the last shred of truth | salmon


Although he does love to make himself useful, Snakeblink has to admit he had an ulterior motive when he volunteered to help teach Salmonrun some essential skills.

Yes, he wants his clan to be strong. Yes, he wants all of those brought into the fold to thrive. Yes, Salmonrun is one of them now and he will do everything he can to make the younger cat’s life in their clan easier. But that new, instinctual affection for his clanmate does not erase Snakeblink’s natural caution.

Wounds such as those that marked Salmonrun’s body when he came to riverclan always have a story to them. Whether they were accidental or deliberate, caused by a fox, a twoleg or another cat… Snakeblink wants to know. He needs to know what could hurt Salmonrun this badly, and whether or not it will come back to finish the job and threaten their clan in the process. He can’t help if he doesn’t know what he’s planning against.

Unfortunately Salmonrun has been notably tightlipped about his past, which is why he offered to give him a little lesson in hunting. It will give Snakeblink ample time to prod at him: either he will open up of his own volition, or he’ll let something slip at some point. Either way, Snakeblink will have learned something — hopefully something he can use.

(If they’re lucky they will both have learned something by the time they’re done. He is still supposed to be teaching the other tom how to track prey. Having never been a mentor, he’s still unsure how he’ll go about that, but he’s sure he’ll find something. Probably.)

All this, of course, depends on Salmonrun actually showing up for their lesson. Snakeblink shifts in place, acutely aware of the chill of the bare ground under him as he sits in wait. He did tell the other tom to meet him by the round stone outside camp, right? Maybe he came too early…

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 34 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo


Salmonrun was notoriously bad with timing. He was either far too early or far too late, never really in between. He had been found wandering Riverclan territory moments before bleeding out, he'd been stuck in the medicine den too long to properly integrate with the clan, he'd never had any luck with these things. It was like nature was working against him. This said, he was running late to his meeting with Snakeblink.

It wasn't as though he tried to be late, Salmon rationalized with himself as he stumbled over his own paws. He'd been busy getting checked out in the medicine den and, well, time had just gone by. He couldn't not get his check-up! If he missed it then maybe something would go wrong. He'd have an injury get injected and he'd wind up being held back even more and then he'd be stuck behind everyone forever. Nobody would want that.

The fiery red tabby nearly fell over as he exited camp, bringing himself to a quick halt in front of Snakeblink. " Hi! " He chirped, breathless. " Am I too late? So, so sorry, I'd just been in the medicine den. "
✦ ★ ✦

Ah, Salmonrun! You made it, good.” Snakeblink narrows his eyes in what he hopes is an affable expression. “Do not worry. You’re my only obligation today: we can take as much time as you need.

He rises jerkily, his hind legs having gone a little numb from stillness and the cool, damp ground. Pacing back and forth in a tight circle, he sizes the other cat up while feelings return to his paws. Salmonrun is massive, already bigger than Snakeblink by a notable margin while being half his age, but he doesn’t carry himself like a large cat. That’s good. Snakeblink… doesn’t have the best track records with cats who know how to throw their weight around.

Finally, he stops and looks at the younger tom. “I understand you need remedial lessons in hunting, so I thought I’d start us off with land prey… a little easier than learning to catch fish in this weather, don’t you agree? Unless, of course, if you already have experience with fishing…?

  • ooc: don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious ♪

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 34 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo


Salmonrun didn't carry himself like a large cat. He hardly seemed aware that he towered over the other riverclanners, so caught up in his own mind and anxieties. He didn't know how to do anything necessary to live in a clan so what good would posturing do for him? That wasn't who he was. He could never be like that.

The red tabby nervously smiled at Snakeblink as he, seemingly, evaluated all of Salmon's faults. The scars, unsure demeanor, and unsteady gait, there was a lot that was immediately visible. Salmon just hoped the other warrior wasn't going to go too hard on him. " I- um. I would like to start with land hunting, thank you. " The cool breeze and chilling dampness weren't things that Salmon wanted to combine with water. " Thank you for helping me today. I, um. I know I'm a little useless and I can't do a lot but I really want to be a good warrior for Riverclan. " He cut himself off before he rambled, looking somewhat embarassed. " I want to learn be one, I mean. Thank you. "
✦ ★ ✦
  • Crying
Reactions: Snakeblink

Snakeblink likes the younger cat's spirit. One thing is sure: Salmonrun's desire to join Riverclan is unlikely to be some kind of long-term ploy. Even if some of his timidity is an affect, the overwhelming majority of it is clearly genuine — and he would expect nothing else of a cat in this situation. All things considered, Salmonrun is doing fine.

Also, him being so out of sort is saving Snakeblink a lot of effort he’d rather not do. Keeping someone off balance so they slip up and reveal something isn’t all that hard, if one isn’t scared of getting bit, but it does make him feel mean.

Nonsense! You’re here and ready to learn: there’s nothing useless about it. Some of the older warriors make it sound like they were born knowing how to hunt, but don’t listen to them. We all had to be taught at some point.” He flicks his tail, nearly touching Salmonrun in... comfort? Comiseration? Who knows: he thinks before of it before making contact and starts walking instead. He heads for the beech copse — it should be deserted at this moment, and he sees no use in reinventing apprenticeship when there’s a convenient practice ground so near. “So, tell me — you had to find a way to eat before you came to us, yes? How did you manage? Was there someone to hunt for you, by any chance?

He turns his head to look back at Salmonrun, blinking calmly and trying to exude innocent, practical curiosity. “It’s to gauge your level, you see. Even second-hand experience has its use.

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 34 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

" I... thank you. " Salmonrun was grateful for the comfort, consolation, whatever it was. He knew that the other warrior was just being nice but he appreciated it. " I, uh- have you ever, um, felt like you know how to, uh- like, do something and you just can't. Do it, I mean. Can't do it. " The red tabby was almost stumbling over himself as he followed after Snakeblink, struggling to keep his mouth and paws moving at the same time. " That's, uh... that's how I've been feeling like with hunting. I-I, um. I, um, just think that I know how to do it and- um, I don't. I can't do it." It was almost like deja vu, feeling like he knew how to do something and being totally wrong.

Salmon was obviously stressed by this, his breath beginning to labour and his eyes darting every which way, as if looking for somewhere to escape. " I just.. " He had to stall himself to take a shuddering breath. He didn't know why this was getting him so worked up. " I guess I, um... I don't really know where I am, um, experience-wise. "
✦ ★ ✦
  • Crying
Reactions: Snakeblink

It’s easy to tell that something is up with Salmonrun. His breath comes out ragged, his words halting. Snakeblink glances at him, eyes narrowed. Are his wounds acting up? No, it seems to be only nerves putting him out of sorts. The younger cat is such a mess right now he couldn’t hunt a blind mouse, let alone answer a question straight.

Despite his misgivings, Snake decides to push his luck. Why be so nervous about such an innocuous question? No, there must be something, and it’s better for everyone if he figures it out, Salmonrun included. Poor cat is working himself into a proper panic: if Snakeblink can help, he will… eventually.

He takes a turn, going around the beech copse in search of somewhere a little more secluded. “Strange,” he muses. He tries to take on a more sympathetic tone as he goes on, “Then again, not so much considering the shock you went through. What was it again that put you in such a state? Rogues? I forget.” As if he’d ever known.

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 34 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo