camp the language of flowers — flower crowns

✿—— The freshly emerged greenleaf sun dapples the dark pelts of her kits as they sit in front of her, looking as focused as her three pawfuls ever do. Half-crouched before them, Bobbie spreads out a small array of flowers for the small faces to gawk at, smiling at the trio. She recalls when Yukio had first taught her, recalling with a sore heart the easy happiness in his face then; last time she'd spent time with him, he'd seemed to have cheered up, but ..... she wondered if that innocent joy might never return to the cream tom. The lilac tabby shakes herself back to the present moment, looking down at her kits—the task at paw requires focus, but their tiny paws might have an easier time with the careful task.

A mostly-finished flower crown is set in front of her, best for this demonstration; she'd been improving since her first attempts. "Alright, so, since you g-guys are starting from scratch, you'll need th-three ...." Bobbie's small pink tongue pokes between her front teeth in focus as she sets three flowers in front of each kit, taking one for herself, "If you already have one, l-like I do, you wanna just get one. But you take the far one and wrap it over the other tw-two, like so." The queen demonstrates, continuing, "And then you take the close one and wrap it the same way, and just keep guh-going."

Conveniently, her own is finished enough for her tastes; Bobbie takes it carefully in her paws and settles it onto her head, draped over the bases of her round ears, grinning at the kits. She's sure they'll have questions, but she thinks it'll be fun for them—hopefully Crowkit doesn't get too frustrated. The tabby muffles a giggle, asking her kits half-jokingly, "Well, how do I l-look?"

  • ooc: kit participant tags: @DROWSYKIT @LUPINEKIT @CROWKIT!
    no need to wait for them to post though & anyone can participate!
  • xFuluhM.png
  • ❀ bobbie — for her kithood love of bobby pins
    she/her ; cisgender female — skyclan — queen — 37 ☾s
    —— bobbie is a beautiful but insecure lilac tabby, dotted with white patches and with pale green eyes. a queen of skyclan, she's sweet and kind if prone to melancholy; the heartbreaking end of a lifelong romance has left her scarred..
    —— smells like sweet lavender & tea leaves ; sounds like sansa stark ; speech in #D64933, thoughts in #B1C797
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim
    —— pansexual panromantic monogamist, divorced, not looking ; open to friendships, enemies, casual interactions, plotting ; not open to romance, unplanned battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)

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  • Love
Reactions: scar
I've been trying not to
The sight of Bobbie toting flowers and placing them in a pile before her kits piqued his curiosity. The charms laced along his collar jingle a tad as he scrambled to his paws. Bounding over with wide eyes and forward tapered ears he makes it just in time to overhear her instructions for weaving the pretty floral things. Coming to a sloppy halt his eyes study the flowers placed before him, dark shades of purple with lighter hues sprinkled throughout their petals. A single paw prods at his pile before looking up to see Bobbie sporting her new flower crown. "You look really pretty Bobbie." Plaguekit chirps with no malicious intent behind his accented vocals. Dark lips part to reveal a lopsided grin and he looks down at his pile again, excited to try.

With scrunched brows he attempts to fold and weave his own flowers like the queen before him. A small huff of irritation escapes him as he fails to tuck one stem behind the other. His paws were too clumsy, his touch not delicate enough as crushed the fragile petals repeatedly. "Ugh, I can't do it." Plaguekit grumbles, split tail lashing behind him as he bats the half finished crown away from him.
Go off the deep end

"I agree, I think you look nice..." His voice is a quiet warble of a tone, polite and cordial but slightly stiff as if unsure of his own voice.
This was not the sort of thing he expected Plaguekit or even his brother to bother with but color him surprised when he sees the too excitable tom making an actual effort in weaving together one of the floral crowns. Abysskit wanders over with his tail up and his nose wrinkled in thought, his bow dragging the ground as it swings loosely from his neck and he can not help but wonder if he would have the careful paws to accomplish making one on his own.
The ginger kit picks himself a spot next to the flowers to plop down with a hard sit, tail caught under his legs that he paid no mind to though it twitched as if bothered by its sudden confinement; he was now focused on picking up flowers to examine with careful skepticism to figure out how Bobbie had done it before actually making an effort. A quiet hum escaped him as he studied in silence.
It was not unusual that their mother would like them to learn and do something with her. Although they would be the ones doing the learning. She places an odd thing on the ground in front of them but he knows it is made of flowers. It is quite amazing that he has to stop himself from going over and trying to inspect it further. Thankfully, he mother hands him along with the others three flowers. These flowers would immediately be sniffed, as Crowkit didn't know the names of all flowers and decided on smell to tell him which was which along with color. Hazel eyes look up from flora to see his mother explaining and demonstrating what to do. It looks complicated, but for once his mother doesn't have to worry about him being frustrated with it. Maybe he was supposed to make the thing with his mother as she demonstrated, but he found it to be difficult to try and balance the two things.

He is surprised, pleasantly surprised when Plaguekit chips up first and agrees that his mother is pretty. Although, he does end up tilting his head because who Bobbie? It must be a shocker but he didn't really know his own mother's name. It was information he never thought of that before, because she would always be mommy to him. Calling her by her name was wrong. Maybe that's why he never bothered to ask or if he had heard it before he didn't like the sound of calling her by her name. Heck, the knowledge that his mother had another name other than mommy didn't sit well with him. Anyhow, he is pleased that Abysskit also agrees that his mommy looks pretty. So much so he nods in agreement and then proceeds to turn his head to Plaguekit and then to Abysskit. "I like you," he mews before turning his attention back to the flowers he had been given.

Crowkit does take his time even starting the flower crown, not because he is frustrated, but because he is imagining the steps before he even completed them. He does what he had seen his mother demonstrated and he would be considered to have made the first loop. The ink colored kit tilts his head because he is unsure if this is what it's supposed to look like. Hazel eyes find themselves on the flower crown before looking back at his own. Crowkit decided this. It hard. Hard to figure out when it's supposed to end, so he just goes with the flow and while slow he is able to make a flower crown. It might be a little wonky in some parts from the lack of practice, but he did manage to make one.

When he finishes he awkwardly puts the flower crown on his head, not sure what else to do with it. His maw opens, only to be closed when a flowers are batted his way. Blinking, the tom admits that the half finished flower crown is nice on it's own and that the flowers look pretty. His head turns to Plaguekit who seems upset. Mmm friend not be sad. With that in mind he looks back at the half finished flower crown and without a word finishes Plaguekit's flower crown for him. It's a little easier not only because it is half finished, but because he's already done his to get somewhat used to the movement.

"Plague," he calls out. Not checking whether or not the other kit would look much less answer, he pats the finished flower crown gently. "Is yours. Take?" Maybe his mother would be proud of him for this. After all, he usually kept to himself. Lupine was the one who usually took charge in things like these. Not too interested in what Plaguekit decides, he pads away from the finished crown and towards Abysskit.

This is where things might be amusing. He would end up staring at Abysskit deep in thought. It was as if the pair were having a discussion amongst themselves that only they could understand.
( ) "Well, this is downright adorable!" Houndheart declared with a rumbling laugh, approaching with a twinkle of amusement in her eye. Now this was a sight that she never would have seen before the clans. It was such a simple pleasure, one that she might have considered a waste in her past life. Here though, with no need to spend every moment worrying for food or safety, it only felt natural. Especially for the children.

Still, she doubted she take the time to learn to do it herself.

Not due to any distaste for the act itself. It was just that the thought of her own fur, marred with scars and worn from time, decorated like that felt almost comical to her. It would be like putting a flower crown on a dog. On the kits and their mother however, those decorations looked more than fitting. Houndheart set herself down to watch them work with a short grunt of effort.

"You're all a bunch of little master crafters. Even you, you'll get it if you keep at it." She added, glancing toward Plaguekit. "I think I'll watch you all, see if I can't learn a thing or two from your expertise. So long as you don't mind, that is." Houndheart nodded respectfully toward Bobbie. With good reason, there were many in Skyclan that didn't take too kindly to her. If the kit's mother said the word, she was ready to get up and leave without any hard feelings. "Personally, I think that you look like a delight, if that sways you at all." Another low laugh left her.

✿—— As often seems to happen, she has drawn a small crowd of kits besides her own—far from a burden, it's uplifting to see how the Clan's young want to learn too. Even Plaguekit, in all his feral kithood, scampers over with his collar jingling to try; unsurprisingly, he appears to be having a tough time. He swats his partially-finished crown away, looking irritated, but his crooked kitten-grin had been entirely genuine as he called her 'really pretty'. Abysskit, brother of the famously difficult Doomkit, also wanders over, a huge orange bow dangling loosely from his small neck. He studies the blossoms in surprising silence, plopping down even as Plaguekit lashes his forked tail in anger at the flowers. He agrees with the patchy kitten that she looks nice, and Bobbie smiles at their genuine responses to her half-joking question.

Her own son, surprisingly, seems to take a liking to the activity—it surprises her, that the usually (loveably, of course) irritable Crowkit enjoys it. He actually finishes the frustrated Plaguekit's for him as well, giving it to him, and she smiles radiantly at the black-furred shape, adding, "Aww, that's n-nice of you, lovebug." For now her children still enjoy an afternoon spent making flower crowns, still appreciate her gentle affection and loving nicknames. She's sure that soon enough they'll be begging to leave for apprenticeship and rolling their eyes at being called 'lovebug', but for now—for now they are still kittens.

An older shecat pads over as well, a bit rumpled and crossed with scars but still a welcome presence. She offers encouragement to the kits as they try their tiny paws at the task, settles down to watch the proceedings with a respectful nod and mew. It's appreciated and Bobbie turns a cheerful smile to her as well, mewing, "Thank you .... you're Houndheart, right? F-feel free, I learned it from someone else myself." She thinks of Yukio, not here at the moment but hopefully out somewhere in the sun where he should be and not cooped up in the den that was now marked for him. She shakes the darker thought and begins to weave the flowers again, watchful rosemary eyes on the small gathering of kittens as they try it as well.

  • ooc: ——
  • ❀ bobbie — for her kithood love of bobby pins
    she/her ; cisgender female — skyclan — queen — 38 ☾s
    —— bobbie is a beautiful but insecure lilac tabby, dotted with white patches and with pale green eyes. a queen of skyclan, she's sweet and kind if prone to melancholy; the heartbreaking end of a lifelong romance has left her scarred..
    —— smells like sweet lavender & tea leaves ; sounds like sansa stark ; speech in #D64933, thoughts in #B1C797
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim
    —— pansexual panromantic monogamist, divorced, not looking ; open to friendships, enemies, casual interactions, plotting ; not open to unplanned romance & unplanned battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)

( tags ) Learning to do something new was always a daunting task. Staring down at the three small flowers at his feet, he felt hesitant to attempt to make his crown, the nagging thought of fumbling his paws and leaving the delicate little blossoms a mangled mess tugging at him. Even so, he wanted to try, if only because his mother went through all the trouble of gathering all these flowers for them. He would fall silent for a few minutes as the others chatted amongst themselves, slowly and meticulously weaving his flowers together and thinking to himself 'Don't ruin them don't ruin them don't ruin them don't ruin them...'

He finishes his flower crown with a gasp, it's perfect! Lupine carefully places it atop his head with a purr, "Mommy, look, look , we match now. Do I look pretty?" He notices that one of the adults has joined them to watch and he pads up to her, politely tapping Houndheart on the shoulder to get her attention. "Hi, uhm. Do you want me to make you one? And then you can match us too." Lupinekit's first crafting success had him feeling excited to make another one.