THE HEAVY BEND SYMBOL | sharpeye & honeysplash

Chrysaliswing hardly imagined himself a courier for wayward relations nor a messenger of rekindling and reunion.

Torrent of pawsteps rushed through the forest, swift through the pine forest that he had traversed many times before. Much to his chagrin, the path from Skyclan's camp to the Twolegplace was a wayside footfall he was all-too familiar with. Still, the happiness of returning to the wild almost overwhelmed him, as the breath of the wild brushed against his pelt and strummed at his whiskers. The loamy ground of his homeland welcomed him, cushioning his pawsteps unlike the harsh concretes and splintered fences. In the Twolegplace, he fumbled with his every step, relying on Sharpeye far too much for his own comfort. In the woodlands, the tomcat kept apace with the birds and swam through the nightly shadows. He had promised Sharpeye that he had someone who would want to meet him, though even he questioned why he was running through the night to fulfill something he didn't even have to do.

Well, Honeysplash would appreciate it. That seemed like reason enough.

After many, many minutes, the chimaeric warrior had returned with the injured Honeysplash, with both of the Skyclan warriors emerging from pallid shades of darkness. Chrys let Honeysplash lean on him, moving slower due to the weight that stood on him. Stony face only afforded a nod towards the expatriate, flame fur of his face like the emersion of the sun from the clutch of an eclipse. Whiskers twitched as he turned heterochromatic gaze towards the cream-colored molly, nudging her with one lean shoulder. "Hey. There's someone who wants to see you." He mewed. Wispy fur as though the hackled pin feathers of the bird, he simply waited as the two met once more. I should be asleep right now... He muttered inwardly.

  • @Sharpeye & @Honeysplash
  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 22 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.

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-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- It had been the middle of the night. The stars twinkled above, the moon hung like a beacon in the sky and the camp was quiet. They had been sound asleep and then was confused as they had been awoken by amber fur in moonlight. They didnt understand why but they had gotten to their paws anyway when asked to and followed sleepily after long fur. Though at some point, they had to lean against dark charcoal coat casted with amber burns as their leg wasnt happy with what was going on. Where were they going? They wanted to ask but their tiredness didn’t really allow for words, so they just meandered along.

They went out into the forest and they hadnt been out here in some time. The smells where the same, deep oaks and tall proud maples. Honeysplash was waking up more as they walked and finally was able to voice something to her captor- Chrysaliswing, “Why’re we walking so far?” She murmured softly and yawned slightly at the notion. Though her words did not have an answer as they came to a stop in the woods.

Deep greens furrowed at Chrys as he said there was someone here who wanted to see her. Who would want to see her all the way out here? Then she turned and peered into the starlight night for a moment before her green eyes widened with awe, “Sharpeye! Is-Is that you?” She couldnt mistake the underbite nor sandy pelt of her former mentor. The cat who taught her how to be a warrior and to stand on her own feet. The hours they had spent together and the annoyance she more than likely caused him- memories she’d treasure.

  • HONEYSPLASH she/they, Warrior of Skyclan, 24 moons.
    A lithe, cream tabby cat with high white and green eyes.
    Younger siister to Orangestar, Applefrost and Apritcotflower and littermates with Blueberrybounce and Cloudberrythorn // Former mate to; Quillstrike
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by youwolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


It had been random chance that he had crossed paths with Chrysaliswing in twolegplace. A stroke of luck for the both of them, he supposed considering that Chrysaliswing had been spared a foul fate at the gnashing teeth of a hound. In return he had been given a chance to meet someone special... someone he had failed. Admittedly he wanted to seek some closure, but more than anything he longed to see how his former apprentice had grown and developed. He hoped that she was okay and was growing into a fine warrior in his absence.

Patiently he waited near the border for Chrysaliswing's return, and as the pair emerged from the night forest he wasn't left disappointed. "My lil' Banana, it's been a while." The tom stared in awe at the full grown warrior that had been brought to him. She was no longer the young, cheeky apprentice. She was so much more now. His gaze was warm and he offered a gentle smile, or the best he could offer given his damaged eye and pronounced underbite. He hadn't seen many kind days and his body was showing it.

"You've grown so much since the time I last saw you. Have you been well, Banana? Have you received your warrior name?" Surely by now she had long since passed the 'paw stage of her life, but he didn't know what her name had become.


-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- The young warrior blinked at her former mentor with round eyes, the mossy color going glassy as she of course was going to start to cry. Honeysplash had always been sensitive with her emotions and cried pretty easily even if she hated it more and more each time it happened. She hadn’t heard her old name in so long and it ached to hear it again. If she could’ve kept it as Bananasplash she would’ve in a heartbeat but rules were rules.

Honeysplash looked up to Chrysaliswing for a moment, gently nudging him with her shoulder before pulling away from his side. The warrior limped her way up to Sharpeye and smiled, even if it was a bit watery cause she didnt think she’d ever get to see him again. She understood why he left, why he had chose to defy Blazestar and she could only hope the best for him. Even if by the scars and wounds on his body- life outside the clan hadn’t been as kind.

I did get my name! Silversmoke did my assessment, and Blazestar named me Bananasplash,” She explained happily and albeit a little fondly as she would never forget that day. Though it was a day she had wished he would have been there for to see how his training had taken her, “But then- i stopped being a daylight warrior and had to change my name, again, and now its Honeysplash instead,” She waved her tail behind her as she explained what happened to her after his leaving of Skyclan.

Then dark green hues softened and she looked at the underbitten tom, “I hope life has treated you well, Sharpeye, but you sport new scars-,” Her words faltered slightly and she glanced down at her paws for a moment to try to not just sob out of missing her mentor. Though there was more to her emotions than that and she was just reacting in a way her body felt it suited, and it sucked in many ways, “How have you been? What have you been up too?” She wanted to know everything.

  • HONEYSPLASH she/they, Warrior of Skyclan, 24 moons.
    A lithe, cream tabby cat with high white and green eyes.
    Younger siister to Orangestar, Applefrost and Apritcotflower and littermates with Blueberrybounce and Cloudberrythorn // Former mate to; Quillstrike
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by youwolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


To see his former ward limping forward was difficult to witness. In his eye she was still that young apprentice with a mountain of potential, though he had to remind himself that she was a warrior now. She was going to face hardships, injuries, and tough battles throughout her life. Something he couldn't prevent or protect her from. Still, despite the tough times, he hoped that she would see many more good times.

He did find it surprising to learn that she had turned away from her life as a daylight warrior, though it perhaps explained why they had not crossed paths in twolegplace. Not that he had been trying to seek out any of the daylight warriors. The thought of seeing faces of former comrades and friends simply had been too difficult to comprehend.

"Bananasplash... I wish I could have been there to see you earn that name. And again on the day that you were named Honeysplash. They are both good names, I am glad that you earned them." Sharpeye's smile didn't waver for a second as he continued to gaze at the younger feline. She had come so far in life and he imagined that there were many stories to be heard, but whether they had the time was a different matter all together. If he could return to SkyClan he probably wouldn't hesitate to do so, though he doubted that Blazestar would ever allow it, nor any who viewed him as a traitor to the clan.

"Each scar earned has been in service of protecting those who needed it, and through trying to help. I don't regret them, though I realise that my handsome looks have long since disappeared." He chuckled softly as he jested over his current looks, not that he had ever been particularly handsome. "I have been managing, though I did struggle at the start. Surprisingly it was some WindClan exiles who helped me at the start and kept me going. Though what about yourself, how has life been treating you?"


-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Those deeper green hues of hers shone pridefully as her former mentor he was proud of her, “I couldnt have done it without you, you taught me everything I know,” She reminded him cheekily and snickered softly to herself. Then her mentor went on about what he had been through and what he had done since his exile. Windclan exiles? Must’ve been before Sootstar died, moons ago now it seemed. Though she was glad they were scars from protecting others’. Sharpeye would lay his own life down for others and she always admired that.

What a wild time that sounds like, Windclan exiles? I’m glad they had been kind ones,” She said with a small chuckle and shrugged her shoulder slightly at her mentor. Honeysplash then blinked a bit when he turned the question on them and they adverted their gaze downward. The need to always be honest, she hated lying she wasnt good at it, was strong and she pawed at the ground for a moment.

Should she be honest about what she went through in twolegplace for the last year? That she had been catnapped shortly after becoming mates with Quillstrike, and she was now just recently back? Honeysplash looked back at Chrysaliswing for a moment even though she knew he wouldn’t have answers either, “It has been- good? I just got back to the clans a few moons ago now, like two, cause I may or may not have been lost in twolegplace for a year,” She spoke quickly, like she could bypass the whole story and then move on from there. Like it was casual or something, and she nervous chuckled and her tail flicked behind her.

Honeysplash laid her heart open like a book all the time. She never was one to shy away from being open, she loved it talk usually, but yet she was trying to sink past it. Push it off like it was some sort of coincidence or something. She looked down at the ground and her ears flicked back against her head, “I don’t really talk about it,” She said softly and then tried to brighten herself back up but it didnt quite reach her eyes like it would’ve normally, “But! Dawnglare says i can be free from his clutches in a few weeks! I’m hoping to be able to do my duties again,”

  • HONEYSPLASH she/they, Warrior of Skyclan, 24 moons.
    A lithe, cream tabby cat with high white and green eyes.
    Younger siister to Orangestar, Applefrost and Apritcotflower and littermates with Blueberrybounce and Cloudberrythorn // Former mate to; Quillstrike
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by youwolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


"Lost in twolegplace? If I had known that you were lost I wouldn't have hesitated to search for you. Though ultimately I'm just glad that you're safe now, otherwise we would have missed this reunion." Maybe he should have tried talking with the SkyClan patrols more, though during the few previous encounters they had been less than savoury despite his best attempts. If cats had gone missing then he doubted it would have been shared with him in the first place.

The vibe that he was detecting at that moment gave him the suspicion that he wasn't getting the full story, though he decided not to press into it. Causing his former ward discomfort was the last thing he wanted to do, so he gave a subtle nod of understanding as he pressed on with the conversation with the goal of guiding the topic away from that of her absence from SkyClan. "Dawnglare would probably have a fit if he knew that you were out here chatting with an old scruff like me rather than being in the camp resting." The old decided to step closer at that point as he aimed to give her ear a reassuring lick. "When you resume your duties I'll be sure to keep watch for you on the patrols so I can say hi. Though I'll try not to embarrass you." He joked lightly as he sat back on his haunches.

"If you two don't mind me asking, but how has Blazestar doing these days?" Naturally he didn't know the final fate of SkyClan's first leader. Needless to say but he was in for a grim shock.

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