pafp THE INDIGO DISK | naming

The Nursery was a far cry from where the warrior's slept, a warm bastion beneath the gorse wall where the stars dared not taunt him with their presence. Despite the mewlings of other kittens, Sootspot could appreciate the comforts an indoor den provided, the way that raising kittens gave him an elevated status in the clan - better choice of food, more space to do as he pleased, things he had been entitled to for a while but only just now received with his new station. Settled just outside the gorse wall, the chimera watched his little ones wrestle with one another, an affectionate smile curled upon his maw. They had survived (or outright avoided) perishing to Cottonsprig's little vector, and along with the paternal pride welling in his chest, he thought they deserved a reward for it. They were strong, good, it was difficult to remember that they had been loners once.

"Little ones! Come here a moment," he beckoned them with a gentle switch of his tail, breath accentuated with purrs louder than the two-pawed Thunderpath monsters. He waited until he had all three of his children's attention before he continued. "It is about time we give you some proper names. You will love them, I promise!" Sootspot beamed, enthusiasm like a honeyed venom. They had to love them, names chosen by him; there was no greater honour. First, he turned to the only tomkit.

"I had a friend once... who protected her kittens. Her love was so strong that she had to go away for a very long time... her name was Nightingalecry." His gaze traveled across the camp as if searching for something before his attention settled back upon the black-and-white kit. "You will be named after her, kind one, and for your dark pelt. You are Nightkit." If he was small enough come his sixth moon, then night would be all he ever knew, the perennial darkness that came with being a Tunneler shrouding one's eyes at all times of day. It had always seemed like a worthy sacrifice, in pursuit of being the most valued warriors within the clan.

Next, he turned to the black tabby kitten, finding his reasonings for her name much less duplicitous. "You are Bramblekit. Brambles protect WindClan's home from the mean badgers and smelly foxes, one day, you will be strong enough to do that too, brave one." Or, at the very least, she would protect him, the one who had rescued her from a life no growing cat should have to endure. He would feel more sympathy for the loners, if the grown-up ones did not infest his home like feasting ticks. Finally, he turned to the lynx point.

"Our home has loads of pretty flowers within it, roses that stretch to the very sky and heather that brush your nose as you pass. You will see them soon enough... graceful one. You are Heatherkit." Hadn't his sister had a friend who shared that name once? He quickly noted that it didn't matter, that anyone who befriended the missing medicine cat had only used her for what she represented rather than a genuine connection to her - she was a turnpelt and a spoiled brat, he could not see much to like outside of her ability to talk to that which he could not.

He blinked firmly - even looking at his true loved ones, he recognised that one purpose they served was to spite the false ones. He leaned down, giving each one a head bunting, appreciative of their duty. "You will become fine warriors, my kin."

[ set around their second moon; pls wait for at least one of the kittens to post!: @NIGHTKIT! @bramblekit - @heatherkit ]

They had been in their new home for forever, and the golden-eyed girl could hardly imagine life outside of Windclan. She knew there was a dark, murky before, because that was what had made mama go on a very long holiday to Starclan, but the now entirely outshone whatever the before had been. The now had dada and her sister and her brother and food and a warm place to sleep and so many things to do and cats to keep her entertained and everything dada said she could ever need. Some other kittens had things she didn't, but she ignored that. She didn't need anything else.

She alternated between attacking and defending either of her siblings, protesting loudly whenever they fought each other. She didn't need defending! They couldn't forget that she was there, too! Play fights were the bestest way to pass the time, even better than mossball, but sometimes that was the bestest game, too, and sometimes hide and seek was, and -

"Coming!" The tabby said, moving toward Sootspot as quick as her little legs would let her, though perhaps not quicker than the others. She sat tidily. She smiled with exuberant glee when Sootspot said he would be naming them, and that they would love the names. It was one of the things she did not necessarily need, but if her father was to give her a name, she would certainly not decline it. She strained toward her father while keeping her paws firmly in place, like she might hear him better if she was only a little closer, and listened with rapt attention.

Bramblekit. She was going to be a strong protector, and she was going to be a warrior, and she was going to be brave, and she was going to be Bramblekit. The latter she had already earned; the former would be obtained one day. She could earn it. She would. She already protected her siblings - admittedly, the protection was awarded in games played with claws hardly strong enough to part fur, but the drive was there. How hard could it be to protect anyone else? Bramblekit nuzzled her forehead against Sootspot's when it was her turn, that smile still on her face. "Thank you, dada. I love it."

Playing was a productive way of spending time in this place, besides, his sisters seemed to like it and it would be untrue to say it was not an enjoyable time for him as well. He had just lunged at his blue-eyed sister in an attempt to nip at one of her ears when the call from their father made him abandon the play immediately. Calmly he would stand up to approach them with curiosity over what their father had to share with the three of them. Obidently he would take a seat in front of them as his gaze was fixed on their father to give all of his attention.

Turned out it was to give them names.

Of course, it had not come unoticed how everyone in this clan seemed to have an unique word to be addressed by which he soon enough had learned meant names. Everyone had one beside him and his sisters, always sharing the same 'name' as 'kit,kitten or kids'. Nothing unique that made him stand out from the other two. Nothing to feel bothered by because that was how it had been from the start. But now it would all change.

The one who would receive their name first was him. There was a story behind, a meaningful one of someone who once had stood their father close. Nightingalecry. A kindhearted queen who had given her life away bravely to protect her loved ones. Nightkit. That would be his name in honor of his fathers friend memory and after the night itself. Nightkit. They always said to never wander out alone at night, that danger lurked in the darkness of the night. That kits like them could easily get chewed and swollowed up by the night...It was -

" Cool." the kit with little words to say shared, approving with that single word to express his feelings with. It was a well fitted name, and he liked it. Nightkit liked his new name that his father surely had picked out for him carefully, and he would make sure to live up to his name and all his fathers expectations. One day he might even grow up to become the danger lurking in the shadows to scare the monsters away so everyone could walk freely in the night.

And then it was his sisters turn to get their names, and although their names were not bad and good suited, their names were not as personal like his was. His sisters were named after bushes and flowers, not after another cat, not after someone who had stood their father close and had been named in their memory. That meant that his name was more special. That most mean that he was more special, did it not?. Only because of that he carried his new name with even more pride.

He would headbutt his father back when it was his turn for affection while being told how they all would become fine warriors one day. Nightkit was still a bit unsure what warrior actually ,truly, meant, but he had noticed how often comman that word was being used around here, and even more importand how much it meant for their father. Because of that, he had decided that it was importand to him as well.

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( ⊱✿⊰ ) rough and tumble is not the sort of thing someone would think of when they looked at the frost-hued kitten. every morning she grooms her fur to pristine white and blue, not a speck of dirt upon it. she is not rogue-ish as some of her denmates are, eager to get messy in their play. she is a sleek and pale beast in her training. to the blue- eyed girl, this is not play, a simple amusement to pass the time. she has seen the apprentices practicing, seen warriors refresh their battle skills in the corners of camp. this wrestling and spatting with her siblings is preparation for the inevitable. so, when her brother pierces his little teeth into her ear, she lets out a mrowl of distaste, hastily shoving her paws towards the boy to get him off of her. he's messed up her fur and almost cost her her beautiful ear! combing one paw over it to make sure the delicate skin is not torn in any spots, the lynx pointed kitten sniffs and tosses her head.

her father's words light a flame beneath her, and she turns her attention towards him with bright eyes. her sister has already clambered over towards him, her brother not far behind, and the little girl follows dutifully, shaking a thin layer of dust from her otherwise pristine fur. "yes, papa?" she asks, settling beside her yellow-eyed sister and gazing adoringly up at the chimera tom. his loud purrs make her preen slightly, delighting in the fact that he is so joyous to see herself and her siblings. he's going to give them names, he tells them, and the pale she-kit sits at attention.

she's noticed the other kits in the nursery all have similar sounding names, ending in kit. like how sunstar has a star at the end of his name, like how the apprentices are 'paws, she is ready for her 'kit suffix and whichever beautiful and creative prefix sootspot dubs her. first up is her brother, named nightkit after a cat their father once knew. a morning glory gaze flits to the sky, where this nightingalecry must reside. it's a fitting name for her brother, with his black and white pelt and kind spirit. the girl nudges him, grinning.

attention turns to her sister, listening at rapt attention as she is named bramblekit. sootspot calls her brave one, and silently, the girl agrees. bramblekit will be brave and strong and fierce and smart. her sister is well deserving of such a prickly, protective name. at last, the olive gaze of her papa turns to her, and the little kit shivers in anticipation. he speaks of gorgeous flowers, roses that stretch to the sky, bright heather that perfumes the air. she is dubbed heatherkit, and she has never been happier than she is right now. graceful one, he calls her, and she stretches up to accept the soft touch of her father with a purr rivaling his own. he had truly saved the best for last, given her a true windclanner's name. "thank you, papa," she will whisper for his ears only, beaming. "we're gonna be the best warriors you've ever seen." this is said louder, glances sent to her siblings as if to rile them up, to say we are kin and we are strong.

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    a longhaired blue lynx point with blue eyes. her body is cloaked in pale snow-white fur, a storm of blue flooding her face, tail, and paws. stripes of darker blue accentuate her eyes nose, and band around her legs. shining eyes stare out from the angular shaped face, a deep, faded blue color.