
does he know i'm forsaken?
May 28, 2024


SH BLUE TABBY W/ LOW WHITE ; (carries longhair, solid, chocolate, dilute) // reference (click)
Owlkit will stand in stature closest to Pitchkit- small. She will be proportional, just not grow very large compared to her peers, but to much up for this, her agility and speed is off the charges. Owlkit is melded with swirls of deeper, and hints of lighter, making for a beautiful layering of tabby stripes. Her fur is often well groomed, and she walks with an inherited grace that Shadowkit will attempt. (This is not a dig at her sibling: Owlkit is naturally graceful.)

Owlkit's eyes are split in a sectoral heterochromia, a stark blue against a warmth cream-orange color. When she looks in puddles, she thinks to herself that Starclan had brushed her with their touch, blessing her with such an interesting eye color. Her pelt is painted in blue-toned grays, swirling in the shadows which gives her a natural camouflage in Shadowclan's territory.

She was named for her smaller stature, the light dappling on her pelt, and the hopes that she would become wise and strong like that of a bird of prey.

KIT - RESPECTFUL, CAUTIOUS, NAIVE, KIND, LOVING. Early in life, Owlkit will be a sweetheart- cautious, but not nervous, about the world around her. She'll respect her elders, dip her head towards warriors and leads without discrimination to who they are or what they may have done. She is going to kind and loving to all those she knows, and it will be rare for her to turn her nose up to those she knows in distaste. With all this in mind, she's naive about the outside world. (Plots allowing, of course.) She begins to pick up agility skills here, trying to avoid being crushed during wrestling games.

APPRENTICE - RESPECTFUL, KIND, PROTECTIVE, LOVING. Becoming an apprentice will be a large step forward for all of them. She'll be overjoyed, even prideful at the action, but quickly learn it is a lot of work. She'll do her best to keep up, but given the 'HELD BACK' plot (see below), she'll eventually fall behind. Despite that, she remains respectful, kind, loving. She's an angel slowly toppling from the top. Looking forward to a plot that will kick-start her protective side- either a friend or sibling is injured, and she realizes how awful she feels not being able to defend them.

She will learn in a long process of struggle, but slowly becoming fierce and intelligent. 'OWL'S WINGS' will be her last, important formative moment before warriorship, and it is what proves her prowess as being named for a bird of prey.

WARRIOR - RESPECTFUL, KIND, PROTECTIVE, LOVING, FIERCE, INTELLIGENT. Without going into too much depth, as there is plenty of times that this could go off the rails as the plan. (see note below, too!) However, she'll still retain her core personality: respectful, kind, loving. Her protective, fierce nature will be awarded during her apprenticeship, her intelligence learned and not inherited. She may not have become a warrior on time, and feels she failed her parents in that manner, but she's doing everything she can to ensure she becomes great, raises herself above her station: wants to see legends spoken about her actions and deeds.

NOTE // I may change her personality up while I roleplay. I tend to find grooves for characters, and find it more enjoyable to roleplay them in a certain manner. This is loose, but I will be following it to a point.

  • FEAR // FALLING BEHIND - Some part of Owlkit will fear that of falling behind compared to her siblings. Their parents hope and tell them that they'll be great- but Owlkit can't be sure she'll be great. She can't be sure.
  • FEAR // LOSING FAMILY - This doesn't super need to be explained, but she doesn't want to lose the very cats she loves and is motivated by.
  • INSPRIATION // HER PARENTS - They want their kits to be the best- and that will be Owlkit's motivation. Her want and need to develop into a great warrior.
  • INSPRIATION // BIRDS OF PREY - She was named after one- shouldn't she be fierce and strong like one, too?
  • INSPRIATION // GATHERINGS - Being able to go to a gathering with her mentor, seeing all the strong cats from other clans, either covered in scars won in battle, or Sunstar's missing leg, Howlingstar's long life? She aspires to be strong.
  • KRISTA - AoT // Early episode Krista, where she's seen as an angel. This is early Owlkit vibes.
  • THE FRUITS - PARIS PALOMA // Possible arc/plot expansion. DEVIL vs ANGEL arcs, childhood vs warriorship. 'Angel, he calls me, does he know that I'm falling, From a precipice that I tripped off long ago?'
  • FORGET-ME-NOTS - FLOWER TYPE // Forget-me-nots: the flower that she searches for. Represents that of love, hardy nature, versatile, in all hearts.
  • OPEN ARMS- EPIC // 'This life is amazing when you greet it with open arms, Whatever we face, we'll be fine if we're leading from the heart.'
  • 'HELD BACK' // I'm planning ahead that she may be held back in her progression: she won't graduate on time with her siblings. She becomes a warrior later, is given an apprentice later then them.
  • 'PROTECTIVE' // I'm hoping for a plot where she learns her protective side. A close friend, sibling, family, etc- someone gets hurt, and she realizes how closely she wishes to guard them. An owl protecting her own.
  • 'OWL'S WINGS' // Where she finally grows up and becomes fierce. This is planned to happen following the meeting where she is held back. Something proving her worth as a Shadowclan warrior, defending her home, sibling, a kit, etc.
  • 'ROMANTIC LOVE? WHAT IS THAT.' // Romantic love is likely something she'll struggle with. Being an 'angel' of a cat, she'll have issues saying 'no' to suitors, and she may be stuck in flings that last just a handful of weeks. This may lend towards 'HELD BACK' as she's emotionally distracted. There MAY be a prospective looooong burn romance, but no plans as of right now.

  • "speech"
  • OWLKIT she/her, kit of shadowclan, 4 moons.
    SH blue tabby with low white. unusually small in stature, but moves with unintentional grace. eyes are split blue on top, orange on bottom. soft spoken and kind natured.
    mentored by no one / / mentoring no one
    no current love interest / / sibling to shadowkit, pitchkit, lynxkit, waspkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

[/subquote][TABS][slide=‎‎ ‎  ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎    ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎  ‎ ‎ ‎  ‎  ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎  ‎ ‎ ‎  ‎        ┌── YOU EAT IT UP WHOLE] [color=#FFAFCC][b]"speech"[/b][/color]
[slide= MY BODY AND MY BLOOD ──┐‎][size=5][url=][color=#cdb4db][b][font=book antiqua]OWLKIT[/font][/b][/color][/url] [/size][color=#ffc8dd][i] she/her, kit of shadowclan, 4 moons.[/i][/color]
[color=#FFAFCC]⭃[/color] SH blue tabby with low white. unusually small in stature, but moves with unintentional grace. eyes are split blue on top, orange on bottom. soft spoken and kind natured.
[color=#FFAFCC]⭃[/color] mentored by no one / / mentoring no one
[color=#FFAFCC]⭃[/color] no current love interest / / sibling to [abbr=lavs]shadowkit[/abbr], [abbr=saturnid]pitchkit[/abbr], [abbr=ian]lynxkit[/abbr], [abbr=keekee]waspkit[/abbr]
[color=#FFAFCC]⭃[/color] peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / [u]underline[/u] and tag when attacking
[color=#FFAFCC]⭃[/color] penned by dallas ↛  dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots. 
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