the middle of the ride | fig

"I suspect Burnstorm's and Moonwhisper's kits will have been born by now," Howlfire mews idly. She and Figfeather had been talking amongst themselves about their own children, Howlfire beaming proudly as she discussed her children's growth as apprentices, and Figfeather doing the same for her own children who were fast approaching that same age. The comment about her littermates comes out without thought and she blinks in surprise at her own words. "No doubt Howlingstar will announce them all proudly at the next gathering." Howlfire is happy for them but a small amount of bitterness seeped into her words. At least their kits were born in their own home and would have half a clan full of kin to surround them, play with, and watch them grow. Howlfire did not regret her choices in coming to SkyClan but she did often long for the close camaraderie she experienced having so many kin near to her in her youth.

"Do you think any of your siblings might have more kits soon?" Howlfire asked, amber eyes shifting to Figfeather. She couldn't imagine Butterflytuft would have another litter anytime soon but couldn't say much for Figfeathers other siblings. "Maybe Greeneyes will be the next?" She suggested, with a playful nudge. "Kin to a lead warrior and SkyClan's first deputy...a proud lineage to hail from."


The mention of Burnstorm and Moonwhisper is unexpected, but Figfeather does not brush her friend off. It must not be easy to talk about her ThunderClan kin. She imagines most SkyClanner’s do not take pleasure in murmuring about cats who hail from a different clan, but Figfeather doesn’t mind. Especially because she remembers the family’s split like it were yesterday… It makes her think of Snowpath and his accident with Morningpaw, she hopes they’ve both found peace.

”Did you hear how many kits they’re both having?” Figfeather asks wondering if either were hoping for a big or small litter. ”I hope Orangestar calls you to go to the gathering so you can hear. I’ll keep my ears open for you at the ThunderClan border, regardless.” She offers with a smile.

Figfeather’s whiskers twitch, her siblings? ”I don’t think Violetnose will. Maybe not ever, she’s too wild of a spirit to be stuck in the nursery for several moons.” She purrs, amusement heavy in her tone. ”Butterflytuft… maybe. It’s clear she enjoys being a mother, it suits her.”

Howlfire suspects Greeneyes will be next and playfully she rolls her eyes, ”Do you really think so? I don’t think I’ve ever caught him being soft on anyone in all my moons.” If he came forth announcing a mate and kits anytime soon she’d be shocked, he would’ve hid it well, from her anyways.

Figfeather can’t believe her ears, Howlfire was complimenting her lineage? ”Oh, please. It’s nothing in comparison to yours.” How many leaders, medicine cats and lead warriors did Howlfire share blood with? Figfeather doesn’t think she’d be able to name them all…

”I’d give anything to be like one of them.” Figfeather blurts, her flesh instantly turning hot. She hadn’t meant to admit that- while clan-mates might’ve guessed her ambitions the only cat she had outright admitted them to had been Fantastream… and now Howlfire, or at least heavily implied. ”But I mean- doesn’t everyone? Don’t you?” Desperately she attempts to save face by turning the table around on Howlfire.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and to aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

"Not a clue," Howlfire responded with a shrug when Figfeather asked about how many kits her siblings would be having. For their sake, she hoped they would have small litters like herself. "Whilst I always pictured Burnstorm settling down one day, I was surprised to hear Moonwhisper was expecting. Like you said about Violetnose, I assumed Moonwhisper was too wild a spirit to be confined to the nursery for a few moons." Her sister had proved her wrong though, clearly finding some tom to meet her impossibly high standards to have kits with.

Howlfire thought she had a good point about Butterflytuft. Although the queen had been nervous during some occasions when Howlfire visited her, it was apparent she did enjoy raising her kits and assisting in the nursery. "You never know Greeneyes might surprise you like Moonwhisper did for me!" Howlfire chuckled.

At the mention of Howlfire's lineage, her cheeks warm with colour. "Well, my ThunderClan kin at least," She laughed. Howlfire was quite certain the majority of Howlingstar's past and present council were related to her in some manner. Howlfire isn't wholly surprised when Figfeather admits her desire to be like them. Howlfire had always known her to work hard and push herself, so it did not surprise her to hear that Figfeather strived to achieve something more for herself. "I'm not sure. I've never really given it much thought myself," Howlfire confessed. "I suppose if the opportunity ever arose to become a lead warrior I would not say no, but it hasn't been something I've strived towards."

A contemplative expression takes hold upon her features. "Would you ever like to go all the way one day?" She asks, flicking her gaze to the Highbranch. "Could you ever imagine yourself speaking to the clan as Figstar?" Despite Figfeather's earlier admittance to be like the higher ups in the clan, she wonders if the ambition strives to get all the way to the top. "I've always been a little scared of the concept myself. Becoming Howlstar that is," Howlfire confessed. "From a young age, I saw how the responsibilities of being a leader wore my father down, how it nearly tore him apart at times." How it tore my family apart, she adds silently. "I recognise a lot of it was due to the conflict of having kin in two different clans. I still care for my ThunderClan kin but I don't think I'd have such conflict in my heart - from the moment I chose SkyClan, my loyalty has remained here in the pines. Still, I think it would be terrifying to be leader, to have so many relying on you to survive or having so many who would turn on you if made the wrong decision."
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Figfeather is baffled to hear Howlfire hasn’t given it much thought. How had she not? Was climbing the ranks of SkyClan truly a kit-like dream Figfeather had never grown out of? The torbie with some thought informs that she’d accept a lead warrior position if offered to her but it wasn’t something she strived for. Why not? How could Howlfire not yearn for it?

’Would you ever like to go all the way one day?’ Figfeather follows her gaze to the Highbranch, her heart quickens. ’Figstar’. What a thrill the idea brought her. Was she capable of such a thing? She wanted to be. Figfeather wanted to be like Blazestar, like Orangestar. She wanted to be StarClan chosen and looked to by her clan for guidance. When she died and made her own way to the stars she wanted to leave behind a legacy, like Blazestar did, like Orangestar would.

Howlfire confesses she’s always been scared of the possibility, of leadership being in her paws. She brings up good points that Figfeather never had considered. ”You have a lot of Blazestar’s wisdom.” She smiles to her friend, a purr rumbling in her throat.

Still, despite all the terrors that came with it Figfeather wishes for nothing more than to have the title, one day, somehow.

”I… don’t know.” She doesn’t know why she says that, she knows. Perhaps it made her feel better to hide behind a thin veil of doubt. ”I think I’d like that. Someday far away if StarClan wills it.” She gulps uncertain with her admittance of all of this, she’s all too aware of what wanting this is indirectly wishing for. If she one day became leader, where would Orangestar be? Where would Twitchbolt be? Her whiskers twitch uncomfortably at the thought, did that make… this longing wrong?

”Howlfire, be honest. Is that selfish?” It had to be… to some degree it had to be. But… ”I just- I know I’d be capable of doing great things if it happened- one day.” Was it egotistical? Maybe- maybe it was.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and to aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
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Reactions: Howlfire

"Wisdom?" Howlfire guffaws. She wouldn't consider herself known for her bouts of wisdom, though her kits might have said otherwise when they were younger. "I don't think anyone's ever pointed out my wisdom before. I appreciate that."

Figfeather at first says she isn't sure whether leadership is something she wanted but by her reaction, Howlfire thinks her friend feels differently. She doesn't press her to elaborate but nods in understanding. "I could certainly see you as a lead warrior in time," Howlfire mused, genuine in her remark. At Figfeather's following question, Howlfire is quick to shake her head. "I don't think having ambition is a bad thing, Figfeather," She mewed. "So long as you're not to cause problems to get ahead of your clanmates, what's the harm in being ambitious? It's good to have something to strive towards for the future."

Howlfire’s guffaw mildly surprises her, did she not think so? Figfeather saw lots of Blazestar in the torbie, his calmness, his thoughtfulness, his kindness. She possessed lots of traits and strengths Figfeather wished she had but didn’t. ”It’s true.” She assures after Howlfire mentions no one has told her this before.

Her friend tells her she can see Figfeather as a lead warrior in time, the red tabby appreciates this with a thankful smile.

Assured by Howlfire’s answer to her worries she feels some weight lifted off her shoulder. It was nice to know that Howlfire didn’t think poorly of her for wanting to reach for the stars. Figfeather doesn’t know that it’s in her destiny to amount to nearly anything Daisyflight was, but she’d work hard to try and get there. ”No- I’d never want to hurt any of my clan-mates.” Figfeather meows with certainty. She’d rather be a simple warrior her entire life than do that, if she was to achieve her goals it’d be because Orangestar and StarClan found her worthy.

After a short, thoughtful pause, Figfeather meows ”Thank you… for listening. I appreciate it.”
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and to aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
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Reactions: Howlfire