the greatest day | lounging

With greenleaf fast approaching the days had been steadily getting warmer and warmer. Flycatcher was quite neutral to the warmer weather, but after the terrible leafbare they had suffered through he would gladly take this warmer weather any day if it meant never having to endure that again.

After a successful morning hunt, Flycatcher and his patrol had returned to camp quietly and went about their duties. Flycatcher had a few things to check up on in camp but after a while he elected to take a break and relax. After his recent headache issue and worry he was overworking himself, Flycatcher was keen to take more time for himself to settle and relax, be that by himself or with his loved ones. Today it was by himself. The deputy found a patch of grass warmed by the sun above and laid down on the spot, stretching out on his side to be more comfortable. Any cat that passe by would find him basking in the sunlight, his eyes closed, and a contented expression on his face.
The tabby would not be along for much longer.

"Hi, hi, hi!" Stormpaw chirped excitedly as she dashed over to Flycatcher's side. The young apprentice aimed to bury her forehead in her father's neck fur, butting her face affectionately all over him. She felt as if she hadn't seen her father in forever! Likely it was because he was so busy doing deputy things. She looked over him expectantly. Was he being worked too much?

"Guess what I did today!" Stormpaw hummed excitedly, bouncing back and away from Flycatcher and bending her legs down in a faux crouch, eyes wide with excitement. "Caught a mouse that was as big as my face!" Perhaps she was over-exaggerating just a little.

WE'RE GETTING LOST! New-leaf had to be Killdeercry's favorite time for the Clan's. The crawl from leafbare, the sprout of hope as little bulbs poked their heads through the soil and the forest became alive with new prey. Right at the cusp of greenleaf everyone seemed so content with what the weather gifted them and all of StarClan's messages to say they had worked hard through the icy hardships.

Killdeercry happily returned from Flycatcher's patrol with her own prize that some excitable kittens nearly tackled her for. After some light teachings on the importance of not biting the warrior that feeds you she meandered over to her resting deputy, smiling at Stormpaw's greeting to him. "No way, Flycatcher you didn't tell me your kid was hightailing for my spot as ThunderClan's best hunter." She teased, smiling as she sat across form the two.— tags

"I better be careful. My spot as the best fighter is going to be threatened soon too!" It was nice, for once, seeing the cats in the clan calm and relaxing rather than dealing with the stress of so many other things that threatened them. RiverClan's nonsense, SkyClan being irritating, the ever looming threat of war whispered at the gathering; she only prayed ThunderClan was not mixed up in the messy affairs of the others. They had no reason to face WindClan even if they were a bunch of insane rabbit eaters. The tortie point wandered over with light steps, stretching her paws out and sliding to the ground in a nice warm spot to settle down so she could enjoy the brief simplicity of just doing nothing for a moment before Raccoonstripe arrived and put her back onto training without hesitation. It's as though he was offended by the mere idea of her not moving sometimes, but she deserved a break now and then surely.
"Stormpaw, have you seen the other borders yet?" Her ice blue eyes wandered over to Killdeercry in amusement.

It's not long before Flycatcher is joined by his clanmates. His daughter is first to arrive, burying her head into his neck and then rubbing her face affectionately over him. It makes him laugh and he has a light tone to his voice as he tells her to get away, flicking a tail over her when she finally settles down. He listens intently as she shares the story of the mouse she caught, his green eyes twinkling with amusement as she slightly overexaggerates.

"It all happened so suddenly, I hardly had time to tell you," Flycatcher responded to Killdeercry's comment about Stormpaw taking her place as ThunderClan's best hunter. He and Flamewhisker were quite proficient hunters, so he had no doubt Stormpaw would be in a few more moons time. Maybe as Killdeercry suggested she would be the best hunter in the clan. His eyes glance over to Moonpaw at her comment. "I hope you two haven't been doing anymore fighting than necessary," He said softly. "Though with Owlear and Raccoonstripe as your mentors I don't doubt your fighting skills are coming along nicely." At Moonpaw's following question, he looked back to his daughter curious what she might say. He assumed she had seen all of them by now, but he was curious if she had any favourites or strong opinions of them.

The sight of child and father was utterly adorable! Shiningsun offered a warm smile as he approached the growing cluster of felines, albeit his main goal was to reach the inviting looking patch of sunny ground. He'd already finished off a patrol earlier that day so he was just dying to put his paws up for a bit, and given how relaxed Flycatcher was looking he reckoned that it was the ideal spot to lounge. "Oh wow! I wish I was half the hunter or fighter as you, Stormpaw." A soft chuckle followed his words as he flopped down onto his side with a heavy thud beside the others. Idly he listened to the rest of the conversation, not really adding anything since he didn't have much to share.