the horizon where we first met | coyote

After what feels like a whole day, Howlfire finally tears herself away from hovering over her kits in the medicine den. Much as she'd like to spend the rest of her day watching over them, licking their fur, and assuring them that all was okay she knew she couldn't. She wasn't a medicine cat, she was not trained to heal.

Stepping outside, she closed her eyes and took in a breath of air, already feeling tears forming in her eyes as she thought about her kits. Poor little things, they had not deserved this, their first proper patrol should have been far more pleasant - something they could look back on and laugh about. Now, all it would do was bring up horrible memories. As she opened her eyes a familiar pelt came into view and she relaxed slightly. With a tilt of the head, she gestured for Coyotecrest to follow her to s more secluded part of camp where they could sit and talk. They had been sitting for barely a moment before Howlfire pressed her nose into his shoulder and started to cry. "Oh, Coyotecrest, I'm so sorry," She sniffed. "Our sweet babies...I couldn't protect them."

  • Crying
Reactions: Coyotecrest

Exhaustion cloaks the cream tabby as he finally walks into camp, branching off from the group he accompanied. His intention was to discover more clues that would lead to remained of the rogues. However, they came up frustratingly empty handed and his kit's attackers remained elusive as ever. A taunt expression paints his visage while casting his gaze toward the bushy entrance of the med den. Thoughts of the trio curled up and worried about the dangers looming outside of camp grieved his heart. He knew there would be no rest within his heart until the rogues were gone.

Heavy paws take a single step toward the den, preparing to greet his little ones when Howlfire emerged. A tip of her head is all he needed to know she wished to speak with him and her somber expression already gave revealed the topic of discussion. Quietly he trailed behind her with mint green trained upon the ground. It was only a matter of time before they confronted the situation now that the initial shock was over. Gingerly he settles down, jaws parting to ask how Wolfpaw, Blazingpaw, and Hawkpaw were faring. But before the words could escape his maw her nose drowns within the dense fur of his shoulder.

Tears suddenly flow from a molly he'd only even known to be strong and his heart splinters at the sight of it. The conviction and sorrow in her voice caused his ears to fall flat and a shuddering exhale to billow through his nose. She blamed herself and was willing to shoulder it alone, but he refused to allow her to do so despite the pain wrestling within them. "No one could have predicted this, Howlfire..." He whispers after some time, fighting to keep his voice steady. "But we will get through this, especially now that they will be safe in camp for a few moons to come." With a twist of his neck he laid his head upon her own.
̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   skyclan warrior / nineteen moons old / he/him  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  

Much like in recent moons, Coyotecrest is there to support her. Truly, she has underestimated how much she come to rely on him for support and comfort in recent moons. It was a far cry from the cold treatment she had given him upon his return from WindClan all those moons ago. "I should have prepared them more," Howlfire insisted, though with a little less conviction this time. In truth, she wasn't sure how much preparing she could have done for them. They might have been her kits but besides Hawkpaw, it was not her responsibility to train them and prepare them for the world anymore. "I only wish I'd been more alert to the rogues approach. We'd been warned they were there, but we never expected them to attack like that."

The one small bright side is, as Coyotecrest reminds her, that they will be safe in camp for a few moons longer. Still apprentices but apprentices with reduced duties until they were six moons. Howlfire sniffed, her tears subsiding for now. "Well, you say that like its a positive thing, but you've seen our children Coyotecrest. You're telling me they won't be fighting to get out?" There was a lightness to her tone and she laughed, but behind that was some genuine concern too. "I suppose we'll have to find them something to keep them entertained for a while until they're six moons," Howlfire mused. "Perhaps you could chase them around as a porcupine? You did make a very handsome one."

His ear is inclined to listen once more, brow knitting together as she strings together several wary sentences. "I should have prepared them more." Another weighty sigh escapes him, this time casting silvery brume from his maw. "Anything they could have learned still would have been taught outside camp." Tradition always leaned towards apprentices learning hunting, patrolling, and battle lessons beyond the safety of camp. While it was hard to fathom, something like this was bound to happen. Yet there was a selfishness inside him that wished it was not their own children. "I wish I could have been there...perhaps an extra set of claws would have made a difference." He mumbles softly, failing to keep the guilt out of his tone.

As Howlfire attempts to make light of the apprentice's confinement he releases an airy huff. Yes, he was sure being cooped up in camp was sure to drive them a little crazy at times. That he didn't doubt, but was for their own safety. He was willing to face whatever hare-brained shenanigans they came up with if it meant protection remained the outcome. "We'll have grey fur before the next moon convincing them to stay in." He teased, green eyes crinkling with mirth. Yet it was her final comment that made his ears grow hot and head pop up. For a moment he simply stared at her, mouth slightly ajar with dumbstruck awe. Did he hear her correctly? A heartbeat later and he realized he was still quietly staring. If Thistleback were here the spikey tom would have cuffed him over the ear by now.

"Say something...!" He urged himself internally. Something, anything, besides gawking. "This prickly porcupine would find it hard to keep his eyes on three little scraps of fur while such a lovely beauty is nearby." The words managed to leave his mouth but they felt clumsy and nowhere near as smooth as he would have liked. Regardless he pulled off a decent charming smile amidst his embarrassment.
̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   skyclan warrior / nineteen moons old / he/him  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  

As Coyotecrest agreed with her comment about their kits, he made a remark about them having grey fur by the next moon. Howlfire snorted in amusement. It would be a miracle if they weren't wholly flecked with grey by the next moon, or the moons following when their children had driven them crazy begging and pleading to return to normal.

Her comment about him being 'handsome' seems to have caught him off-guard, and Howlfire catches him staring at her for a long time, mouth somewhat ajar as though he cannot find the words to say in that moment. When he does finally respond, he makes a comment about being unable to keep a close on eye on their kits, whilst such a beauty was around. Howlfire begins to purr slightly, her cheeks warming at the compliment. "Well, if I prove too distracting, I can always roll around in some mud if that would help," Howlfire suggested, her tone serious despite meaning it as a joke. She waited a moment before bumping his shoulder playfully, a fit of giggles taking hold.

When the laughter fades, she looks at him seriously for a moment. "You know...we never discussed where we stood after everything," Howlfire mewed, looking at her paws. A lot of their clanmates already saw them as mates, despite neither having spoken openly about the matter. "W-Would you like to be mates? Officially?"