border The Great Valley | Joiner


Mar 7, 2024

The life of a loner was extraordinarily lonely as much as it was harsh, Horse had struggled the moons she'd been by herself no one to protect her and everything against her. Her mother was right though, she was a survivor - was able to brave the elements without a shoulder to lean on but she feels so haggard so tired, she misses her mom and siblings misses the warmth of another body besides her and the assurance she wouldn't be facing danger alone if it bared it's ugly face. All she could do now was run as fast as her legs could take her when it did now, she can't count how many times she's defied her own death how many nights she's spent hidden and shaking on the top of a fence or beneath some twoleg rubble. She can survive but she can't live like this, Horse believes her heart would give up on her she just can't. There's a great deal of shame when it came to that realization, a disgust at herself she was raised for this her mother was raised for this life and she wanted nothing more then for her kits to live the same life. She can't say it was all bad, being able to travel around not tied to anything but the earth she walked on had led her to see such beautiful sights and there was a greatdeal of pride whenever she managed to catch her own prey then suck up her disgust and dig into the crowfood twolegs left behind.

Searching for that said crowfood was what had brought her to the twolegplace, what had led to her hearing the idle gossip of plump kittypets on the fence talking about groups who dwelled in the bordering forest. Her curiosity was peaked and she was happy to know they didn't run from her or call her smelly when she barged into their conversation questions bubbling out of her. A lot of what they told her was completely crazy, rumors of them stealing kits, eating cats but one thing they said had intrigued her that some kittypets went into the woods during the day to be with one of those feral groups. If they'd let in a kittypet, she would bet they'd let her in, it was a gamble of course but one she decided to test her luck on.

Her paws tremble as they lead her into the pines, her heart is racing in her chest. The scent of other cats was strong and growing even stronger and it's enough to stop her. She understands the idea of borders enough, it'd only taken a single time where she'd crossed the threshold of a rogues-group border for her to realize some cats would rip her to shreds for even daring to breath on what they claimed was there's. It was weird to her, who'd belonged nowhere but she wouldn't test the good graces of these forest cats. The young she-cat stills her tail twitching nervously as her eyes dart around looking for any living presence. For now it's silent save for the bird song overhead and the swaying of the tree tops overhead.

Please don't let this be a mistake she silently hopes but on the other paw this could change her life could give her the security she wanted more then anything. The company of cats, her nights and days wouldn't be so lonely that is if they don't shred you to bits.

  • text
  • horsepaw_wiki.png
    Horse She/Her, 8 moons
    A brown tabby she-cat with green eyes.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Kedamono@legmeatt on discord, feel free to dm for plots. ​

Orange eyes glow from the shadows of the forest, piercing the pelt of the brown tabby. For a long, eerily silent moment, all they do is stare. Every inch of the young she-cat is glanced over from the tips of her ears to her toes.

Docile. Waiting for us. The warrior concludes, only then lifting a paw to step out from the shadows. A bright pelt of orange is revealed to the tabby. The wild cat is round and healthy, save from the painfully obvious mangled leg she drags around at the rear. A pink nose twitches as she takes in the scent of the stranger, ”You’re not a kittypet.” She meows, not a question but a statement, her nose told no lies.

”I’m Figfeather.” The SkyClan warrior introduces with a faint smile, finding no reason to not be pleasant. ”Who are you?” She asks, assuming the adolescent would know that question went paw and paw with ’and what do you want?’
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Blue-gray and silver fur followed Figfeather out of the bushes, blue eyes narrowing as she caught sight of the loner. The blue-point shared a glance with her Clanmate before circling the newcome cautiously. ''Should we take her back to Orangestar?'' The she-cat suggested, her voice soft. Better not to scare the loner away. With a whisk of her feathery tail, Puddlemist padded back to Figfeather's side and dipped her head to Horsepaw. ''I'm Puddlemist.''

The unmistakable feeling of being watched makes every muscle in her body tense - as if she’s being stared at by a hungry predator. It’s a feeling she’s felt before, even when he perpetrator steps into view she still can’t make herself relax. It takes all her will not to fluff up her tail and unsheathe her claws. She can’t be seen as aggressive, she didn’t want to be chased away - this was the only chance she had seen so far. This cat in front of her is much more filled out then her (Horse was barely more then skin and bones) but they’re injured that leg of hers stands out more then anything else. What caused that? Was the animal that did that still around?, her words get caught in her throat. She realizes the older molly was talking, despite what she says not being a question her head still hastily shakes. She’d never known the comforts of a twoleg roof over her head and a constant stream of food - she’d thought about trying to be one before but her dignity never allowed her.

She says her name is Figfeather, strange - she’s never heard of a name like that. Her mouth opens but is quickly shut, another she-cat pads out from the shadows of the trees and bushes not more then moments after Figfeather. She says another name, one that held some importance she doesn’t infer it’s their leader but understands that much. Her head hands lower in submission tail hanging low as this cat; Puddlemist she calls herself begins to circle her. "H-horse, my names horse" she says in almost a mewl, she makes herself perk up swallowing hard before speaking up. "I… I want to join, I heard kittypets talking about y’all and I though I’d…" she shifts uncomfortably "check things out for myself, I’ve been by myself for a while" her ears flatten "Its been really really hard"

Many cats were joining Skyclan but it was usually the kittypets who craved freedom from their twolegs during the day before they retreated back to their nests as night fell. Her tufted ears swiveled at distance talking as the medium aged apprentice found herself to Figfeather, Puddlemist, and a loner whose name was Horse. It was a strange name but it seemed more normal than something like Milkshakepaw. She watches for a moment as she glances at the two warriors and studies the scrawny brown tabby whose frame was clearly suffering from starvation. "Joining Skyclan means you have to put your life on the line to protect it,"

Jaypaw meowed as she stops to let it process to the other feline who seemed about her age. "You have to be willing to protect the weak and the old, and make hard decisions that Figfeather and Puddlemist can inform you more about." Was she trying to scare the other female? No, she wanted to give the loner a chance to realize what she was getting into before she decided to commit to something she wasn't aware of. She didn't know what word that Kittypets spoke about Skyclan or the life, but she wasn't interested on letting it linger as a thought.

"I'll go fetch Orangestar." The apprentice chirps as she turns on her heels and trots off back to camp to go fetch @Orangestar and inform the leader of the loner on their borders.
"speech", thoughts, attacking
"The one with the name of a peaceful animal. You desire to join our ranks, but are you prepared to risk everything to protect the cats of this Clan?" Fireflypaw speaks up from behind the patrol, long fur trembling in the breeze. His head is held high, and as he comes to stand beside Figfeather, Fireflypaw makes his size known by straightening himself from his usual slouch, aiming to come off as strong in case Figfeather needed it. This one doesn't come with bad intentions, from what he can hear, but the blind tom still doesn't trust loners. Loners and rogues were scary deadly when they wanted to be.

"Your life will be at risk at some points in your stay with us. Are you prepared for that?"
When Jaypaw returns, it is indeed with the leader- and her apprentice, too. Orangestar had called Springpaw over to join her for the trek to the Twolegplace border to judge a loner wanting to join the Clan. She's pleasantly surprised to see Fireflypaw present when they arrive, and her tail flicks over his flank. Figfeather and Puddlemist, too, face the skinny and scruffy-looking stranger named Horse. He looks faintly terrified, periodically hunching over himself and flattening his ears.

"My name is Orangestar." She introduces herself with a slight nod towards the loner. Her whiskers twitch. "There are five Clans in this forest, but we are the only one that is sympathetic towards loners like you. Our life is not a game: it will be difficult, and dangerous, but the cats of our Clan will treat you like kin should you prove that you are willing to learn. One day, you will earn a name of your own like Figfeather and Puddlemist." She gestures to the two she-cats in turn as she speaks, before her gaze returns to Horse. "Do you understand?"

  • // @Springpaw
  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | nine lives
    " a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."

    — single ; mentoring springpaw
    — speech is in #E3B2A9
    tags | art by pin

The next face she sees is one that’s young, a cat close to her age. There’s a sense of relief that washes over her seeing the stranger, she’d have peers! Cats her own age to talk with! She’s never known any save for her littermates and her time with them had been so short lived. There was always a cost however; she expected there would be joining meant it wasn’t just her own skin she had to look out for. There’s a gravity to swearing her life over to Skyclan she recognizes that, it was a completely foreign life she’d get to live. She could die but her death wouldn’t be a waste, she wouldn’t be crowfood left to simmer in the sun she’d live for something have more purpose then just surviving. She listens to what the other young cat has to say, all her warnings and brief explanations of what she was getting into. It doesn’t scare her away but makes her grow silent, thoughts running through her head. She wasn’t a great hunter and couldn’t fight… would they be mad when they found that out the idea they’d train her doesn’t occur to her.

Another arrives a large tom with flowing fur, but it’s his eyes that catch her off guard. Clawed shut, it’s a grisly injury. What did that? Were injuries so great common, Figfeather was hurt too. She wants to ask her voice almost blurts out the question but she bites it back making a strained choking sound. It’s not the time for that! She doesn’t want to make them mad! He’s so tall compared to her, she is intimidated but she tries to stand still and tall. Her answer is meek but there’s a resoluteness to it buried beneath it all "I am prepared" she holds her gaze steady, she knows he can’t see her but it’s no matter. "My mom named me Horse not because they’re peaceful, but because they’re strong. I want to live up to my name." she meows, she’d only seen her namesake a pawful of times. They were grand beast, taller than she would’ve imagined and their hoofbeats rumbled the earth beneath them.

Finally comes their leader, she isn’t this intimidating force of nature she’s expecting she’s just another normal cat. She’s being led by the one who left and flanked by another roughly the same age, she tries to straighten up as much as possible but despite seeing her as mostly non threatening her legs still wobble.

She explains more about the lands she stands in, that there’s four other groups and she wonders if they’re the ones responsible for the injuries she’s seen. Would she be fighting other cats commonly, she doesn’t want to but she will if it means a warm place to stay and food in her belly. She dips her head "I am ready to learn, I promise I won’t disappoint you. I’m not very strong b-but I’ll get stronger" she mewls, her legs shake less.

"I understand. I still want to join you"