the high road | journey discussion

Although Howlfire had not yet formally moved into the nursery. she found that with every passing day, her warrior duties became more and more of a struggle. She knew she'd have to move in there soon enough, either by her own choice, or by the gentle urging of a clanmate. With not much to do in camp and the day beginning to fade to night, Howlfire found herself sharing tongues with her clanmates, the topic of discussion leaning towards the great journey cats from all clans had embarked on. "So, how do you think it's going?" Howlfire asked when the conversation shifted to her slightly. "Do you think Slate has clawed anybody's ear off yet?"
“Oh, absolutely,” Drizzlepelt muses, chuckling. “If he doesn’t at least scold one cat a day, I’d be surprised.” Duskpool too, most likely. It’s not hard for his thoughts to drift to the grump he’s more familiar with. Mix the two of them with Orangeblossom, and the apprentices could only have so much fun. “I’d like to think they’re doing alright, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worried. At least WindClan sent mostly apprentices,” the blue tabby states bitterly. If anyone was causing trouble, it would be them. Hopefully for the sake of their sick, they stay on their best behavior.​
Blazestar thinks about the journeying cats throughout his days. Fretting, really, is a better word. Orangeblossom is a capable and clever deputy, and Slate a formidable fighter, but it takes more than that to journey through unknown lands with cats they have always considered rivals, if not outright enemies. He worries for all of them, from spry young Figfeather and Greeneyes to scarred, weathered Duskpool to little Cherrypaw. And Bobbie… He remembers the hurt shining in her pale green eyes, the way she’d so abruptly detached herself from his side.

He frowns at the recent memory and shakes his head gently to clear it. “Orangeblossom will keep him in line, I hope,” he says lightly to Drizzlepelt and Howlfire. “But I agree… WindClan is always a concern. Luckily, the other Clans are not fond of them, either. I doubt their meager party can do much damage to anyone.” He wraps his tail around his paws, lost in thought.

  • djGoyK1.png
  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun

"We sent some of our strongest while WindClan sent all of their weakest, it should be concerning," the tabby chimed in gravely, hiding his own desire to join the journeying group behind a taciturn frown and pointed look towards Blazestar at his observation. Whilst peace reigned in the mountains, he could imagine a world where WindClan took advantage and left his clanmates with no home to return to - it was that reality which, in Silversmoke's head, justified his stalwart position within SkyClan. Sitting on the outskirts of the group, the Lead Warrior found himself without a partner to share tongues with, his fur curled at its edges and knotted around his plumed tail. He would groom himself later, but the tongues of clanmates still felt like claws upon his skin, no matter how gentle they were. "We are in more danger than they will ever be, focus on what's in front of you." Gossip had never been his strong suit, but he found his sentiment to be less in protest of that and more a word of caution to those who tried to predict what in StarClan's name was over the mountains. It didn't matter, not truly, only the results did.

Crowpaw doesn't care like most of them about the end goal of the journey. What he cares most about is his mother and Cherrypaw who have gone off to somewhere. He doesn't think his mother or Cherrypaw are weak whatsoever, he is just worried of the possibility of the fact that both of them wouldn't return. The poor ombre tom has thought about it before. How they would bring back anyone who didn't make it back, and his mind shouts that it wouldn't be possible. Those who perished would remain where they had passed, which means he could have very well seen his mother or Cherrypaw for the last time. Despite his faith in them, he can't dismiss the possibility that somecat will meet their end. Although, he can't say he wouldn't be happy that Slate meets his end. The mere mention of the hulking tom's name is still met with rage.

He listens on to everyone's words. Windclan he gathers is trouble and when he remembers that one Windclanner he completely understands. If they were all jerks like that tom, which everyone else seems to agree on then it's right to be concerned with Windclanners on the journey too. Silversmoke, his mentor reassures this notion by stating that Skyclan has sent some of their strongest while Windclan took all of their weakest on the journey. Tactics, right? Silversmoke preferred to train in terms of battle. Hunting not so much, but with those lessons in mind he can understand his mentors thoughts.

It's clear that Skyclan needs more strength. Become stronger to protect. He understands wisdom is also important and dares not dismiss the fact, but if what Silversmoke says is true then that means Windclan could send a horde of powerful cats their way and even though Skyclan has some strong warriors, they wouldn't be able to keep up with Windclan. For that reason he turns to SIlversmoke, "I want to train. Can we?"

"I think they'll be okay," Sparrowsong said softly as they crept closer. With all of their friends out traversing the unknown, they found themself clinging closer to their Clanmates than ever. There wasn't a day that went by where they didn't worry for their safety and pray that they came home safe.

A small sigh escaped the tabby. "I'd like to think they'll take care of each other, even if everybody is from different Clans." Silversmoke seemed to be more worried about the cats that had been left behind than the cats sent away, and while they were concerned for the current state of things, they found it difficult to draw their thoughts away from that small party of SkyClanners.

