the men who come into her life now and again (buck)

// @BUCKGAIT. hehe let it begin....set before she joins?

Lightningstone has taken to patrolling the wetlands and meadows religiously, his paws growing calloused and hardened with the constant trekking. He prefers this over hunting. His keen eyes are better suited to looking out for danger rather than fishing or hunting, something his clanmates are perfectly capable of. So he walks, this time near the Falls. The thunderous cries of the water against the rocks sounds in his ears as bored eyes scan the land, tail flicking absentmindedly. Heaving a sigh, he decides to rest at least for a bit, and eases himself onto a flat stone. A dark blue paw is lifted to his face, pink tongue rasping firmly against it before an (unfortunately) familiar scent washes over him. Turning sharply, he sees the reason he is out here patrolling. A trespasser. Truthfully, this was her home, but Cicadastar's orders were clear and while he didn't adore the murderer of Rain...this call he could agree with. The silvery tom gets to his paws, messy fur bristling as he levels her with narrowed eyes. "What's it gonna be, river cat?" He speaks, low voice dripping with a threat.
her days are spent watching her kin below in that poorly made camp and taunting the clan cats who haven't mastered the art of the rivers and currents. it is her closest form of revenge, but as long as caraway and raccoon remain under the guise as riverclan cats, she can not bring harm to their world. she loves them too much, she fears. the rumbling falls bring peace to the woman, the light spray of water upon her pelt as the falls greet her appearance. she does not visit often, usually in times of grief or mourning. the deafening sounds of the falling waters blocks out the world. invades her mind and quiets down restless thoughts.

it is the heavy-footed steps that alert her of the presence of another. watching as a cat with a stone pelt appears, dripping with malice. she is not an intruder in her own lands, and the ostracizing cicada had put her through...she struggles to see him anything close to a leader. she is mournful, and the world will not let her rest. the dark buckskin arises, muscles tense but a slight upturn in her lip shows a lack of care for his threat. how foolish of him to give her an escape.

"yes," she barks with an alight tone, challenging him to a game he has no hope of winning. "what shall it be, land-dweller?" buck throws his words back in his face, paws slowly entering the fast currents. this is not for a cat who is not sure and quick-footed, the water will sweep them away too quickly for them to even catch a breath. those born of the river survive the river.

with ease, she finds purchase on a jagged stone. in her youth, these rocks scratched and bite at her once frail limbs. now, she knows how to command herself to work with the sharp peaks and smooth dips and craters. "your life or your orders?" her voice rings smooth and clear, devoid of the grief she was wallowing in earlier. now her eyes are set upon the greyed-out tom, curious of how far he will go for the hysteric orders he was put under. to show her just how foolish a cat can be.
Lightningstone flinches, as if about to take off after her but it's too late. She's in the water, swimming to a rock. As soon as she's on top of it she turns to face him, taunting him and he bares his teeth. With silver tail lashing, he's stalking forward until he's at the shore, leaning over the water with droplets from the Falls dusting his pelt. "As long as you're not on the bank, it's not my problem," He retorts through clenched teeth, trying his best (and failing) to hide his frustration. This she-cat...her arrogance ticked him off unfathomably. "This land is RiverClan's now. So stay in the river or on the other side of it, I don't care." With a huff, he turns, beginning to pace the bank with tail-tip twitching at his heels in annoyance. Narrowed hazel eyes don't leave her, though. He wasn't prepared to leave her out of his sight yet - he had to make sure she didn't come back.