private The house felt so big and I...and I.... ♡ Family

Mar 30, 2024
*+:。.。 It had been long enough.

After talking with Gentlestorm and Nightbird, Wrath-howl could confidently say that he finally understood. There would be no forgiveness for Wrath-howl. Not in this life, not even in the next.

Ever since he helped kill Howlingstar, Wrath-howl had avoided his family. He hurried from patrol to patrol, hid in the shadows of the apprentice's den, or cowered behind dens and trees whenever he caught sight of his sibling's tortoiseshell and swirling tabby pelts nearby. Perhaps the vocalized dismissal of his worth by Nightbird and Gentlestorm had crushed whatever hope he still foolishly clung to finally gave him the courage to accept the promise of repeating patterns even among his kin. As much as he knew Lovelight and Laughblossom loved him, he doubted there would be any room for him anymore in their hearts. The idea hurts, don't get him wrong - Wrath-howl hasn't had a restful sleep in what feels like weeks thanks to the stress he carries imagining what his siblings will say to him. But, even so...he can't keep hiding from the truth.

So, on the eve of a quiet new day, the sky is still a mirage of pastels as dawn embraces its burgeoning light, Wrath-howl approaches his older siblings. Stepping before them, he notices with a hollow ache in his chest how, finally, he's grown nearly to their height. He'd thought, as a kitten, that the day he could look them in the eye without having to crane his neck would never come. Tears sting the corners of his eyes as he finds looking them in the eye remains an impossibility. Perhaps it will always be.

Finally, the child of wolf's blood and claws speaks, "I'm sorry" It isn't enough, it'll never be enough, and his throat cracks with the knowledge, but still, "I'm...I'm so sorry" For all the pain he's caused them, for dragging their reputation down with his, for failing them, not listening to them for everything. The stars will not greet Wrath-howl when he dies, he knows that fact like he knows the feel of Howlingstar's fur beneath his wrathful claws, but until then, he needs them to know...hanging his head, ashamed from soul to cosmos, he chokes, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry"

@LAUGHBLOSSOM @lovelight

    DMAB— He/Him
    10 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Laughblossom || Pridepaw, Merrypaw
    Thunderclan — apprentice
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically mediocre | mentally very easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently , mentally unwell