pafp THE IMPATIENT TRAVELLER // conducting minor tasks


Do Me The Honour
Dec 20, 2023
//please wait for @CATERPILLARPAW.

"It's important to recognise the signs for when an owl is lurking about. I remember when I first encountered such a beast, with feathers white as snow and eyes a piercing yellow. I was but a wee apprentice at the time, foolishly hunting after a mouse. Turned out I wasn't the only one with the eyes on the prize, and all too closely I was about to be whisked away by mighty talons. Fortunately my mentor pulled me back and spared me a grim fate." Willowburn purred the story with delight as he savoured the chance to share his past experiences. Or rather he just enjoyed having a captive audience for the time being.

"Come, let us finish freshening up the nests in the warrior den. If you're lucky I will share yet another tale, or a word of advice to aid you on your journey to becoming a warrior." The tom pushed his way beneath the prickly throng of branches in order to reach the collection of nests, which admittedly were beginning to reek. Yes, it was definitely time for a freshen up lest his senses become further offended. "Make sure each one gets a good layer of moss. Actually, how many feathers did we collect?" Now he was beginning to remember why he had been prattling about owls, they had been gathering feathers at the time, of course.

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did all warriors talk so much? this isn't to say that she minds. she likes the noise, it keeps her from running back into her mind where everything was an absolute mess. but she is curious. she's never known shadowclanners to be so... eager to speak. she only twitches her ears at the end of the story with a gentle nod.

"owl wings arent... something I hear a lot of. I'm not so sure I'd be so lucky."

she doesn't even know what an owl smells like. danger probably. that's all she knows.

"okay. uhm... i don't remember. let.. let me count."

the apprentice shifts through the feathers, being sure to make very distinct piles so she can count accurately.

"seems like.... 12. is that enough? do we need more?"
"Typically you won't ever hear their wingbeats. Though if the forest falls a deathly silent then be on your toes, and watch for owl pellets. They usually drop them close to their roosting spots." Willowburn explained with a gentle swish of his tail. It somewhat amused him in hindsight considering that after that fateful day he had begun to pay closer attention to his own mentor's teachings. A near death experience could certainly be enlightening.

The warrior took a pause after he waited for Caterpillarpaw to finish counting the feathers, though he seemed mildly disappointed about the final tally. "What a pity, I thought we had found more than that. Well, no matter, we'll divide them up among the nests occupied by the senior warriors. I think they've earned that much, right?" As much as he longed to line his own nest heavy with the feathers he supposed he should really be setting the whole being selfless mindset. "If there's time we can always collect more later. Now then, let's hurry through this job before the first of a nappers waddle in." The tom granted himself a moment to chuckle over his own words before he proceeded to scrape away the soiled bedding from the various nests.

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false hopes are more dangerous than fears .
Standing behind the two, Thistlesight observed their tasks, simple and something that didn’t require many paws. The smokey-hued warrior hummed quietly, watching the apprentice make distinctive piles, counting each feather, totaling twelve.

Thistlesight was nearing sixty-seven moons, nearly a senior warrior, feeling old, but the thought remained stationary, not bothered in the slightest. An old man, some would say, but only if he accepted it, trumpeting his age for anyone to hear, but he wasn’t, and rather content with remaining unaware of his increasing age as the moons slip by.

“Care for another set of paws?” He commented, making himself known if they hadn’t noticed his shadowed appearance, eerily silent, observing, until necessary. A certainty in his voice. Another set of paws never hurt, only speeding the process before those older ones came in for a daily nap. “I am heading out. Shall I add collecting feathers to that list?” He further added, prompting the conversation forward, green-blue hues carefully observing.
thought speech
*+:。.。 Owls - those silent killers made Singekit's fur stand on end. Normally he was a big fan of birds - they tasted good, they hunted bugs, they gave soft bedding - they were awesome! Up until they weren't. Singekit liked the cool wounds he now sported proudly along his flank, but the memory still stung in tandem with his scratches. He hoped he didn't have to face a owl ever again - not until he was an apprentice, anyway, then the game was on!

In the meantime though, he was still stuck at camp, listening to stories, and pretending like his boots weren't shaking. When he noticed Thistlesight watching, then approaching, Singekit decided that was permission enough to do the same. Bounding over to the older cats, Singekit would yowl, "I wanna help too! Me too!" He could carry moss around! He could even set it down and make a good nest - Chilledstar themself said so!

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    3 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPC x NPC (brother to Swallowkit)
    Shadowclan — Kit

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #b52a21
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: None currently