- Aug 4, 2024
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↳ Penned by Meghan | Heartchart | Pinterest | Playlist
—— YIPPING. Verb. Giving a short, sharp cry or yelp; Named for the sound a whelp makes. | KIT. The kitten suffix.
*✶。 Intersex masculine nonbinary [⚥] | He / they pronouns
*✶。 05 moons old | Ages every ?th | Created August 4, 2024
*✶。 Kitten of ThunderClan | Former rogue; born to Baying Hound
( + ): trait, trait, trait, trait
( / ): trait, trait, trait, trait
( - ): trait, trait, trait, trait
↳ Open to: injury ; Closed to: permanent maiming, death ; Reach out about anything else!
—— Average in terms of strength, but especially skilled in the water. Fights better in the river than on land and will use their knowledge of swimming to their advantage as any good RiverClanner should. On land, she's stronger than she is fast, and he may struggle to keep up with agile opponents.
*✶。 Fights to win. Aims to seriously injure; will aim to kill if adequately provoked. Won't go easy on the young, but will not aim to kill obviously young cats.
*✶。 I like to roll for attacks but will adjust to keep in line with my character's strengths / weaknesses. I do always strive for fairness in battles & try to let most hits land, unless I'm avoiding certain injuries. Please feel free to reach out for battle plots, as I love plotted fights as well! I also tend to write battles aggressively, but don't take this to mean all attacks should be hitting — that is up to your discretion.
○○○○○○○○○○ HUNTING: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
○○○○○○○○○○ CLAN SKILL: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
○○○○○○○○○○ TRACKING: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
○○○○○○○○○○ COMBAT: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
even from youth, it is easy to tell that yip will be huge. between his maine coon heritage and his long fur, yip is impossible to miss even when he most wants to be ignored. he hates being so obvious to others, and this fact is not helped by his bright white fur, dotted through with patches of black smoke patterning. in childhood, his pelt is almost constantly matted and run through with mud. he often refuses to groom, and so is very shaggy. pine needles and other various sprouts find their way into his pelt like moths find their way to flame. yip, like his littermates, also sports extra toes. these toes are often of little issue for him, though they can make climbing awkward from time to time. his eyes are so blue and pale they appear a silvery gray.
- impersonal to the max. hardly thinks of her own littermates as family, and will certainly think less of her non-littermate siblings. baying hound insisted on being her mother, so yip thinks of her as such; however, she also knows her mother never wanted her. her idea of love and family has been skewed by this push and pull of rejection and affection. her siblings are definitely allowed to be offended or confused by her detachment.
- ultimate doormat. never stood up to baying hound and lacks a backbone. she would do the bidding of any cat who looked kindly at her, even if they told her to jump off a cliff. this is not to say she would do ANYTHING anyone asks of her — but damn near.
- tactically-minded. constantly assesses escape routes; hypervigilant to emotions in others due to the volatility of her first home. makes her a very good strategist and problem-solver, but she will often refuse to apply herself until she is asked or feels like she is in danger of some sort.
- named after her mother, she often felt most responsible for the well-being of her litter and placating her mother's aggression. does not think of herself as the favorite, but would not challenge her siblings if they thought as much. would not challenge them if they disliked her for it, either. very non-confrontational.
- rich inner world; yip uses escapist methods to maintain some sense of intrigue for life. she would not share her musings unprompted, but i can imagine small and warm moments of her siblings prying in to her daydreams and her meekly sharing them.
- he is extremely intelligent and learns quickly, but struggles to apply himself. i would love if a mentor or other warrior (including tansyshine or his siblings) could see his talents and push him to use them
- if she has intrinsic morals or beliefs, you would not know it. her will is easily bent by those with more power than her. she would do whatever she needed to to get out from under the thumb of others
- she quietly resents her image as a doll to be played with or a toy soldier to be wound, but standing up for herself is not in yip's blood. the pressure in her chamber will build and build until, one day, she snaps.
- PLOT 1: joining a xenophobic thunderclan will undoubtedly be hard for yip. when even the clan's kits share a warrior's bigotry, it is difficult for a new joiner — especially one so averse to being the center of attention — to prove themselves. i anticipate yip slotting themselves in to whichever friendgroup is nice to her first, and from there she will warp her own beliefs to match those of her friends'. her belief system will also be influenced by tansyshine and fallowpaw. of fallowpaw's litter, i think yip would be closest to it due to it being the one to find her. i don't think she would view tansyshine as a literal mother, but would be receptive to tansyshine's care.
- PLOT 2: an obedient soldier in his youth, i think being walked all over for his whole life will eventually drive yip to violence (physical or emotional). whether this makes him a villain or simply emphasizes the beginning of his upswing, yip will build the will to do what he wants to do according to his own beliefs. whether he acts out of confidence or spite, he will begin standing up for himself, and prove to thunderclan that he has undeniable skill in the ways of warriorhood, and they aren't privy to that just because they took him in. basically an extremely late bloomer
- PLOT 3: yip believes that he has a special connection with baying hound despite her never embracing this litter as her children. seeing her come home more and more injured will prompt him to fawn over his mother in her final days. when she dies, yip will be distraught; though he knows that baying hound resented this litter, she was also the only thing he had. inspires a fawning fear response and a sense of deep guilt that he might never atone for.