private the modern world is turning the wrong way / chilled

It is with frantic sort of energy that Needledrift trots back to camp. The rest of patrol is lagging behind, happily trading praise and laughs from the morning, but Needledrift cannot share in their joy. Her brain was clogged, stopped up by those worm-like thoughts that dug into her brain. Mothpaw knew nothing, or as close to nothing as was possible for an apprentice to know at two moons into their training.

She does not think. She does not wait. Before she really knows what is happening, her paws are carrying her to a familiar ink-black pelt, her brow furrowed as she offers a gentle rrrrrrrrrrrrrrmp! as a form of greeting. Perhaps another day, the approach would be followed by some sort of friendly head bump or some allusion to the cats' relationship, but today, Needledrift was all business. We need to talk is written all over her usually stormy expression.

i will never leave your room, tell everything that bothers you

they were about to leave. they needed to hunt for the day before going on their lone patrols. they are only stopped by the sound of paws scrambling towards them, making them squint in their direction. needledrift. they blinked slowly with a huff, a bit agitated that they're being interrupted, but they hold their stoicism. there was no need to get needledrift all bunched up... they hoped. a tufted inked ear flicks their agitation away, and they settle their blue gaze upon the warrior. no unnecessary physical affection has the leader wondering what the hell was going on. as much as they did not like being touched, they had learned to get over it because of how overly affectionate needledrift was. they hadn't a choice– they couldn't just snap at her. it would be too mean, even for them, when needledrift was, more often than not, mute.

"needledrift. to what do i owe this intrusion? back from your patrol already?"

they speak dully, blinking with not so much as a speck of emotion.
Needledrift fights back the sudden embarrassment that had begun to warm her chest and cheeks at Chilledstar's apparent apathy. It takes her a heartbeat ot remind herself that the ShadowClan leader was merely like that, always even-tempered and seemingly emotionless. She had not done anything wrong just by approaching them. One, two, three, and the summer storm is pushed to the back of her mind.

Her paw flies up to her face, her brow knitted with concern. "I had Mothpaw out with myself and Tadpolepaw and he... Mothpaw... I-..." Words fail her for a moment. How could she spin this to make it seem as graceful as possible? It would be a cruel thing to simply throw Webstripe to the dogs, even if the thought of Mothpaw being so far behind made her ears grow hot with annoyance.

"I don't think Mothpaw is getting the training he needs. He- he can't even perform a decent hunting crouch. He's been an apprentice for two moons now, why -" She stops herself before she can say why hasn't Webstripe been more attentive? "I'm just... worried..."

chilledstar's ear twitched at the mention if the apprentice. they wonder why the warrior even cares about what another is doing for training of their own apprentice but clearly it's big enough if needledrift is insistent on bothering them. they yawn, almost as if they're bored but they are listening. they just are... turned off, so to speak. they tap their tail against the ground with a stretch of their claws before they just hummed.

"why, what? if you're gonna come to me with something, finish your thought. unless, this is just a waste of my time?"

it may have been mean, if it had any emotion attached to it. it didn't. they only tilt their head at her worry with a gentle lick of their paw that reaches up to clean their muzzle.

"worried about what? we offer plenty of group training. if mothpaw isn't picking up, maybe he just isn't shadowclan material."

dully, they move to stand a bit taller.

"though i suppose thats not why you're bugging me. what is it? you know i hate when you beat around the bush, needledrift."
"Mothpaw won't pick anything up if his mentor isn't ever putting anything down!" It comes out a garbled mess in her frustration (and fear) but in a moment, the statement is out in the air and not something she can swallow down again. She takes a breath to steady herself before trying again:

"Webstripe is completely absent when it comes to Mothpaw. He'd rather do anything else. I think... I think Mothpaw should be reassigned to someone who will give him the tools he needs to succeed." Again, the words meld together as they tumble out of her crooked mouth, but Needledrift pulls herself upright as she speaks them to give herself an air of confidence (maybe it will distract her friend leader from her practically knocking knees.) She hates confrontation and she especially hates basically challenging the most important figure in her clan, but she couldn't just stand there and let Mothpaw fall through the cracks for something that isn't his fault!

they seem momentarily shocked that needledrift has decided to raise her voice at them. they step back, not in fear but in a sense of control to themself. they hated being questioned in what they were doing. if needledrift had addressed this in a different manner, than maybe the results would have been different. their lip curls up in a smile as anger floats in their eyes, and they begin to laugh. they laugh directly in her face, raising a paw to try and stop the laughter, giggling and snorting as that uneasy smile remains.

"oh my goodness! for a second there I thought that you were yelling at me and questioning what i decided to do in my clan! there is no way that you'd ever do that, right needledrift? right?!"

they laugh a few more times before they just grin.

"you're certainly quite the cat, my friend! so brave for directing me that our young friend needs a mentor! since you so know everything, you can teach twice as much!! isn't that so fun! congratulations. you got what you want. mothpaw has a new mentor. you. and i hope both of your apprentice become such outstanding warriors, as you have, hm? now, if you will excuse me, darling! that was a wonderful laugh!"

their smile fades into anger before they just roll their eyes and turn to leave. there is a bit of regret in their chest but they cannot take back what they've said, now. they won't. their stubbornness becomes them.