camp the inferno .. rta, stress cleaning


hit me with your kill shot
Apr 30, 2023
WE'RE GETTING LOST! With Barleysight graduated and Sleekpaw still recovering from the aftermath of yellowcough, Killdeercry felt herself stirring restlessly. She couldn't keep her paws still for very long without setting off on something again; hunting, guarding, patrolling, whatever she could get her claws on. She didn't like staying in camp more than she had to, that had always been true, but her absence had been more noticeable than anything recently. The ruddy she-cat had visibly worn herself down, her long fur normally only tangled and dusty now dull. Her claws had begun to crack and weaken.

Though this morning when Killdeercry had set her paws for the camp's entrance, another warrior intercepted her.

"You're to stay here, at home until you've gotten a proper rest." Their tone was firm, directive given from another no doubt. Killdeercry's jaw tightened as she held back a defensive hiss. Her maw opened to snap a retort but her warden would not allow it. "You're no use to your Clan if you collapse on your paws." An audible snap clacked from her teeth and she stormed away, tail fluffed and lashing rapidly.

Whatever, she would remain here. At first she had tried to follow through to get it over with. Her mossy nest had more often been left cold than not and it had grown stiff from her hardly staying in it long. Her sides were prodded awkwardly no matter how much she adjusted and switched around. The muscles in her legs ached too much to stay comfortable. The mulling from beyond the den was too distracting from keeping her eyes closed.

Before long she was up around camp again and tearing apart anything and everything that was bothering her within that den. She tore her nest out and carefully fixed herself a neater one, plucking out the downy feathers of a magpie and lining it into the moss. With her mind set on the task already, though, she had caught herself on a track to continue it. She followed next into the elders den, stumbling on her way in and emerged with the remains of discarded material and leftover prey bits that hadn't been removed. Killdeercry spat them out with a tired huff, becoming more clumsy in her movement as she went.— tags

He wasn't exactly a nosy cat but when he saw things happening he couldn't help but watch attentively. Sunfreckle had been laying outside the nursery, letting the sun warm his belly while the kits wrestled still inside it and the sound of another warrior chastising Killdeercry drew his focus from his lazy lounge. It was solid advice, every cat needed rest and needed to take care of themselves if the clan was to be maintained but some of his more stubborn clanmates had a tendency to overwork themselves too. He thinks of Flamewhisker specifically, scolded often to set her paws in a nest and sleep before carrying on with her duties and it makes him miss his fiery friend; hoping she is doing well on her journey and that Little Wolf was too...all of them in-fact, but it was not a secret that he was especially close with those two specifically.
His green gaze lazily watches Killdeercry return to the warrior's den and he closes his eyes once more, assuming she was doing as told only to open them in surprise to her eventually stomping off to the elder's den to start cleaning there; stumbling like a newborn fawn.
Sunfreckle frowned before rolling to his side and shoving himself back up on all three legs, turning to make his way over with his own wobbling steps though they were more at having had to get up so suddenly than anything like exhaustion. He was very well-rested actually.
"Killdeercry, thank you for all your hard work around camp but..." He smiles, it is rare he flexes his authority at all and he's only had to do it once before-more than often Sunfreckle leaves the ordering around and bossing about to the more skilled of his companions like Raccoonstripe or Nightbird, "...go to bed." His smile widens more, white teeth and expression not unkind but lips curled knowingly, "Or I will sit on you."
And with his size he could quite easily bury any cat in the clan under layers and layers of thick red and white tabby fur. An unfortunate way to go, but a comfortable one.
Wherever Sunfreckle goes, Rainbowkit often follows. It's a fun game for them, to glance around camp and try to figure out what may look or sound interesting enough for one of his littermates or Sunfreckle to go investigate. Especially since Sunfreckle was a very important lead warrior and all. What determines a super important Lead Warrior thing? What squabbles were just squabbles, and which ones did authority need to intervene in? Rainbowkit follows him... not really with these questions in mind. Their paws just like following others.

Warriors didn't have bedtimes, but apparently, this cat needed to sleep. Rainbowkit cranes their neck to glimpse their apparently sleepiness, and even they can tell. Rainbowkit tuts them much like they assume Sunfreckle or Little Wolf would do. No good. Taking care of yourself was the most important, wasn't it? Even besides your clan. There were lots of warriors to do what you didn't do. Rainbowkit wouldn't want to be stressed about all this stuff.

And when Sunfreckle threatens them, Rainbowkit goes, " Ooooooooooo, " like Kildeercry was in trouble, because she totally was.

  • rainbowkit & [ raine ] [ bow ] : sunfreckle xx rabbitnose 2nd litter. littermate to sunshinekit & emberkit. younger brother to mousepaw, sparkpaw & frecklepaw.
    —— amab. they / he ; fine with gendered terms ( tom / boy / brother / etc . . . )
    —— currently 4 moons old.

    a typical size for their age. warm - faced and bright - eyed, rainbowkit sports boyish features and an easygoing smile. early signs of a thick ruff to come can be seen in plush cheeks and a thickening tail. sports long curling whickers and a dip of sun - red down the length of their neck.
  • this is for cute purposes begone.