private THE LIGHT OF CHANGE [crescentpaw]

𓍊𓋼 The responsibility of training an apprentice is not a small one, not something trivial to be hoisted into the air as a matter of pride. Of course, Falconheart is proud of himself for proving capable enough to be trusted with such a task—but his pride is overshadowed by a heavy sense of loss and a lingering uncertainty. He’s put off any formal, skill-specific training for the time being, simply allowing himself and Crescentpaw to get a sense for one another before diving into grueling work or all-day practice. As he sees it, they won’t get anything done if they aren’t comfortable enough around each other to actually get to the doing. Plus, Falconheart isn’t the younger cat’s first mentor; she’s likely already learned some skills from her former mentor that he’ll need to keep track of and build upon.

Who knew having an apprentice would be so much work? Is this how Burnstorm felt?

Despite his concerns, the cream tabby approaches his new apprentice at the break of dawn, when the sun’s rays have only just begun to peek over the horizon. "Good morning, Crescentpaw. How do you feel about showing me what you already know today?" Does he sound… mentor-y enough? Is he being strange, by telling her that she has to come with him? No, he reasons; it’s his duty as her mentor to train her to become a warrior someday. "We’ll head out on a patrol when a few other warriors wake up."

// @Crescentpaw