was following him into the river. He exhales as the water soaks his long fur, kicking his paws after Tigersplash. He wasn't a natural swimmer like her, and he looks up to his littermate for being so content in the water. He can only hope that one day he'll reach her level of ease in the water.... His ears prick as he hears a splash in the water, and not long after, Mothpaw cheerfully compliments Midnightpaw on her catch. "Why bother asking? They look busy as is." Midnightpaw's voice reaches his ears, his ears swiveling back. He hates that he sees where she is coming from.... they have never gotten along with ThunderClan. The lead warrior has only been polite to their neighbor, but the warrior cannot think of one pleasant experience at the border. Their history with the proud clan goes far back, even before Foxtail was Foxkit. "It's crucial for us to uphold formalities," He mews back to Midnightpaw, "Even to c-clans we don't get along w-with...."

The last thing Foxtail wants on this patrol is for a fight to break out. He briefly glances over to the ThunderClan patrol again, and gives them a silent nod of a greeting, as he swims up to Tigersplash and brushes his pelt against her fur. There is nothing more that needs to be said.... that hasn't been said by Tigersplash and Mothpaw.

  • apprentice tag @PEBBLEPAW
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    credit to raphaelion (via da) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    lead warrior
    20 moons
    experience: trained
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to meghan for the chibi <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)