private the joker versus robin // Chrysaliswing


meant to be here
Mar 3, 2024
The more things heard about this mysterious Chrysaliswing the more Bluepaw decided maybe he wasnt a good cat. So many had noting but bad things to say about him, and he could see why with how he had lashed out at Florabreeze a few days earlier. Still, the young warrior found himself wanting to talk to the tomcat and maybe even stand up to him? If that’s what they wanted to call this faux sense of justice and righteousness he had in his chest. Bluepaw wanted to be a good warrior and while the tomcat had a poor personality- he was a good warrior. A good fighter, skilled hunter, the works. Something to be admired about Chrysaliswing was this one thing.

Still, Bluepaw had his head held high and was marching across camp towards the tomcat with his tail bristling slightly as this foreboding sense overwhelmed him. Jaypaw spoke ill of this tomcat a lot and he wondered if it was because of his poor teaching or the fact they were both rather hard-headed cats so it was natural for them to clash. Bluepaw swallowed thickly and opened his mouth to speak to the tomcat as he stood about a tail length away from him, “I heard you’re a good fighter- like really good and i know you’ve been asked this a lot- but im going to annoy you now instead” He flicked his ear a bit as his own words and glanced down at his paws, “I know you trained Jaypaw, and she’s really good too- i- i was wondering if you’d pass that down to me too? I want to be a warrior that makes Orangestar proud” He looked up at the warrior evenly and tried to calm his nervously beating chest.


  • Bluepaw-- 8 months Skyclan Daylight Apprentice
    -- AMAB Cisgendered Masculine
    -- Panromantic Demisexual Questioning Polyamory
    -- Apprentice to Beetleback
    -- A stock, short blue tabby cat with high white and sky blue eyes (carrying; TBD)
    -- Notable friendships; Edenberry, Florabreee, Jaypaw, Owlheart, Emberpaw​

Chrysaliswing flicked an ear in vexation as if he were swatting away a buzzing fly, for those that approached him with words of obtrusive wisdom and waxing lyrical might as well be as such, turning heterochromatic gaze downwards to meet Bluepaw's rather intrusive form. A ficitious eyebrow lifted upwards in consternation, as if soundlessly asking the other who had told him of the warrior's supposed merits. Could it have been Owlheart? I doubt Jaypaw would have ever bragged about me. The fur upon the back of his neck began to rise, as though heckled by the electric hands that oft shaped his wire-and-thorn frame, though he willed it to settle down for the moment. Though Skyclan had come to expect the snake in the nest he had built of himself, he knew it inappropriate to begin shouting in the middle of the camp for no good reason. Enough stone-hard stares had branded that lesson into his pelage. Even from a simple encounter could the chimaeric tomcat see the nervousness bead into Bluepaw's uncertain features, silent strings of the quandary like the chirr of the summer grasshopper, a kind of sprightly emotion found even in the most self-assured of the younger sorts. In a way, Chrysalis could hardly fault the blue tabby. Asking for help was an incredibly hard thing to do, especially if one held onto their pride by the skin of grinding teeth. To reach out for aid was to forsake that protection of pride, at least to the jaded tomcat.

Stray mention of Jaypaw made a feathery serpent of a tail lash behind him, as though it did not flutter haphazardly but matched with the beat of tumultuous storm, for the rain could hardly let itself be contained within the prison of greyed pall. She had hardly even started her new apprenticeship with him before she had seemingly been through into the biting-harsh fray of misfortune. It was as if he had brought it upon her, an omen knelling deep and deathly from cruel stars above. (He still didn't know what, exactly, he had done to deserve his ancestors' ire.) "And you think that I'm the most appropriate cat to annoy about it? What, does Beetleback not want to train you anymore? I wouldn't blame him." He spat distastefully, his poison like a warble upon his tongue, birdsong and brimstone from the bed of his throat. Were the mentors of this day and age inept or simply too lazy to train their apprentices? He couldn't help but see so much of Jaypaw in the tom that stood before him though, as too-fresh wound of grief bucked and brayed in its pain, just as the heart recounted all the ways he could have done things differently. If they had not gone to the Twolegplace that day, she would still be here. If he had not been her mentor, then she would not have had to serve as the instrument of his punishment.

  • ic opinions im so sorry WAAAAAA
  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 24 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.

  • Angry
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Reactions: Bluepaw and wolfie
Chrysaliswing was a rough cat to talk to, a rough cat all around and it was a wonder he has made it as far as he has. He didnt seem to have friends nor a mate so what did he exactly do during the day besides be mad about nothing all the time? Bluepaw didnt rightly understand it and it made no sense, but suppose he shouldn’t question others motives. He knew the other wouldn’t like him because of his daylight warrior heritage and he knew the insults would come flying, so he tried to stand tall and unwavering against the tone. Even if it felt like his mentor didn’t want to train him anymore and Beetleback was too laid back for what he wanted out of his training. He had heard the black and orange cat was a good fighter and hunter despite his rather angry disposition. So surely he could learn a thing or two right? Even if he was just a daylight warrior.

Youre probably not wrong, but that isnt the point- wait” Bluepaw shook his head slightly and glanced around camp for a moment before asking the chimera cat, “Why is everyone seeming so upset? Did something happen while i was gone?” He had been in his nest the last few days and suddenly then Jaypaw showed up in his nest.

Her presence had been welcomed greatly by the tomcat but now it was only enforcing his need to be in the clans. To be something more than just some kitty pet kitten with nothing better to do than dote around his parents. Jaypaw could keep them safe, she could be their new child and they wouldn’t have to miss him as much. Right? Bluepaw hoped so at least, that’s what he was trying to himself.

Is your grumpiness cause of Jaypaw? I swears she’s a good cat, just can be a bit of a fire sometimes! I dont know if she’s coming back to the clans but-” Bluepaw started to ramble onwards in a nervous fashion and his tail flicked behind him to show his anxiety. The young cat swore softly to himself and adverted his blue gaze down for a moment, flicking his ear slightly.


  • Bluepaw-- 8 months Skyclan Daylight Apprentice
    -- AMAB Cisgendered Masculine
    -- Panromantic Demisexual Questioning Polyamory
    -- Apprentice to Beetleback
    -- A stock, short blue tabby cat with high white and sky blue eyes (carrying; TBD)
    -- Notable friendships; Edenberry, Florabreee, Jaypaw, Owlheart, Emberpaw​

Chrysaliswing let out an exasperated puff as Bluepaw insisted on prattling on and on, like this conversation was a twine meandering far from the spool, as all of the talks with his fellow Skyclanners tended to be. The poor housecat had not done anything wrong, at least not to earn Chrys' ire. That seemed to come with the cost of simply being alive and in his periphery. Sulfuric stare only burned brighter upon the daylight apprentice's pelt, with tortuous pelt and even more cryptic intentions - in the sense that Chrys didn't truly care to decipher them, not that he found it particularly hard to glean what exactly the other wanted from this exchange. Like many wayward souls, they came to him seeking some sort of knowledge, in the form of battle prowess. After all, cats rarely ever approached him unless he had something of use to them, just as a creek of flowing water existed only to give sustenance to those that passed by. A transient existence, and one that he personally found quite trite. Then again, the nature of all life was to give itself to its impetus before it ceased. So, he supposed he was simply doing what he must.

"Don't talk about Jaypaw, not unless you want me to strip your hide and dry it out in the sun." A growl lie low from his throat, as though the lyric itself chaffered and struggled not to grow in size, a caged whisper that desperately pleaded for an exit. Grief had still run heavy as mercury through him, though it seemed like every single cat wanted to rile him up by aiming for such a sore spot. The apprentices of the future generations seemed to hardly harbor any decorum. "Wait. What do you mean, coming back to the clans? She's not coming back, you absolute fur-brain. She's dead! Do I have to spell that one out for you? She died, and her guts and blood spilled everywhere on the Thunderpath. She's D-E-A-D." Tail lashed with the sort of ferocity that could only be compared to a writhing sea, waves rambling and rolling about in the storm, of which grief and anger and despair and helplessness had all churned the pool of his own misery. What use did Bluepaw have in bringing her up? Was it to taunt him, bribe him with a falsehood of a shell of a former obligation? He was a proud beast, and hardly one that could be swayed by appeals to the heart.

  • oh chrys they could never make me like you </3 /lh
  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 24 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.

  • Love
  • WHAT
Reactions: Bluepaw and wolfie
Bluepaw had never seen someone’s face twist and turn in such a way they didnt look like a cat. That’s how he perceived the older tomcats’ reaction when he brought up Jaypaw and his fur bristled slightly. The young apprentice wanted to recoil, wanted dot shy away and back down from the fire of Chrysaliswings’ tongue, but he refused. He wasnt sure why this cat was the way he was but he didnt understand his words. Didnt understand what it was he was talking about.

The white and blue tabby tomcat furrowed his brow and shook his head slightly. She- she wasnt dead? He could’ve sworn- he swore he had seen her in his twoleg nest this morning. She had been sleeping in a metal cage for a while and wrapped in bandages, but she had a rising chest didnt she? His parents wouldn’t find a random cat and bring them in if they were dead- right? That’d be morbid wouldn’t it? He wasnt sure and he looked at the warrior with a lash of his thick tail in an annoyed fashion.

Shes not dead though! I just saw her- this morning! Sure she was laying in the cage and looked really hurt but- but she was in fact breathing” Bluepaw countered back to Chrysaliswing as he was certain of what he saw and he wasnt going to let this tomcat freak him out. He had not been there when Jaypaw was ran over, he had not been the one to find them and bring them back. No his parents had come home late that night and locked him away in the bathroom for a few hours, “Are you sure youre okay? You sound crazy, i swear her sides were moving when i left this morning


  • Bluepaw-- 8 months Skyclan Daylight Apprentice
    -- AMAB Cisgendered Masculine
    -- Panromantic Demisexual Questioning Polyamory
    -- Apprentice to Beetleback
    -- A stock, short blue tabby cat with high white and sky blue eyes (carrying; TBD)
    -- Notable friendships; Edenberry, Florabreee, Jaypaw, Owlheart, Emberpaw​

Chrysaliswing looked at Bluepaw as though he had another head growing out from his collarbone.

"In a cage?" Chrysalis' words trailed off from his maw, as if what he wished to say next hung from him in procumbent stem, no less at a loss than a stuttering verse would be out of breath. Like... a Twoleg cage? No, that's impossible. The Twolegs would have had to come so quickly after I went back to the camp. Heterochromatic gaze widened, if only for a fleeting moment. Now that he thought of it, the tomcat hadn't seen Jaypaw's body after he had left her by the Thunderpath, like all that remained of the grey-hued molly were sloughs of red shed along the asphalt. If he hadn't moved, could he have prevented her from being taken by the grasping hands of the limber-limbed Twolegs? Guilt dissipated into tortoiseshell coat, like a droplet of oil into the vast sea, of which soon swirled and roared to culminate into a pinpoint anger. "No. You're messing with me. I don't know what kind of sick prank you think this is, but I'm not going to humor it. I saw her with my own eyes, and you can't convince me otherwise. I'm not taking the word of a stupid little kittypet with fluff for brains." The chimaera's feathery tail lashed behind him, like a dissonant chord sweeping along the ends of one's hearing, a display of anger never restrained into neat and tidy notes. He wouldn't let Bluepaw, of all cats, call him crazy for knowing what he had seen with his twin eyes. What he had scented, what he had heard, what he had felt underneath him...

  • IC OPINIONS AGAIN LMAO kicks him like a kickball
  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 26 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.

  • WHAT
Reactions: Bluepaw