Oct 14, 2023
THERE WILL COME A SOLDIER — Plenty of their clanmates had gone to the gathering leaving behind only a few and others would be disheartened but Blazingkit found this to be a perfect opportunity to initiate a game with the kittens of the clan and he steps onto a large pile of snow with his bottlebrush tail rising. "Cats of all clans! The gathering has commenced," The tabby tomkit yowls out with a big toothy grin on his maw and lifts a paw to his chest "Leaf-bare has arrived but as always, Lionclan is well and we are thriving. Our fuzzy pelts and wits will push us through, we have killed several porcupines to feed our young and queens. Our next hunt will be uh... a bear!" The tip of his tail flicking back and forth only to look at his crowd of listeners nodding to the nursery "We have three new apprentices! Fluffypaw, Weedpaw, and Daisypaw." Blazingstar says knowing that the kittens were tucked away with Butterflytuft and his feathered ear flicked to the side only to nod in his sisters direction, Hawkflame the very cool, as he finishes "Do you have anything else to add, my deputy?"

He catches sight of a familiar bicolored pelt and feels the fur on his pelt rise ever so slightly "One last thing. No Beetleclan cats are allowed on Lionclan territory or I'll eat them," His jaws snap at the cold air as if to prove his point though he sits down on his pile of snow deciding to hold a regal air to him and lifts his nose to the air with a soft hmph.

/ talking to @Hawkkit but no need to wait :]

  • Untitled248_20231022220251.png
    longhaired red tabby tom with green eyes
    3 moons old; ages the 28th every month
    sexuality unknown; too young
    son of coyotecrest and howlfire
    brother to wolfkit and hawkkit
    easy to befriend; will throw a tantrum if you call him filthy
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
  • Love
Reactions: HAWKSPINE
Wolfkit gathers at the base of the snowbank with duty in her heart. Blazingkit — Blazingstar — has always been a just leader and she enjoys serving him and his deputy Hawk-kit (what was her warrior name again...?). Apparently they're having a gathering today. Being a kit, she's obviously never been to a real gathering, but she's never even been to a fake gathering yet, either. Were there WindClanners there? Cherrypaw had told her not all WindClanners were bad — was that true? Or maybe BeetleClan is like WindClan, in the same way LionClan is like SkyClan... her head is spinning a little. Her focus is called back, though, when Blazingstar announces their next hunt will be a bear of all things. Wolfkit (wait, no, her name is Wolfmoon, she thinks) has taken down many fearsome porcupines in her time as a LionClan warrior; but a bear? She looks to Hawk-kit, ears twitching.

"Um, yay new apprentices!" the cream-and-lilac kitten cheers, thinking of the wriggling worms back in the nursery. They aren't much fun to train with. She can't remember which one is supposed to be her apprentice. "Blazingstar, are we really hunting a bear?" But her question is cut off when he makes his final announcement, staring down a certain kit behind her.

Cats, like, totally don't eat other cats.... Wolfmoon squints suspiciously. "What did BeetleClan do to us again...?" she queries. She liked Springkit enough, though Pumpkinkit is sort of weird... couldn't they be LionClanners, too?

  • 72137244_EmSdt33NNuS72fz.png

    — wolfkit
    — she / they / he ; kit of skyclan
    — longhaired lilac torbie with piercing yellow eyes
    — "speech" ; thoughts
    — avatar by tropics; signature by dreamydoggo
    — penned by meghan
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰 Edenpaw cannot help but find this tiny announcement to be... odd. Blazingkit clearly has no concept of what his grandfather actually does- Blazestar wasn't the type to yell about war and battle and fighting bears. He was kind... stern... but forgiving. A mix of traits worthy of being respected, if not for all the ways he frustrated them outside of that. Quirking a brow at the mention of 'eating' trespassers, they do not think they enjoy the direction this 'LionClan' is heading in and it's clear Wolfkit looks a bit alarmed with it too.

"I don't think BeetleClan will taste very good, Blazingstar," the pin-stripe cat deposits, speaking out of turn just as they would any other opportunity. To name newborns apprentices as well seems like a bit of an oversight- Edenpaw was over half a year old and still couldn't hunt, could hardly fight. What would those little worms learning their first words do?

"I bet I could take your whole clan on in a fight and still win," they declare, puffing out their chest in faux confidence. They were definitely asking to get ganged up on by a bunch of razor-pawed kittens but... better they unite under a common foe or something.​
Cherrypaw sits next to Edenpaw, one half of her brain focused on combing through her shoulder, the other half keeping an eye on the nearby kittens. Howlfire's kittens were really becoming cats of their own right, she supposes. The apprentice herself barely remembers a time where Howlfire was in her position as Howlpaw, apprentice of Slate, and it seems like her brood inherited her personality more than Coyotecrest's.

Amusement surges through her chest at Blazingkit's announcements. A twisted ear keeps track of the news. LionClan, Little Wolf. The words are almost synonymous to her now. Once again, she is forcibly reminded of the fact that she gazes upon the grandchildren of her savior. Howlfire had told them stories, no doubt, as Little Wolf had probably told her in her kithood. A twist of guilt, a flare of resentment; the apprentice closes her eyes.

At the mention of killing porcupines, her gaze opens and flicks towards Edenpaw. Her friend had bounced back so quickly from Tawnystripe's death, but then again, there wasn't much they could've really done besides mope. Not to Cherrypaw, at any rate, though it had never been her mentor's body before her. These kits were certainly intent on unknowingly striking every nerve today, it seems.

Edenpaw interjects, and Cherrypaw absentmindedly nods along. "Blazingstar, you couldn't fit your mouth around a cat before they, like, started biting you back," she mrrps. She spares a glance towards Wolfkit, warrior name unknown, as she questions Blazingstar's grounds for war. A brow lifts; she hasn't paid too much attention to the rivalries of this generation of kits. Maybe they'll follow in the tussles of her and Plaguepaw and Doompaw. The thought makes her almost miss him.

Her friend's statement is so obviously impulsive that Cherrypaw has to stiffen her eyeballs to prevent them from rolling back into her head. "Mm, yeah. Good luck!" she purrs as she scooches a frog-length away from them.​
The other kits are outside, and though she would much prefer to be inside the nursery where it’s warm and safe, Fluffykit has followed @butterflytuft to the opening of their den to watch the commotion. She sticks close to her mother’s side, cloudy bluish eyes fixed on Blazingkit, who sits importantly on a mound of snow. He talks with such a big voice that she’s startled—and she’s even more startled to hear her name coming out of his mouth! “Um…” She isn’t sure if Blazingkit forgot her name or not, but he calls her something different. He calls her Fluffypaw. “I’m Fluffykit,” she offers in soft, whispery-tones to whoever might be listening. She tucks herself into her mother’s fur and watches Wolfkit, Cherrypaw, and Edenpaw with big eyes.

, ”