camp the lucky one ✝ intro



── If there was an accurate term to describe Wisteriakit, it would be lucky. They were blessed to posses white fur in a clan of darkness and secrecy. After all, that had meant Starclan gave them the responsibility of being the light within the darkness. That is what their parents would say anyway. They believed them wholehardedly, because what other purpose was there? Starclan would not curse them to have such a pelt in a clan where they become darkness itself. It would be impossible for them. How could they become darkness itself unless they were to diminish the light? To be honest, it was quite woeful to cover their white fur with mud. The only reason they had done so was far too many times was they the last pick when it came to a game of hide and seek. Their peers bore dark pelts, which made it easier for them to blend in. 'mudkit, mudkit, mudkit' they would cruelly chant if they caked themselves with mud to be allowed within their group to play some games.

They would experience yet another luck filled day, and it would start with him being nearly trampled by the paws of other kittens in their excitement to roll around in the mud and roughhouse with one another. it was no wonder why he had been pushed to the ground so easily, scrawny frame and long limbs were easy to knock over. He was no more than a wee twig. Of course those who had stepped on him muttered no apologies, which was expected. All he did was lay there, covered in muddy pawprints. "If we are darkness, who is light?" He speaks to himself whilst green eyes look above.

Nettlepaw bore a lighter pelt, too- snow-dressed and strewn with uncommon markings, he'd always stood out a little among his peers- but, unlike Wisteriakit, he'd not ducked beneath any jeering. In fact, he was unsure he'd ever received any. The cinnamon-and-white tom had always thrust himself into the spotlight, refusing to bow or duck.

From another failed hunt did Nettlepaw hail, a little dejected but guarding the feeling with usual cheeriness. It wouldn't do to appear miserable in front of everyone, especially when there were a load of kits running around. One caught his attention, though- grubby and spacey, staring at the expanse above, murmuring words that Nettlepaw only just about caught. If we are darkness, who is light? Nettlepaw snorted with bemusement, glancing around before approaching the kit.

He dipped himself down into their eyeline, pulling a stupid face in a call for their attention. "Bit young for such conceptual ponderings, aren't you?" he asked, flaring his words dramatically. He wasn't much older at all... but there was some separation between the two of them, kit and apprentice. Besides, Nettlepaw himself wasn't bothered with such things, and he was happier for it. "You might get your questions answered if you ease into the figurative stuff, y'know?"
penned by pin ♡
˚⊹₊‧ 𖦹 Ashenpaw was two moons out from kithood now, nearly a lifetime. He always thought he was lucky to have inherited his mother's looks, her soft blue and cream painting his feathery pelt canvas. Now, he didn't know whether it was more of a curse than a blessing.

He didn't catch anything on that hunting patrol either, which he felt no particular way about. Served them all right, he thought, cause he hadn't wanted to go on that stupid patrol in the first place. If they wanted to drag his dead weight around the territory, they had only themselves to blame for any empty bellies he caused. Ashenpaw watched one of the new apprentices—one of Starlingheart's kits, he realized with a twist of his stomach—blabber on at a random kitten sprawled on the ground.

They said something weird about where lights come from or something equally fur-brained, and he was about to roll his eyes and make his exit before noticing the dusty pawprints all over his pale, scuffed-up fur. The older—than them, at least—apprentice was visited by a brief gust of good humor and he padded up closer to peer down at the child. Of course, good humor meant a joyless face and a dry, apathetic delivery, but we digress.

"You might want to ponder... not flopping all over the floor where cats can—" A white paw descended slowly toward the kittens face, on a snail-paced warpath to be mashed into their cheek, should they not move out of the way, "—walk all over you..."

  • OOC:
  • designfluffyneck2_by_jrentropy_dg93zrs-pre.png
  • ashenkit . ashenpaw
    — trans male. he/him. 6mo apprentice of shadowclan
    — gay ; single
    — longhaired muted blue torbie with heterochromatic pale blue and amber eyes
    — smells like rainsoaked ferns and chilled stone
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — fullbody by tropics
    — penned by eezy
    — currently in an era of grief and anger, approach with caution. all ic opinions!

they didn't have such intellectual thoughts when they were a mere kitten but then again, they spent a lot of their tune as a kitten trying to... fight so to speak. war was constantly on the horizon until it came, between two groups that broke into four. too many differences. but to think of light and darkness in such a way? not really anything that really came to chilledstar. and who deemed them the darkness? sure, they walked in the darkness, as shadowclan always should have, but was there really a light? some might say without darkness there is no light and without the light there is no dark, but chilledstar doesn't believe they knew that light. maybe, perhaps, the stars. who knew.

"it would be a lot better to worry more about which prey you prefer versus thinking about hypothetical light and dark beings."

be a kit while still a kit. that was certainly their motto.
A failed hunting patrol was no good of course, and it made Nightswarm scowl in the slightest but it only remained for a few heartbeats as they returned with the pair of apprentices. They can't help but notice the duo focused on a muddy kitten covered in pawprints and can't help but feel a frown form on their maw when Ashenpaw streaks the kitten with more mud upon his face. A part of them feels bad but the other does not care and decides to ignore the interaction seeing as Chilledstar had done the same, one thing they did not understand was what Wisteriakit was saying. If Shadowclan was darkness then who is light? Well, the kitten would definitely make an interesting apprentice and they're thankful that they already have Nettlepaw under their wing.

"True... But you cannot afford to be picky either," Nightswarm adds with a quick nod especially now that prey was beginning to become scarce with how cold it was becoming and the harsher season would be upon them soon. The thought alone makes a sigh leave their parted jaws as they sit down with a flick of their short tail.

  • beez2.png
    ➼ 34 moons old
    ➼ shadowclan warrior
    ➼ child of briarstar & amber
    ➼ asexual demiromantic; single
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ➼ semi-difficult in combat; relies on stealth, their agility, and strategy
    ➼ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ➼ penned by bosstaurus