camp the mighty badger — kitten game

The lilac queen crouches in front of an audience of tiny multicolored faces, her half tail swishing behind her; even her small frame must look large before the little kitten bodies. Bobbie's demeanour every day is the furthest thing from vicious, and despite her attempts to seem imposing and scary, her general softness shines through the cracks in small, suppressed giggles. White-splashed paws prowl forwards toward the kits, her thick mane of fur ruffled to look as spiky as it can, and Bobbie flails her sheathed paws. She can't recall how this game came about, but she's aiming to entertain the assembled kittens—and besides, the faux battle game lifts her spirits, which have suffered enough these past moons.

"Who dares to ch-challenge the mighty badger?" She 'roars', swiping one rounded paw about; the queen even goes as far as to flash her formidable teeth, advancing forward in slow, almost cartoonish steps in exaggerated 'badger' movements. Bobbie's 'evil laugh' is more like a chuckle, but she continues, "I have never been defeated! You will not win, uh .... KittenClan! Go on, attack if you d-dare...." She trails off ominously, watching and waiting; this is much easier than any real fight, here where the 'worst' consequence is being buried under a bunch of fluffy kits.

// @DOOMKIT @LUPINEKIT @Cherrykit @Glimmerkit
no need to wait for the above to post! anyone can post not just kits
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Playing a game was just what the fellow lilac colored cat needed, she thinks. The nursery having to be rebuilt means Glimmerkit and her siblings had to be more cautious, which made playing a little less exciting. But, she trusts the older cat to be more cautious than her littermates or any of the other kits, so she'll happily follow along.

"I dare to challenge you!" She exclaims, crouching down and wiggling. "If anyone can defeat you, it's us!" She takes the initiative, leaping on Bobbie's back and play biting. She of course doesn't intend to actually hurt the queen, but it's more believable.

Ever since her mother stopped her from biting one of Dogskip's toes off, Cherrykit has longed to sink her teeth into the mighty flesh of a warrior. She's not particularly impressed with Bobbie though, even after news of her heroics with the Duskpool-shredding dog spread around camp. She's only ever known the queen as some soft, round thing in the background of the nursery, once preoccupied with Plaguekit's antics, now juggling three of her own (that she obviously cares more about, to Cherrykit's smug satisfaction). Lilac fur in the place of black-and-white striped will satiate her for now, she supposes.

Once leader of SunClan, the now lowly warrior of KittenClan prowls forth to her sister's side, rump wiggling in the air. She's almost offended that Bobbie would suggest she wouldn't dare to attack her, and it shows in the tiny wrinkles in her nose as she paints a snarl on her pale face. "I am gonna win!" the girl exclaims, conveniently forgetting the fact that they were to attack as one Clan. While Glimmerkit takes the high ground, Cherrykit chooses to lunge for Bobbie's exposed shoulder and hook her pinprick claws into long, mousy fur, more to weigh her down than an actual attack.
Bobbie has always been amusing to Doomkit. She talks funny, but he kind of likes it. And she is the queen who corrals Plaguekit, though she’s not as firm about it as Orangeblossom is to her kits. He thinks Plaguekit probably gets away with way more stuff than he does. Watching her flash her teeth up to the root gives him a little shock, though—he’s never realized she had such scary teeth! “Whoa,” he yips, bouncing in place. Glimmerkit and Cherrykit stream around him to attack the ‘badger,’ his lilac milk-sister leaping onto her back while the calico tries to hook her claws into her shoulder.

No, I’m gonna win!” He sticks his tongue out in Cherrykit’s general direction, galloping toward Bobbie with a mischievous gleam in his eyes. He launches himself at her swiping forepaw, attempting to sink his teeth into the top of her paw.


Sure enough, within a matter of moments, Bobbie is buried under the fuzzy pelts of three kits; their tiny teeth and claws don't hurt much as they rush her with miniature battle-cries. Glimmerkit is perched on her back and play-biting her, while Cherrykit's pinprick claws pull at the fur on her shoulder and Doomkit bites her waving forepaw. Orangeblossom's kits appear to have as much fire as their mother as they bare tiny teeth in snarls, and Doomkit seems to share Plaguekit's fondness for biting things. Not a terrible fate by any means to be squished under the fluffy kittens, though, she thinks amusedly.

It really doesn't hurt much, she's certainly known worse, but she's really trying to entertain the kits, so Bobbie sways about a few steps dramatically, little bodies hanging onto her with their small claws and teeth pricking her flesh. "Oh, no! I've been d-defeated by KittenClan! Bleh ..." She mews, trying to make her voice growly like whatever kits must think badgers sound like. Careful not to squish any kits, the lilac queen flops onto her belly and shuts her eyes, the tip of a pink tongue poking out of her mouth in a 'dead' expression. One pale eye opens and Bobbie playfully pokes at the kits' rivalry in a 'narrator' voice, "With the badger defeated, who will claim cr-credit for KittenClan's victory?"