pafp THE JESTER // prank

Nov 14, 2023

Sneezepaw was rather popular among his siblings, was he not?. Everyone seemed to like him quite a bit, both inside and outside of his family. His brothers in particular. Easy to befriend others who never disobeyed....a perfect candidate for his next prank then. Basilpaw had the perfect plan stored in place. While everyone was busy with their day Basilpaw had used his secret stealth talent to sneak inside of the medicine cat den when Starlingheart had been out collecting herbs. There he would pick a marigold from the stock before he would quickly make his escape to hurry over to the apprentice den to slip inside until finding Sneezepaw's nest. With a mischievous look the grey tom hides the marigold underneath Sneezepaw's nest. With a grin Basilpaw hurried himself back outside as he returned back to his daily chores inside the camp as he waited for Sneezepaw return back to the apprentice den to find the stolen herb there, and then only they he could make his move.

// wait for @sneezepaw to post, i'm also fine with that someone saw basilpaw leaving the medicine cat den because i dont want sneezepaw to get into to much trouble, just dont out basil straight away please <33 in fact wait for me to post with basil one more time before calling him out on it

It's a long day out on patrol under the greenleaf heat. Though his fur had shed some, Sneezepaw finds himself growing sluggish the hotter it gets, and movement like this only makes it worse. It could he worth, he supposes - he could be battle training, rather than a simple border patrol. But, still, all he wants to do when he gets home is fall over and cool off in the shade of the dens.

So, when he gets home, Sneezepaw makes a beeline for the apprentice's den. Sparing a few hello's and dips of his head along the way, but desperate to get out of the sun and let his sore paws rest. He falls into his nest with a soft sigh and sprawls out, stretching so that his body receives as much air as possible between long, curly strands of fur.

Of course, to his frustration, his nest is.. mildly uncomfortable. Sneezepaw shifts and rolls and moves around, and even tries to ignore it, but it quickly becomes apparent: there is something in his nest that doesn't belong. He waits for a moment, then, frustrated gets up and starts carefully rummaging through his moss, until he finds..

"A flower?" he mumbles softly to himself, picking up the marigold. How did a flower get into his nest all of a sudden? Of course, he doesn't know it's an herb just yet.. Sneezepaw looks around the den briefly, with the flower now set delicately between his paws, for the possible culprit as heat rises to his ears. Did someone.. put a flower into his nest? Or did he simply miss it when making it?

// wait for basil please!! <3
  • sneezekit SNEEZEPAW
    ━━ APPRENTICE of SHADOWCLAN | 7 MOONS ,, ages every 2nd
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none

  • speech is #ffcc8a