pafp the hunter — hunting competition


fate leads the willing and drags the unwilling
Feb 18, 2023
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
The bulky warrior stared up at the spiny pines with a deadpan expression, wooly tail flickering while calloused paw pads threaded through the undergrowth with practiced ease. It’d been a while since he’d gone on a hunt that hadn’t been his last-ditch effort to keep awake: solo huntin’ or going out on another hunting patrol.

His shoulder hadn’t been causing him too much issue, although the familiar stiffness was troublesome, but the frequent twinges of pain reminded him it wasn’t hopeless. Shaking his helm, Duskpool’s nose crinkled, turning to Johnnyflame. “Thinkin’ about makin’ this interesting. Care for turnin’ it into a competition?” He inquired, expression amused.

If the other agreed, then Duskpool would rumble, muscles coiling beneath obsidian fur. “Suppose the winner will get the honor of bein’ the better hunter, eh?” It’d been a while since he enjoyed himself, more stubborn than anythin’ when it came to doin’ his duty as a warrior but killin’ two birds with one paw didn’t seem like a terrible bargain.

/ please wait for @Johnnyflame

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Johnnyflame turned to meet the taller cats gaze with a toothy grin, golden eyes ablaze with interest at the mention of a challenge. "You know just how to tempt a cat, don't you, Duskpool?" he replied, unable to help but let himself be dragged in by the idea of a friendly competition.

He'd been trying his best in the days since their conversation to take the smoky tomcats advice- to not blame himself so heavily or work himself into the ground in order to escape his own thoughts. He still preferred to stay busy when he could, but he was making a point not to be so glum or caught up in his own feelings all the time. The rogues were gone. Brightflme was gone. There was nothing he could do now but keep his chin up and keep going forward. And that's exactly what Johnnyflame intended to do- even if it still weighed on him heavily sometimes. At the mention of what the winner would get, he nodded in agreement.

"That, and the loser has to sing the winners praises til the next gathering. Don't forget to mention how handsome and talented I am when your retelling the story later on, aye?" he added, in no short supply of cheekiness that morning.

Glimmerpaw is happy that their mentor seems to be trying to feel better. It’s no surprise that he had a bit of a slump after the rogues’ transgression, killing Brightflame. They might have not been apprentices together under the same cat for long, but even they missed her presence. She deserved to become a true warrior. At least she proved to everyone that her life meant something, in the end. Glimmerpaw hopes that they can say the same when they pass away.

They pad up to Johnnyflame and Duskpool, a glimmer of mischief in their eyes. “May I join you two?” They ask politely. They’ve felt stagnant as of late, and their pent up energy could be instead used to hunt, and a competition might keep it exciting enough that they’re invested. “I’d be happy to sing your praises…or hear my own name sung. A lot you could do with it, I believe.” Glimmerpaw is a pretty name, something they’ll gladly admit. The one thing they are happy they were born with.​
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
Dark lips curled in hidden amusement, shaking his helm with a quiet huff, wooly tail flickering to scent the air, smelling nothing but the thick fog of pine and chilly air. “Aren’t I always?” He commented, not even the least bit true, but it was an off chance they’d get another day of well-earned peace to enjoy the mind-numbing thrill of bein’ a normal warrior without their grievances and scabbed wounds.

He hummed in agreement, glancing over at the lead warrior idly before returnin’ his attention to the expanse of pine and undergrowth. He wouldn’t be muse use in the trees, downright banned from somethin’ that most of ‘em did, but the smokey warrior didn’t complain all that much. He sure as hell didn’t wanna risk bein’ cooped up in the med-den, not now when he still was gettin’ used to warrior life since the journey. “Better be ready to be singin’ my name by the end of this.” He rumbled with well-placed humor.

His gaze landed on Glimmerpaw with a twitch of his tail. “Ain’t no one tellin’ ya no, kid.” He grunted, glancin’ at Johnnyflame before restin’ a copper gaze forward. “Let’s see how good yer at huntin’ kiddo.” He added.

“What do ya say, first one to catch somethin’ wins?” He commented, glancing at the two with a raised eyebrow. If in agreement, Duskpool would jerk his head forward, encouraging the two to head off while the bulky warrior remained on the floor. He curled around trunks in search of land prey, whiskers twitching when the overwhelming smell of mouse wafted across his tongue.

The warrior dropped into a huntin’ crouch with ease, shoulder stiffer than a log, but pliable enough to stalk after the brown-furred mouse, snapping forward to slam a paw against the small creature, only to have it slip from his grasp with a quiet curse.

/ rolled a fail, so duskpool will be losing the competition lol
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OOC- rolled a 17 from a 1D20, if you roll higher feel free to beat him back to the spot where they started and say you caught yours before him!!!!

"Glimmerpaw, Glimmerpaw, fastest cat I ever saw- your right, I could do a lot with it." Johnnyflame agreed thoughtfully with a grin. "Too bad it's my name your all gonna be praisin'." the patched tomcat teased before turning and bounding up into a nearby pine.

There was familiarity in the feeling of bark beneath his paws, the gentle, rhythmic sway of the boughs beneath feet. He was steady even as the ground moved beneath him, claws expertly hooking into the dark wood to keep him steady as he prowled along.

The days were growing colder, the days shorter, and with it the prey was left to scavange all the harder for food. Some- like certain birds- had left altogether, and so Johnny wasn't certain what kind of prey he might happen upon. Maybe he wouldn't find anything at all? Much of these hunts were left entirely up to luck, especially in a season like this, though the knowledge wouldn't stop the bobtail from being a little annoyed if he didn't even get the chance to try and pounce on something.

But it looked like Lady Luck was on his side that day.

When Johnny finally slipped down from the trees, it was with a plump squirrel hanging in his jaws. Not the biggest one he'd seen caught, but it was certainly a catch he'd be proudly presenting to the nursery once they got back.

But the competition wasn't to see who caught the biggest prey- the competition was to see who had caught something first, and so the patched tomcat quickly made his way back to where they had started, unsure if Glimmer or Dusk had beat him there already.

Glimmerpaw is happy that both seem content with their joining on a whim. Even as Duskpool points out that neither said no to them, they still feel a bit guilty, but they try to shrug it off. They need to start learning how to not feel bad imposing themself, because that’s not how a leader should be! One day they want to be the one to give the orders, and they can’t do that if they feel guilty for doing so. Just one more thing they need to improve on.

They nod their head at Duskpool’s suggestion, raring to use the fire burning in their body. “Whoever comes back first, then. I’ll show you both what I can do.” Glimmerpaw hasn’t really had their chance to shine yet, so maybe this would be it; especially after Johnnyflame’s boasting (though the verse he came up with was nice). Well, only one way to find out. Their pupils already start to blow up as they think of what to hunt, and they head towards a different direction than the other two.

They’ve not had to deal with Leaf-bare before, and this would be the first of many. They would say hopefully, but as much as they want to be on this earth for as long as possible, who knows how the harshness might get to them? Well, they can’t let it if they plan on being in a high position someday. Everyone will rely on them.

// Rolled an 11!

As they pause and listen for any slight movement, it luckily doesn’t take long to hear a shake somewhere in the green near them. They would normally try and climb to get a height advantage, but they’re trying to get back quicker, not be stylish. Plus, they still aren’t amazing at climbing…it will get better as they practice more. It will!

They move their body into position as slowly as possible, lowering their front half. They always have to keep their size into consideration, as they will be bigger than most other cats. Even with all the calculations Glimmerpaw has to make on a whim, they are still successful, capturing a mouse in their maw. No time to praise themself though, as they take their fresh catch and turn back around.

When they arrive back to the same spot that they all started the game at, they see that their mentor was the first to arrive. Well, looks like that boasting earlier wasn’t for nothing. Their eyes become saddened, but they know it’s because Johnnyflame has more experience than them over anything else. And he’s the one training them, so they’ll become that good themself someday, right? “Good job,” Glimmerpaw praises him, as they drop their catch so they can wait for Duskpool. “But I’ll be a better hunter than you one day, just wait.” It’s a lighthearted jab, but they mean every word.​
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
Duskpool emerged from the undergrowth empty-pawed, wooly tail flickering at the sight of Johnnyflame and Glimmerpaw, each with their catch. He huffed, amusement dancing within molten hues, coming to a stop. The smokey tom seemed to have lost his touch, watchin’ the mouse slip from his paws before he could go in for the killin’ bite. “Seems like I’ll be the one prasin’ one of yer names.” He rumbled, helm tilted with a subtle twitch of his lips, mirth leaking out from an indifferent tone.

The last to arrive, Duskpool glanced at Glimmerpaw’s mouse with a swish of his tail, rustling loose foliage. “Ya did good, kiddo.” He complimented. Better than I did. He thought with a good-natured huff, mangled ear flickering. “Seems like I’ll be singin’ yer name, eh?” He spoke, glancing at Johnnyflame with a crinkled gaze.
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