The incomplete, the unfulfilled, the torn | Nettlepaw & Bristlepaw


They have lost many cats to the twin plagues of sickness and invasion — siblings, children, parents. The Cicadastar brood got his attention first because of his friendship with their late father, but it wouldn’t do for Snakeblink to forget the other specters of grief haunting camp.

Bristlepaw and Nettlepaw. Recently apprenticed and recently orphaned. Willowroot has taken them in, bless her kind heart, but mourning a mother is something Snakeblink knows well — and he cannot imagine even her kind heart can make the two forget the immense loss they have recently endured. Seeing as they were already quite… prickly… before, he worries how this will impact them.

Hence he has gone out of his way to track them down and check in on them, just to make sure.

”Hello Nettlepaw, Bristlepaw,” he greets politely. He’s immediately at a loss for what to say: he doubts his concern would be welcomed, coming from a near-stranger. ”Are you… settling well in the apprentice’s den?”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • @Nettlepaw- @BRISTLEPAW
  • Snakeblink • he / him. 46 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

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He's irritable, but Nettlepaw isn't interested in pushing past such feelings. He's still grieving, still frustrated with his failures in training. It's not unusual for him to stick close to his brother during his free time. Nettlepaw doesn't think any of the other apprentices liked him, and for all he knew, Carawaypaw had already told them all about how untrustworthy the young lynx-point is. He feels... alone. Worthless. Bristlepaw is the only cat left that Nettlepaw feels he can trust. Snakeblink's arrival is hardly acknowledged, for the blind apprentice stares right past with sightless eyes. He doesn't even know how to respond to the question, really. He's not just going to spill all of his feelings out for everyone to hear.

"Yeah, sure." The young tom finally responds, absent vocals feeling flat upon the breeze. "We're fine."

It hasn't thought much on his mother's death or what it could possibly mean. It's like he has blocked out her dying from Yellowcough. What grief he has is all dried up especially thanks to the everything elde that happened before her death occurred. He has said nothing on it, shed no tears. Merely looked on after the news was given to him. Shifting his paws he presses his head against his brother's side before he hears the voice of someone. Snakeblink. Tilting his head that sharp gaze lingers on his face as he lifts his skull to look over Nettlepaw. This is the first time that someone asks them about how they are doing. He doesn't remember anyone else caring that much. A frown pulls at his muzzle before he lowers his head back down. Closing his eyes he allows a soft yawn to leave his muzzle. His brother says that they are fine. He agrees. Everything is fine if he doesn't think too hard about anything. "Mhmmm...been fine." He echos his brother as he shifts just slightly to focus his odd eyes upon the warrior. Angling his head to the side a bit his tail twitches before he looks away.

"Did you...did you need something from us?" There is a measure of curiosity in his gaze but it is gone into neutrality rather quickly.

  • ooc : — ​

  • bristlepaw - tom / 3 moons old / riverclan kit / aspiring warrior / mentored by lakemoon


The two apprentices are cagey, but Snakeblink didn’t exactly expect open vulnerability from these particular cats. His ears flick at their claim that they’re ‘fine’ — yeah, right, pull the other one — but he doesn’t contest it for now. They are entitled to licking their wounds in private. Though he’s terribly put upon by it.

”Nothing,” he assures Bristlepaw, ”Though if you want something to do I am sure I could scrounge up something. I was only…”

Concerned. Worried. Sad. Projecting? There’s some of it, he guesses; he remembers these first few moons after Salamander died, how dark they had felt. How nice it would have been to have someone ask how he is. ”Well, I was wondering if you needed anything,” he tries, voice trailing off as he tries to project as much openness as possible with an awkward and clumsy smile.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 46 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo